Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Joyful vegan since 2012 after one year a vegetarian and most of my life an omnivore.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
In the summer of 2017 I was encouraged by my mom to start a candy company. At the same time my sister began a plant based journey and asked that I craft treats that she could also enjoy. From there I tested several recipes to find just the right combination of ingredients to craft delicious confections without any animal products.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I firmly believe in being a vegan and therefore I am here.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Awakened in 2015, having been a slumbering vegetarian for 34 years! Planning with my partner, Martin, to set up a vegan B&B/Retreat/Activist Centre in England in 2019 - watch this space!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I am the founder of Veenofs and an all-natural vegan bodybuilder. My mission now is to promote a vegan lifestyle and great vegan products that I truly believe in, which excludes exploitation of - and cruelty to - animals for the purpose of clothing, food, and experimentation.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Check us out at:
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I'm not vegan but I enjoy learning new ways to cook.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
My wife had been vegan for many years and I was starting to feel sick so I decided to give it a try. I started to feel better and lost between 50-60lbs. I noticed that I did not miss having meat and other animal products so I have continued. I am now a vegan as I believe that we are supposed to take care of the earth and all of its inhabitants and that animals are not food but they are here for their own purpose not to be food for us.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Always an animal rights advocate, the light went on about who and what I was eating and to what I was contributing.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I was off & on vegetarian most of my adult life but it wasn't until I discovered the dairy industry that I become vegan overnight. I am a mother so Veganism was a simple choice for me. I am vegan for love.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I have not had meat since 1968 Became vegan in 1998
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Went Vegan cold turkey because I was curious and wanted to see whether I could live healthier without consuming animal products. Never looked back.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Love being vegan and love how healthy I feel!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I became vegan in 2011 after watching "Best Speech Ever" by Gary Yourofsky! Right before I went vegan I had my blood work done and my total cholesterol was high, 168. I was also getting sick like allergies twice a year. It was causing drainage accompanied with weazing and infections which was why I got my blood work done.

6 years after going vegan I had to know my bloodwork. It was down to 125! I wasn't sick that entire time. And I had only removed animals and their secretions. I did nothing else.

For that first 6 years I only knew what not to eat but really didn't know how to eat until 2017. I started studying nutrition a little and learned about a whole-food, plant based diet and how it's the healthiest.

When I realized no one needed to eat animals at all (unless they're in extreme desperate circumstances of course) I also realized it was likely hurting everyone; the slaughterhouse worker, the consumer, the health care system, zoonotic disease, on and on....
I became very intrigued by nutrition most notably. If the healthiest way to be is vegan then why kill animals at all?
So, now I have devoted my entire life to learning what I can about nutrition, advocating, and capturing other people's vegan stories for vegan linked. ❤
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
In Des Moines, IA, I plan monthly dine outs for a group of vegans, vegetarians or want-to be's. Everyone is invited, as long as they order plant food for that evening's dinner.
Vegan Since :
Vegan Since :
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I became vegetarian ten years prior to becoming vegan. I became vegan for ethical reasons.
Vegan Since :
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I became a vegetarian as a child, then was educated about the dairy industry, and went vegan.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Hello, I've been working on the website hard since April 1st 2024. So, you may see some changes. But, I've made significant progress. All the core functionality is there though. So join, make friends, post to the blog, add listings, and add events to build up your community and a vegan world! Ok, back to work. Here's a bit of my vegan journey. I need to update it but here's a start:

I went vegan after watching Gary Yourofsky's best speech in 2011. I literally did nothing more than stop eating what little animal I was eating already and just ate more of everything else I ate, including french fries. In 2017 I had my bloodwork done to save money on my insurance. My total cholesterol was 121!

I remembered having my bloodwork done about 6 years earlier; in late 2010, right before I happened to go vegan. My total cholesterol was 168 then. Six years of not eating animals, no other changes, brought my LDL and Triglycerides down that much and HDL up too. The visceral fat fast that had been progressively accumulating around my waist just like my father, and both of my grandfathers, vanished. And still now at 51 in 2024 I'm basically the same as I was when I was in my late 20's. And, I no longer get sick. Before going vegan I would usually get sick twice a year at the change of the seasons; hence the reason I had my bloodwork done in 2010.

All of this intrigued me. So, I started listening to doctors on YouTube. I also just started walking in my neighborhood for the first time. I would take these long walks and absorb so much of it that I was inspired to prepare more whole plant foods, dig deeper into nutrition, and that led into a little into science, biochemistry, anatomy, evolution, and logic, looking at how others are doing around me, how I've improved but my extended family didn't when they were in their 30's. I'm now 50 with the same body I had in my 20's and very sedentary with all this editing and not being very happy with walking in this neighborhood anymore.

I went vegan for ethical reasons in 2011. In 2017 I realized everyone can be vegan and may even be significantly healthier as a result eating a well-planned vegan diet. Understanding the potential a vegan way of eating has for human health I became obligated to do all I can to share this information, learn more, explore far, and help others along the way as much as I can. To make sure, again I had to ask, "is there any reason to eat animals?" and no one could justify it for anything other than social conformity, an infantile habituation really.

In an effort to organize my contributions and efforts, free content creation for vegan businesses and events, I started as a website directory. I didn't have the budget or help to accomplish much beyond that in the first stretch of working on the site. I took a break from developing the site after a few months into it and just left it on autopilot while I was building up the channel.

Now the channel is approaching 100K subscribers. I’ve shot hundreds of interviews around the country on location, solo. I produced a documentary for Jane Velez-Mitchell in 2019. I bought a house an hour and an half from me in 2020 to produce videos with Dr. Garth Davis; after fixing the house up, renting it b/c I can’t afford it, putting an accessory building on the property and turning that into a studio.

Garth and I did about 5 videos before he and his family suddenly had to move back to Texas. At the same time Dr Kong approached me about the book she was working on called Vegan Voices; composed of stories from 50 different authors.

I offered to interview some of the authors from her book if she helped me with travel and coordination. And it was that first run that set motion for hundreds more interviews to come.

Right away, about 3 interviews in, I realized I needed to do a documentary. I had helped Jane with hers but that was her vision and entirely her style. I just did all the editing and helped think things through and shot some of it.

The documentary I would love to do hasn’t been done really. And it’s unfolding now through the interviews as they progress.

As time has permitted over the years I have tried to come back to the website. Each time I have spent a couple or few months dealing with the developers and ultimately brought it a step further. I worked hard on the site from 12/22 to 3/23 and really overcame some milestones (with listings & events) that were holding me back for years. This enabled me to focus on and try and take the site to a new level (with user profiles) which brought on new issues. Now in 2024 I’m getting past those user issues and implementing a forum and hopefully getting to a point of stylizing the site and actually start promoting it.

So, that’s just some of how things evolved in my vegan life; from ethics to health, to everything and everyone, to doing all I can and now this is all I do. I would love to pull off a huge documentary. But, thus far it’s just been me with really zero budget. Consequently, it may just end up being more of a compilation instead of reshooting specifically for the documentary and with a team.