Kasho Buddha
I am a 51-Year WFPB Vegan. I have not been sick nor been to a doctor for illness in 51 years!
I was constantly sick as a child and got the FLU every September for 23 consecutive years, from the age of 5 till the age of 23, regardless of whether or not I got a Flu shot. I also had between 3 to 5 colds every year. When I contracted the Flu every year I would be bed ridden for at least 5-7 days. In 1973 when a produce manager at a vegetarian market gave me some 25 herb Chinese Tea and it miraculously removed my fever and I was well within 6 hours of drinking the tea, I decided to take this man up on his suggestion that I adopt a vegetarian diet.
When I became vegetarian and gave up all meat and fish, I did increase my consumption of cheese and there was no change in my weight. I was slightly chubby. As a vegetarian for 15 years I only contracted the flu twice and each time it was a mild case.
In 1988, I had the great fortune of attaining my life-long goal of Buddhahood while meditating. I shall not describe the profound experience but I was suddenly overcome with a burning desire to “Save Living Beings”. Having grown up in New York City I was completely ignorant of animal farming and I knew nothing about the production of milk. I merely assumed that no harm came to the dairy cows when giving their milk. However, it was absolutely imperative I determine that no animals were harmed so, the following day
I went onto a PETA website called “milksucks.com” (now defunct) where I learned the awful truth about milk production. The cows don’t roam the fields eating their normal diet of grass. Rather, they are chained to their stalls, get no exercise and are fed GMO laced Soy and old stale candy bars. When a cow gives birth the female calves are sourced to be milk-producing cows while the male calves are left to starve and sold as veal. Having discovered this horrific, abused life of cows, I instantaneously took a vow to become a 100% vegan and to never again consume any product that comes from any other living being.
Three months after becoming 100% vegan I noticed all of my pants were too big and kept falling down. I discovered that I had suddenly lost 35 pounds in having given up cheese and milk products! I conclude that Dr. Neil Barnard, President of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine was correct when he said “cheese is more dangerous than meat”. When I quit eating meat I did not lose any weight but when I gave up cheese I lost 35 pounds! I’ve read most of his books.
In 1993 I went to a Buddhist meeting attended by 30 people and a week later received a notice from that meeting organizer informing me the guest speaker had Tuberculosis and it was recommended I visit the doctor for a check-up as Tuberculosis is an air-born illness. I did not go to the doctor but a month later went to donate my blood platelets to help cancer patients. Two weeks later I got a letter from the clinic that I could no longer donate blood. In phoning the doctor he informed me that I had a Tuberculosis Antibody in my blood which prohibited me from donating blood. When I asked what this meant, the doctor told me that apparently, I had been around someone who had Tuberculosis and because my immune system is so strong my body created an antibody to prevent me from contracting the illness!
In 2004 I had a motorcycle spill and fractured my leg and, being unable to work I ended up in a homeless shelter for 12 months. Everyone in the shelter had bedbug bites all over their bodies except for me, the only vegan. I even awoke one morning and found a bedbug on my sheet right in front of my eyes. I concluded my never having gotten a bedbug bite to have been the result of my vegan diet and that the bedbugs were not attracted the pheromones my body emitted.
Eight years ago, in 2016, at the age of 71 I received a phone call from a V.A. nurse asking me to come in for an annual physical. I told her it was not necessary. She insisted saying to me, “No, let me explain. The doctor has not seen you in 25 years and given your age he just wants to make sure you’re in good health. I went and gave blood and urine samples and returned the following week to see the doctor. He looked at my lab results and then he staired at me. Then he looked at the lab results and again he staired at me. When he did this a third time I became concerned. I asked, “Doc, what’s wrong?” “How old are you?”, he asked. “I’m 71 years old.”, I replied. Then the doctor said, “Well, according to these lab results, you appear to have the body of a 35 year old. I’ve never seen anything like this before. I said, “That’s because I’m a 46-year WFPB vegan. I’ve been studying nutrition for 45 years. I’ve concluded that only three things cause illness in humans, meat, dairy and chemicals.”
And when you eliminate those from your diet you never get sick! My body is the living proof of everything that Dr. Michael Greger says in his book, “How Not to Die”.
And now, my body is living proof of everything that Dr. Michael Greger says in his latest book, “How Not to Die”.
I’ve created the Buddhist Diet:
“Eat only fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts and seeds, organic whenever possible.”
This diet is revealed and explained in my forthcoming book, “The Truth About Buddhism”. The Truth about Buddhism is that “there is no meat-eating in Buddhism” because the Buddha clearly states, “He who eats meat is no disciple of mine.”
Most people are completely unaware exactly what is in their food. Unbeknownst to most people, food manufacturers are permitted by the FDA to add up to 1,000 different chemical ingredients without having to list them on the “Ingredients” label of packaged food! Unless you eat only plant-based organic whole foods, you really don’t know what’s in your food!!!
Want to know what causes cancer and ALL illness?
MEAT, DAIRY and man-made chemicals (GMO’s pesticides, artificial flavorings and colors.) are the cause of all human illness.
I am living proof that if anyone follows the diet I have created they will be able to attain Optimum Health just as I have.
The 21st Century Buddha
I was constantly sick as a child and got the FLU every September for 23 consecutive years, from the age of 5 till the age of 23, regardless of whether or not I got a Flu shot. I also had between 3 to 5 colds every year. When I contracted the Flu every year I would be bed ridden for at least 5-7 days. In 1973 when a produce manager at a vegetarian market gave me some 25 herb Chinese Tea and it miraculously removed my fever and I was well within 6 hours of drinking the tea, I decided to take this man up on his suggestion that I adopt a vegetarian diet.
When I became vegetarian and gave up all meat and fish, I did increase my consumption of cheese and there was no change in my weight. I was slightly chubby. As a vegetarian for 15 years I only contracted the flu twice and each time it was a mild case.
In 1988, I had the great fortune of attaining my life-long goal of Buddhahood while meditating. I shall not describe the profound experience but I was suddenly overcome with a burning desire to “Save Living Beings”. Having grown up in New York City I was completely ignorant of animal farming and I knew nothing about the production of milk. I merely assumed that no harm came to the dairy cows when giving their milk. However, it was absolutely imperative I determine that no animals were harmed so, the following day
I went onto a PETA website called “milksucks.com” (now defunct) where I learned the awful truth about milk production. The cows don’t roam the fields eating their normal diet of grass. Rather, they are chained to their stalls, get no exercise and are fed GMO laced Soy and old stale candy bars. When a cow gives birth the female calves are sourced to be milk-producing cows while the male calves are left to starve and sold as veal. Having discovered this horrific, abused life of cows, I instantaneously took a vow to become a 100% vegan and to never again consume any product that comes from any other living being.
Three months after becoming 100% vegan I noticed all of my pants were too big and kept falling down. I discovered that I had suddenly lost 35 pounds in having given up cheese and milk products! I conclude that Dr. Neil Barnard, President of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine was correct when he said “cheese is more dangerous than meat”. When I quit eating meat I did not lose any weight but when I gave up cheese I lost 35 pounds! I’ve read most of his books.
In 1993 I went to a Buddhist meeting attended by 30 people and a week later received a notice from that meeting organizer informing me the guest speaker had Tuberculosis and it was recommended I visit the doctor for a check-up as Tuberculosis is an air-born illness. I did not go to the doctor but a month later went to donate my blood platelets to help cancer patients. Two weeks later I got a letter from the clinic that I could no longer donate blood. In phoning the doctor he informed me that I had a Tuberculosis Antibody in my blood which prohibited me from donating blood. When I asked what this meant, the doctor told me that apparently, I had been around someone who had Tuberculosis and because my immune system is so strong my body created an antibody to prevent me from contracting the illness!
In 2004 I had a motorcycle spill and fractured my leg and, being unable to work I ended up in a homeless shelter for 12 months. Everyone in the shelter had bedbug bites all over their bodies except for me, the only vegan. I even awoke one morning and found a bedbug on my sheet right in front of my eyes. I concluded my never having gotten a bedbug bite to have been the result of my vegan diet and that the bedbugs were not attracted the pheromones my body emitted.
Eight years ago, in 2016, at the age of 71 I received a phone call from a V.A. nurse asking me to come in for an annual physical. I told her it was not necessary. She insisted saying to me, “No, let me explain. The doctor has not seen you in 25 years and given your age he just wants to make sure you’re in good health. I went and gave blood and urine samples and returned the following week to see the doctor. He looked at my lab results and then he staired at me. Then he looked at the lab results and again he staired at me. When he did this a third time I became concerned. I asked, “Doc, what’s wrong?” “How old are you?”, he asked. “I’m 71 years old.”, I replied. Then the doctor said, “Well, according to these lab results, you appear to have the body of a 35 year old. I’ve never seen anything like this before. I said, “That’s because I’m a 46-year WFPB vegan. I’ve been studying nutrition for 45 years. I’ve concluded that only three things cause illness in humans, meat, dairy and chemicals.”
And when you eliminate those from your diet you never get sick! My body is the living proof of everything that Dr. Michael Greger says in his book, “How Not to Die”.
And now, my body is living proof of everything that Dr. Michael Greger says in his latest book, “How Not to Die”.
I’ve created the Buddhist Diet:
“Eat only fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts and seeds, organic whenever possible.”
This diet is revealed and explained in my forthcoming book, “The Truth About Buddhism”. The Truth about Buddhism is that “there is no meat-eating in Buddhism” because the Buddha clearly states, “He who eats meat is no disciple of mine.”
Most people are completely unaware exactly what is in their food. Unbeknownst to most people, food manufacturers are permitted by the FDA to add up to 1,000 different chemical ingredients without having to list them on the “Ingredients” label of packaged food! Unless you eat only plant-based organic whole foods, you really don’t know what’s in your food!!!
Want to know what causes cancer and ALL illness?
MEAT, DAIRY and man-made chemicals (GMO’s pesticides, artificial flavorings and colors.) are the cause of all human illness.
I am living proof that if anyone follows the diet I have created they will be able to attain Optimum Health just as I have.
The 21st Century Buddha