Rich Winograd
My wife Patty and I , originally from San Francisco and Boston respectively, both grew up within the invisible belief system that eating animals was normal, natural and necessary. We were both animal lovers, or so we thought. It was during the pandemic of Covid-19, living in Miami, that we came across documentaries, books and articles that removed our blindfolds and led to the light switch moment to make a change for the better. And it was because of Covid-19, a zoonotic disease transmitted from animals to humans, that we realized the hypocrisy of the human relationship with animals and the absurdity and destructive nature of the food production system on animals, humans, the planet and social justice as a whole. Today we continue to learn and grow and share our insight as animal rights, vegan and social justice activists, volunteering for several organizations. True Justice 4 All, a novel published in September 2024, our only book, and truejustice4all on Instagram, are our written contributions to the movement of which we are dedicated.