we’re building a vegan world!

By joining you become a “User” with a “Profile“. Add a profile picture and banner to your profile! As a user you may add various Listings, Events, Posts, and Interact throughout the site. Please contact us if you have any issues with submitting this!

Login & Username

Username is also your profile URL so please keep it short and related to your name rather than a business name. Add a listing after you join for your business, services, or events. This cannot easily be changed.

Your Vegan Story

Selecting Year, Month and Day is required. Approximately when did you go vegan?

Additional Information

This helps us know the best way to spread the word.
Password must be strong (beween 6 and 30 characters) otherwise you will not be able to submit this form.
Password must be strong (beween 6 and 30 characters) otherwise you will not be able to submit this form.

Your user profile is a chance to more personally connect others with “who you are” and your activity on VeganLinked. After you complete this visit your profile to add a profile picture and a banner image to complement your vegan story.

At any time when you’re logged in you may edit your user profile in your profile’s “account”. In your account you can change your password, access various settings for notifications, change privacy settings (e.g. hiding different elements of your profile, even hide whole profile), view notifications, and adjust messaging settings, etc. Please contact me if you have any questions!

Consider adding a listing or few! Listings like “Professionals”, “Organizations”, and “Food & Drink” are more “what you do”. And “Events” are more “where we go”. And “Friends” are more who we go with.

Building your vegan community by adding listings is easy! Reach out to others and say “Add a listing (or event) on VeganLinked.com!”. Once your community has grown be sure to share your city or state slug. For example, https://veganlinked.com/locations/united-states/north-carolina/charlotte/. You may even like to buy a domain name to forward to your city, state, category, or tag slugs URL like I did forwarding VeganCharlotte.com to the long URL.

Have fun growing your vegan community and helping us cultivate, coordinate, and accelerate the vegan movement!