Katya Gorbacheva
Katya @Gorbacheva, one of the strongest #vegan women on the planet is here to help you embody what vegans can be – undeniably powerful, capable, formidable. Want
Katya is an elite Powerlifter and proud member of the PlantBuilt VeganStrong Team . She is living proof that plants have all the #protein you need beat omnivores at a national level! Stop by totalbodylab.com to learn how to get stronger, improve your endurance and mobility, get rid of back pain, or train for your first #bodybuilding / #powerlifting competition !
Special Offers
Mobility Program + Katya's favorite equipment Guide - code VEGFESTEXPOS gives 100% off
Highest Credential
B.S.E. Duke University, ACE Personal Training Certificate, USAPL Nationally Qualified / USPA Elite
Linked Events
May 13, 2023, 8:00 am
4:00 pm
Katya, member of team PlantBuilt will be competing against omnivores. Come hang and support her! It’s an all day event. Read more...