Katya Gorbacheva
I've gotten into powerliftng after college and noticed that eating too much animal protein made me sluggish. Found out why when tested blood at work. Cholesterol and triglycerides were borderline risk at 23 y.o.! I've decided to give a plant based diet a shot and never looked back.
Unlike most athletes - most of my muscle was built AFTER I've transitioned to vegan. As a natural plant based athlete, I won an Overall Novice bikini title in 2019 NPC Atlantic Coast Championships, one of the largest bodybuilding shows in North Carolina going against meat-eaters and athletes on performance enhancing drugs. Also won Open and Overall bikini champion titles in the natural OCB Colonial Open bodybuilding show in Virginia in the spring of 2019. Totaling 7 awards from both shows.
My most recent win was the 1st place in 69kg powerlifting category at USAPL Power Mountain Showdown in Asheville September 25th, 2021. in March I took 2nd in Battle on the Border NC/SC USAPL meet which was a huge event. Pretty sure I was the only vegan there.
On top of running a small coaching team - I am also writing a book on body dysmorphia and tour with VegFest Expos to speak at vegan events in NC, SC, VA, TN! Invite me to your event to engage and motivate the crowd - vegan or not!
@gorbachevae shoot me a message on IG! Especially if you have a vegan friendly business.
I am always hiring knowledgeable nutritionists and athletes too - if you know someone, please introduce.
Use code VEGAN to get 10% off your first month of coaching 🙂 All coaching is done online so it doesn't matter where in the world you live, train and eat.
Unlike most athletes - most of my muscle was built AFTER I've transitioned to vegan. As a natural plant based athlete, I won an Overall Novice bikini title in 2019 NPC Atlantic Coast Championships, one of the largest bodybuilding shows in North Carolina going against meat-eaters and athletes on performance enhancing drugs. Also won Open and Overall bikini champion titles in the natural OCB Colonial Open bodybuilding show in Virginia in the spring of 2019. Totaling 7 awards from both shows.
My most recent win was the 1st place in 69kg powerlifting category at USAPL Power Mountain Showdown in Asheville September 25th, 2021. in March I took 2nd in Battle on the Border NC/SC USAPL meet which was a huge event. Pretty sure I was the only vegan there.
On top of running a small coaching team - I am also writing a book on body dysmorphia and tour with VegFest Expos to speak at vegan events in NC, SC, VA, TN! Invite me to your event to engage and motivate the crowd - vegan or not!
@gorbachevae shoot me a message on IG! Especially if you have a vegan friendly business.
I am always hiring knowledgeable nutritionists and athletes too - if you know someone, please introduce.
Use code VEGAN to get 10% off your first month of coaching 🙂 All coaching is done online so it doesn't matter where in the world you live, train and eat.