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  • Janet Sutta

For the past several years I have noticed that I felt increasingly woozy starting in December until late April . Late April or early May is the time of year that dandelion, garlic mustard, wild onions, chives start to come up and I start to forage greens and I feel sharp, happy, energetic and healthy. I foraged as usual at the start of the pandemic in 2020 and started looking into getting more veggies into my diet through the winter. I figured that the store bought kale/chickory/beet tops/ other greens that I was buying in the winter would be less nutritious than what I picked in the summer so I'd have to eat more of them. As the pandemic progressed I started losing weight, little at a time, and all over my body. I felt great, had (and still have) lots of energy .
I started to research a program for introducing a plant based diet to a particular ethnic group that was experiencing high rates of obesity and diabetes and saw my diet being touted on several websites and videos. Watching and learning I thought that increasing the variety of greens and grains might be beneficial so I started to pick up a more varied selection of greens added different nuts and added some spices to my diet. Since I keep feeling better and better I figure I'm doing OK and will keep going. I seldom eat out at restaurants so I haven't had to find a vegan restaurant or find items on a regular menu that I can eat, and I still have an occaisional egg a little cheese, or even a small piece of steak when I'm in the mood. But I draw the line at added sugar, "thanks, but not for me" and refined flour. No bread, cake, ice cream etc. My only problem with my diet now, is that I seldom get hungry. I eat a lot of "green" and it seems to keep me feeling satisfied. guess I'm "almost" a vegan. Feeling relaxed about food, Jganvet