Sarah Gale
I took voluntary redundancy in 2018 and reengaged with the animal activism of my youth which, back then, only consisted of cruelty free cosmetics and signing a few petitions. I then made the connection that ethical veganism is the ‘moral baseline’ as Francione said.
I never knew how hideous the dairy industry is and just thought it was the meat industry. When I discovered the unimaginable cruelty of both industries, I became an ethical vegan for the animals overnight. I will never go back.
I suffer from daily Weltschmerz when I think about the treatment of the animals but passionate and dedicated fellow ethical vegans keep me hopeful.
I never knew how hideous the dairy industry is and just thought it was the meat industry. When I discovered the unimaginable cruelty of both industries, I became an ethical vegan for the animals overnight. I will never go back.
I suffer from daily Weltschmerz when I think about the treatment of the animals but passionate and dedicated fellow ethical vegans keep me hopeful.