Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I went whole food plant-based, SOS-free for health reasons.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I'm vegetarian since age 2, vegan since 18, but the date thing would date forever to roll back on this site: I'm 63. I fell in love with a calf at a petting zoo in Connecticut called "Old McDonald's Farm" at two. I later pointed to the meat case at my mother's regular kosher butcher, and asked Lenny where it came from. He described it to me. I was HORRIFIED they were eating my friends, like vampires. I was two.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I grew up on a small farm in the midwest, we had cows, pigs, sheep, chickens, lots of cats, and a dog. I knew all about the process of raising animals that eventually were loaded up on a truck and...we know the rest.
I was the county fair queen and champion beef showman, but on the flip side, I remember the sadness I felt when that champion steer was loaded onto a truck.
In my college years, I announced I was a vegetarian to my family, that didn't go over well. It was like I had just denounced our way of life. However, my father - a hard working fit man who never drank alcohol or smoked, died of a massive heart attack at the age of 51. He looked so healthy, but we ate meat, eggs, and dairy at nearly every meal. Fast foward five decades and I watch The Game Changers. My next meal was vegan and I never looked back. I know most people can't change that quickly, but I did. I've witnessed several family members and loved ones struggle with heart bypass operations, the fear, the pain. I want to spare others (and yes, myself).
I was the county fair queen and champion beef showman, but on the flip side, I remember the sadness I felt when that champion steer was loaded onto a truck.
In my college years, I announced I was a vegetarian to my family, that didn't go over well. It was like I had just denounced our way of life. However, my father - a hard working fit man who never drank alcohol or smoked, died of a massive heart attack at the age of 51. He looked so healthy, but we ate meat, eggs, and dairy at nearly every meal. Fast foward five decades and I watch The Game Changers. My next meal was vegan and I never looked back. I know most people can't change that quickly, but I did. I've witnessed several family members and loved ones struggle with heart bypass operations, the fear, the pain. I want to spare others (and yes, myself).
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
My vegan story is long and drawnout and ups and downs. Jeff made a great video about it.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
i wish i could share this very beautiful long journey of mine in this section but i would have to make it really short which i think it does not deserve to be cutout. they all mean so much to me. feel free to reach out when you have plenty of time 😉
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
After attending a 10-day Vipassana silent meditation course, it became clear that I did not want to harm other sentient beings just to temporarily satisfy my taste buds. After becoming vegan for animal compassion reasons, my wife and I became mostly whole foods plant based to extend that compassion to ourselves.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Witnessing awful treatment of cows, sheeps, and other animals in my pre-veterinary college program shocked me. I didn't understand their suffering until then. I tried to stay with the pre-veterinary program but dropped out after two years because I lost morale seeing what even veterinary students were expected to do to their patients. I met animal rights activists soon after I left college. Their literature was entirely consistent with my feelings. I began volunteering with them, I saw they were happy & healthy vegans, and I became vegan soon after. As with so many other humans I know, my biggest regret is not becoming vegan sooner.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Originally went plant-based with my brothers as something new to try out during the beginning of quarantine. After connecting with the ethics a few months later through watching videos and reading arguments about the vegan position, I became a vegan for life.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I am a Registered Nurse for 31 years. I Have been overweight my whole life. I developed gestational diabetes 15 years ago. I feel compelled to focus on my longevity primarily for the sake of my son. I don't want to miss the major milestones in his life. I want to be a "Glam Ma"! I don't just want to be alive, I want to LIVE. I am currently prescribed Metformin, Victoza, Glucophage, Lisinipril, Simvastatin and Gabapentin. I need to get off these medications. I enjoy eating the fruits and veggies. I have been avoiding fried foods, bread, dairy, white sugar. I have issues with candies. When I eat them, I overeat them. I know I am doing better with food choices. I am 5 6.5 211lbs. Goal weight is 150lbs. I am convinced WFPB eating can help me reach that goal.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Started my journey on the 13th of November, 2022 due to ill health.
I have been having a lot of health issues, fibroid, High cholesterol etc.
I changed my diet and immediately experienced a change.
I have been having a lot of health issues, fibroid, High cholesterol etc.
I changed my diet and immediately experienced a change.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
“Let’s start doing Meatless Mondays” my wife told me as I had a beer in my hand…”Ughhh, fine… I’ll give it a try.”
After a few weeks, I noticed I felt better after Meatless Mondays over any other day of the week (sadly indulging in Omnivore Meals)
So… I decided to give up Dairy for a few days… which turned into a week… which turned into a month… which turned into: “Damn, I don’t feel bloated anymore…”
That led to: “well let’s try more meat free days”… leading to… a few weeks… leading to “Damn I haven’t had meat or dairy in a month…” and my plant based journey began.
Now I say plant based, because that is a diet, or choice on how to eat.
It took me about 2 years to finally figure that out and understand what “being vegan” means…
Being Vegan is all about the animals. It’s about how you SEE them As beings and NOT animals, treat them ALL equal, and think about them as LIFE instead of PROFITS!
After a few weeks, I noticed I felt better after Meatless Mondays over any other day of the week (sadly indulging in Omnivore Meals)
So… I decided to give up Dairy for a few days… which turned into a week… which turned into a month… which turned into: “Damn, I don’t feel bloated anymore…”
That led to: “well let’s try more meat free days”… leading to… a few weeks… leading to “Damn I haven’t had meat or dairy in a month…” and my plant based journey began.
Now I say plant based, because that is a diet, or choice on how to eat.
It took me about 2 years to finally figure that out and understand what “being vegan” means…
Being Vegan is all about the animals. It’s about how you SEE them As beings and NOT animals, treat them ALL equal, and think about them as LIFE instead of PROFITS!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Caddied for Jack LaLanne as a teen, became an earth scientist, lost too many friends to heart attacks… All roads pointed me to plants.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Born vegan. Force fed the belief that eating animals was normal. Fixed it.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I read the book Diet for a New America by John Robbins and was blown away by the information I was getting. The transition was easy for me, gratifying and started me on a lifelong journey to help change the world.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I had gone through a rough period in my life where I would get little sleep, no exercise, and ate fast food every day (McDonald’s what is the only place open at 1 AM). In late 2010, I decided I needed to make major changes having just tip the scale at 195 (only being 5’7”). One of the decisions I made was to change the way I ate. That let me to read book after book about various diet … and I read a lot of them. There were two books that I read that pointed me to a vegan or whole food plant-based diet: the China Study by T: Campbell and How to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease by Dr. Caldwell Eccelstyn. So I adopted a plant-based diet in early 2011. I also decided to take running back up and began running marathons. I was quickly back down to my normal weight of 150.
While I see I adopted a vegan diet, I wasn’t very good vegan and consistently fell off the wagon. Cheese pizza was the usual meal that let me down the dark path; I guess you could say cheese pizza was my gateway drug. I would go off the wagon for 46 weeks at a stretch, which start feeling lousy, and then jump right back on.
I see my vegan story begins on June 27, 2017, because that’s the day that while I was riding the New York subway, I had my heart attack. Fortunately, it was an extremely mild heart attack … I walked to my office from the subway … after several doctors visits, one doctor sent me down and said the plaque on my arteries was better than most people, my age, but given my diet lifestyle, weight and cholesterol (175 at the time), I shouldn’t have any plaque. He suggested that I get tested for LPa. I tested positive for high levels of LPa and the doctor recommended. I keep my cholesterol as low as possible. That’s when I became a serious vegan.
I had discovered during my vegan apprenticeship, that it’s easy to cheat when you’re just eating for yourself. I then studied the effects that the meat, dairy and eggs industries have on the planet and more importantly, on the animals. It was, then I decided that I was going to eat not only for myself, but for the planet and my furry, feather and finned friends. I haven’t touched an animal product since.
While I see I adopted a vegan diet, I wasn’t very good vegan and consistently fell off the wagon. Cheese pizza was the usual meal that let me down the dark path; I guess you could say cheese pizza was my gateway drug. I would go off the wagon for 46 weeks at a stretch, which start feeling lousy, and then jump right back on.
I see my vegan story begins on June 27, 2017, because that’s the day that while I was riding the New York subway, I had my heart attack. Fortunately, it was an extremely mild heart attack … I walked to my office from the subway … after several doctors visits, one doctor sent me down and said the plaque on my arteries was better than most people, my age, but given my diet lifestyle, weight and cholesterol (175 at the time), I shouldn’t have any plaque. He suggested that I get tested for LPa. I tested positive for high levels of LPa and the doctor recommended. I keep my cholesterol as low as possible. That’s when I became a serious vegan.
I had discovered during my vegan apprenticeship, that it’s easy to cheat when you’re just eating for yourself. I then studied the effects that the meat, dairy and eggs industries have on the planet and more importantly, on the animals. It was, then I decided that I was going to eat not only for myself, but for the planet and my furry, feather and finned friends. I haven’t touched an animal product since.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
During Corona quarantine, I became familiar with veganism.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I've been plant-based for over 10 years. I was struggling with digestive issues which at one point had me down to eating only 5 foods. Plant based eating, among other things, brought me back from that mess to a fully healthy, vibrant life!
The more I ate plants, the more I felt compassion for animals. Coming from a farming, hunting background, it was a long path. But now I love it and support a couple non-profit vegan organizations in Africa that are transforming so many lives there!!
The more I ate plants, the more I felt compassion for animals. Coming from a farming, hunting background, it was a long path. But now I love it and support a couple non-profit vegan organizations in Africa that are transforming so many lives there!!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I was a graduate student at Harvard when I became vegetarian, then soon thereafter I became vegan.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I was fat sick & dying of heart disease, pre-diabectic, 6 yrs Insomnia. I could barely stand, my feet were so painful. Everything hurt. I had arthritis. I was Vegetarian for 18 years at the time. When I first went vegetarian I became very healthy but now I realise I was mostly Vegan then I got a job and more money started coming in so I started buying heaps of chocolate, cakes, cheese, Eggs, dairy milk. I was 55 yrs old & believed we get old, fat & sick, live on pharmaceutical drugs then Die... I was ! My mother died of a brain tumour, my uncle - diabetes, aunty - 3 strokes & she died before 55. Another aunty - cancer.
...Then a Vegan came into my life...I learned what happens to cows & chickens... I decided I cannot be a part of such horrific Cruelty!
My daughter rang me at the precise moment...her first words were "mum, I'm going Vegan" to which I replied "so am I...Little did we know the dramatic, miraculous change going Vegan would have.
My daughter is now a well known animal activists...In America her nick name is "thunder from down under" - someone else calls her "The perfect storm."
Within a very short time after going Vegan my body healed - COMPLETELY!! MY doctors reaction to my before & after Vegan blood tests was unbelievable... he just sat there staring from the before to after results & couldn't speak except to finally say "How?"
I needed the answers to that question so I went on a journey to find out WHY.... I found Dr. Neal Barnard, Dr. Michael Greger & so many more doctors that turned from traditional medicines to studying Nutrition.
I'm now 8 years Vegan & I'm 64 - I can run, climb, move my furniture myself... I'm stronger, healthier, faster than I've ever been in my life. My brain absorbs more information faster. I'm so Grateful!
11 people at my dog park have gone Vegan.
My 6 year old Granddaughter has become a Vegan activist but she pronounces Vegan as Began 😆. My sister & brother are Vegan.
After going Vegan to Stop Cruelty to farm animals - ones whole mind set changes and we find ourselves thinking ethically on every subject. I'm now also an environmentalist.
I would like to live to see a Vegan world in which Kindness motivates us - animal farmers grow crops & greedy polititicians have to start listening...this is when we Take back our Power ! With KINDESS💚🌳🐥
...Then a Vegan came into my life...I learned what happens to cows & chickens... I decided I cannot be a part of such horrific Cruelty!
My daughter rang me at the precise moment...her first words were "mum, I'm going Vegan" to which I replied "so am I...Little did we know the dramatic, miraculous change going Vegan would have.
My daughter is now a well known animal activists...In America her nick name is "thunder from down under" - someone else calls her "The perfect storm."
Within a very short time after going Vegan my body healed - COMPLETELY!! MY doctors reaction to my before & after Vegan blood tests was unbelievable... he just sat there staring from the before to after results & couldn't speak except to finally say "How?"
I needed the answers to that question so I went on a journey to find out WHY.... I found Dr. Neal Barnard, Dr. Michael Greger & so many more doctors that turned from traditional medicines to studying Nutrition.
I'm now 8 years Vegan & I'm 64 - I can run, climb, move my furniture myself... I'm stronger, healthier, faster than I've ever been in my life. My brain absorbs more information faster. I'm so Grateful!
11 people at my dog park have gone Vegan.
My 6 year old Granddaughter has become a Vegan activist but she pronounces Vegan as Began 😆. My sister & brother are Vegan.
After going Vegan to Stop Cruelty to farm animals - ones whole mind set changes and we find ourselves thinking ethically on every subject. I'm now also an environmentalist.
I would like to live to see a Vegan world in which Kindness motivates us - animal farmers grow crops & greedy polititicians have to start listening...this is when we Take back our Power ! With KINDESS💚🌳🐥
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I had pretty bad angina in 2018. I watched Forks Over Knives and went totally vegan/plant based the following Sunday. I lost almost 60 pounds within 4 months and the angina disappeared within the first 30 days. I started slipping in vegan processed foods and quit losing weight instantly. Anyways, I have struggled to get full out plant based ever since, but hopefully it won’t be long now before I’m shedding the weight and getting healthy.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I became whole food plant based for my health.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Seeing my dog die made me realize the hypocrisy of the "foods" I was eating. Over the course of a year I was slowly phasing out animal products, learning about slaughterhouses and their absolute torturous practices with open eyes and ears. It finally got through to me for real this time and I was done for good. I wish I was born vegan, WFPB if I could've chosen 🙂
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
In college I was in an environmental philosophy class where I was randomly assigned to be part of a two person debate about the ethics of eating animals and their products. In the debate I was supposed to argue that it was ethical to do so. During my research for this class project, I tried to find solid ethical arguments for eating animals but was unable to do so. I might have lost the debate, but the animals won! I have been vegan ever since.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I was taken to a hatchery at 9 and saw all the chicks being gassed and suffocated. I went vegetarian in 1980 but didn’t put the full story of animal suffering together until around 1985. I was at a vegan picnic when I said "I don’t eat animals" but I was drinking milk in my English tea and someone said “You don’t kill animals to eat you just abuse and exploit them”. As soon as I was alone in my car driving away from the event my conscience knew and wouldn’t allow me to continue to financially support egregious cruelty I had not “ seen “ until his comment. He became my best friend really and we are still friends to this day and fellow activists 38 years later.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I was just watching YouTube. And Changing The Diet In The African Community. Popped up. And I decided from there I had to get control of my life. I already was having problems with meat. The smell was disgusting me.. And everyone around me think meat. Have to be the main course. And me as someone that lift weights. I was like where will I get my protein. Will I lose muscle mass. I just said I'm going all in. I can't let Society take over me.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
After a couple of years in the transition phase, in January of 2021, I committed to being 100% plant-based. I'd slip a day and pick myself up recognizing how sick whatever it was I ate made me. The time before 2021, I was mainly plant-based and it gave me a chance to learn more, especially from the luminaries who pioneered the science-backed studies confirming the benefits of living a plant-based lifestyle. I experienced more, learned more, and talked to more who were inspiring and encouraging. Today, I realize the vision I had of veganism was shaded by the veil of misunderstanding. Hearing people talk about being vegan, even in retrospect doesn't due it justice. I heard the words of compassion and feeling love. I had to experience it from a mother's perspective. I could imagine what it felt like to have your child snatched away from you. I could imagine how it might feel to be raped and impregnated, forced to have the child, and have it stolen away from you. I could imagine how a chicken who was born to lay eggs, would do so only to never see them incubate and hatch. I could imagine the pain of living years couped up in a pen and treated horrendously in horrendous conditions. It reminded me of what my ancestors felt like in the hull of a big boat after being stolen from their homes and carried for months in untenable conditions only to be sold to a human who treated them like animals. I have felt the impact of living in a smog riddled environment; concerned about growing plants because of acid rain and polluted ground water. These are still concerns and I am more than ever committed to being the example of living a healthy whole food, plant-based vegan lifestyle. At nearly 70 years old, I plan to see a few more decades healthy and prosperous as I help others to share their message and help others as well.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
My vegan journey is a long one. I stopped eating red meat and pork in 1996. I stopped eating white meat (turkey and chicken) in 2001. I stopped dairy in 2015. I was pescatarian off and on until 2019.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I lived across Whole Foods and found The Starch Solution book. This was the beginning of my journey.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Once I researched veganism I fell in love with the lifestyle
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I am the Executive Director of the oldest faith-based vegan org in the U.S.,, founded in 1998 by the Mary T and Frank L Hoffman Family Foundation. My ethical vegan journey began in 2008 after watching Earthlings. It has been a remarkable journey where I've met so many other like-minded souls and veganism just keeps growing every year! So glad to be vegan.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Vegan for the animals, the planet, and health.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
My mother was diagnosed with Parkinson's 12 years ago. Her diagnosis led our family on a journey that has led us to the knowledge of what is really in our foods. I am currently transitioning my Husband and children.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I slowly transitioned to being WFPB/Vegan after attending many NHA health conferences and reading books on Natural Hygiene. I witnessed remarkable health recovery with my young daughter and myself. After being in this lifestyle for over 25 years, I retired from my corporate career and became the Executive Director of the National Health Association which was founded in 1948 as a non profit to promote a Vegan/WFPB lifestyle.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I'm a professional vegan chef 30yrs and motivational coach/speaker. I created the 1st plantbased meals service call Veg-In-Out in 1992 and the 1st plantbased craft services call Healthy Hollywood 2013. I currently promote positivity with love Strong USA. We spread love and unity by posting motivational signs all across American ❤️.
Let's all work together to create a compassionate world with unity, equality and love.
Let's all work together to create a compassionate world with unity, equality and love.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
For years I suffered from severe menses pain. After going to several doctors and not finding any help I started looking online for others that were experiencing similar problems. I came across a site with hundreds of women talking about dairy and how taking it out of their diet made huge changes for them. I had been an on again off again vegetarian for decades and thought I'd give it a try. After a few months my whole world changed. After taking all animal products out of my life not only did my problems dissappear, but I also learned the truth about what happens to the animals that end up on our plates. My life is now dedicated to helping others come to the same realizations by speaking up for those who have no voice.
Youtube @ChangingTheTide
Youtube @ChangingTheTide
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I was vegetarian for 7 years, 1971-1978 because I believed it was important to living a spiritual life, and learned all nutrition . I gradually went back to eating animals except for cow's flesh. Yet vegetarian food remained a favorite. In spring of 2014, on Facebook I found a protest against a "pig rassle" by an animal rights group in Wisconsin (USA). These are like rodeos but for pigs, and in big mud pits. I was horrified by the cruelty, magnified because it was sponsored by a church. Through this protest I came across undercover videos of animal agriculture that shocked and disgusted me. I dove into researching more and very quickly went vegan, within a week. I learned about the many solutions offered by veganism to some of the most crucial, pervasive issues of our time. For me, living vegan is aligning my actions with the deepest values we all hold dear. It's about respecting all lives and being caregivers of the eatth.
During the first couple of vears, my advocacy was often driven by the outrage I felt in response to the inherent cruelty of all forms of commodifying sentient beings. Then I started a vegan food outreach business. BotaniCuisine. As my advocacy continued to evolve, I realized how important it is to build bridges of understanding, extending respect to those we want to reach yet maintaining an honest, uncompromising message.
During the first couple of vears, my advocacy was often driven by the outrage I felt in response to the inherent cruelty of all forms of commodifying sentient beings. Then I started a vegan food outreach business. BotaniCuisine. As my advocacy continued to evolve, I realized how important it is to build bridges of understanding, extending respect to those we want to reach yet maintaining an honest, uncompromising message.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I’m starting my vegan journey today! I’m ready to walk a spiritual path
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
In 2020 I was graciously given the title of “PETA Prime’s Most Beautiful Vegan Over 50.” for that year. I had almost not applied. I don’t seek attention in life, but I felt it was my duty to show up and share my experiences with the world, aiming to shatter myths and advocate for animals. I sent my application to PETA at the last minute and was honored to be selected as the winner—although I believe all vegans are winners!
When I started this journey in 2011, I never would have imagined that I’d be looking back on these major milestones:
In 1996, my mother gave me a book about vegetarianism, which immediately led me to stop eating meat and move away from my unconsciously speciesist lifestyle.
I moved from Türkiye (Turkey) to the U.S. in 1998, after singing as a soloist in Beethoven’s 9th Symphony in Istanbul, under the direction of American conductor William Thomas.
In 2004, I discovered my true baritone voice after training as a tenor for years at three different conservatories, which began my transformational journey.
I confidently and joyfully went vegan in 2011 after reading vegan triathlete Brendan Brazier’s Thrive. This decision dramatically fueled every aspect of my life.
It 2012, I began functional bodyweight training at home, which initiated my surprising physical transformation.
I formulated my vocal method, The Vocathletic System, in 2019 and added “athlete” to my credentials.
In 2020, shortly after the PETA Prime contest, I removed all oil from my diet and soon after started a whole food vegan diet.
In 2021, I became fully raw vegan.
And then I was the guest in three great interviews:
1- “Opera Singer Goes Vegan, Gets Massive Muscles” with Chuck Carroll on The Exam Room Podcast by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), founded by Dr. Neal Barnard.
2- “Bülent Güneralp’s Transformation Debunks Vocal, Athletic, Nutritional Myths” with Chef AJ.
3- “An Update on Food Is Climate” with Glen Merzer, hosted by Climate Healers, founded by Dr. Sailesh Rao.
Today I am an activist and an opera singer who ended up looking like a bodybuilder—solely as the result of eating plants, maintaining daily full-body functional training (no lifting weights or going to a gym), and as the byproduct of my extraordinary vocal journey.
When I started this journey in 2011, I never would have imagined that I’d be looking back on these major milestones:
In 1996, my mother gave me a book about vegetarianism, which immediately led me to stop eating meat and move away from my unconsciously speciesist lifestyle.
I moved from Türkiye (Turkey) to the U.S. in 1998, after singing as a soloist in Beethoven’s 9th Symphony in Istanbul, under the direction of American conductor William Thomas.
In 2004, I discovered my true baritone voice after training as a tenor for years at three different conservatories, which began my transformational journey.
I confidently and joyfully went vegan in 2011 after reading vegan triathlete Brendan Brazier’s Thrive. This decision dramatically fueled every aspect of my life.
It 2012, I began functional bodyweight training at home, which initiated my surprising physical transformation.
I formulated my vocal method, The Vocathletic System, in 2019 and added “athlete” to my credentials.
In 2020, shortly after the PETA Prime contest, I removed all oil from my diet and soon after started a whole food vegan diet.
In 2021, I became fully raw vegan.
And then I was the guest in three great interviews:
1- “Opera Singer Goes Vegan, Gets Massive Muscles” with Chuck Carroll on The Exam Room Podcast by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), founded by Dr. Neal Barnard.
2- “Bülent Güneralp’s Transformation Debunks Vocal, Athletic, Nutritional Myths” with Chef AJ.
3- “An Update on Food Is Climate” with Glen Merzer, hosted by Climate Healers, founded by Dr. Sailesh Rao.
Today I am an activist and an opera singer who ended up looking like a bodybuilder—solely as the result of eating plants, maintaining daily full-body functional training (no lifting weights or going to a gym), and as the byproduct of my extraordinary vocal journey.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
When I saw photos of cows going to the slaughterhouse.
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My Vegan Story :
I would like to regenerate inner tune, with my spiritual self, fill my power more.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I used to be eat meat and animal products until 3 years ago when I took part at a book study. The book was A Plea for The Animals, by Matthieu Ricard. Since reading that book I became a vegan instantly and inspired my wife, parents and sister to to the same. Now I am an activist with different animal welfare organizations and own a services and media business focused on growing the vegan and cruelty-free market in Brazil.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I struggled with health issues for a really long time, especially hormonal acne and bloating.
No matter what I tried, nothing worked. I then stumbled across the vegan diet and I saw images of animal agriculture that broke my heart.
I decided to go vegan over night and since then have been helping women to become their healthiest vegan selves!
No matter what I tried, nothing worked. I then stumbled across the vegan diet and I saw images of animal agriculture that broke my heart.
I decided to go vegan over night and since then have been helping women to become their healthiest vegan selves!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Pete Reimann fervently adopted a vegan lifestyle for ethical reasons in June of 2019, after being prompted by a random 'animal-rights outreach' video to ponder the question, "What do you value higher; taste pleasure or the life of an innocent animal?" Although he clicked on the video to make fun of vegans, his response was to adopt a vegan lifestyle on the spot. He was tired of living as a hypocrite, choosing his own taste-pleasure over the lives of animals he claimed to respect. He made the conscious decision to watch his first standard-legal practice slaughterhouse footage 3 days later, which provoked him to take action for the animals.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Going vegan was one of the best decisions of my life. ❤️
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I'm just here to see if I can find a vegan dating app - as I'm searching for the one and only Alicia Silverstone.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I went vegan after opening my eyes to the horrors of all animal farming, not just killing animals for meat. Every animal is a sentient being with all of the feelings that we experience! They mustn't be milked, or imprisoned for their eggs, or plucked, or sheared, etc. Becoming vegan was an awakening, even after 25 years of vegetarianism. The benefits to the animals and my own health were clear, but another thing I learned so much about was the benefit to the environment. If everyone went vegan, we'd be well on our way to saving the planet!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I opted for a vegan lifestyle a few years ago after my Dad suffered a heart attack and I wanted to dive more into health, I then learnt about the animal abuse and environmental factors.
I am now the Community Manager for We are a kids nutrition company in the UAE, serving science-backed healthy plant-based food to kids and promoting one plant-based meal a day. We have an app about to launch which will serve as a dietitian in parents pockets. Helping them make better food choices for their children, backed by some of the leading plant-based pediatric dietitians. All in the aim of getting children to eat more plants, more fiber and reduce lifestyle diseases in later life with proper education so you don't have to be a scientist to understand a nutrition fact label! We are reaching out to global vegan communities such as yourself to get as much support as we can to make plant-based living the norm for the future generation! Please feel free to reach out to me for more information and to see how we could collaborate with you. Thanks so much in advance for reading.
I am now the Community Manager for We are a kids nutrition company in the UAE, serving science-backed healthy plant-based food to kids and promoting one plant-based meal a day. We have an app about to launch which will serve as a dietitian in parents pockets. Helping them make better food choices for their children, backed by some of the leading plant-based pediatric dietitians. All in the aim of getting children to eat more plants, more fiber and reduce lifestyle diseases in later life with proper education so you don't have to be a scientist to understand a nutrition fact label! We are reaching out to global vegan communities such as yourself to get as much support as we can to make plant-based living the norm for the future generation! Please feel free to reach out to me for more information and to see how we could collaborate with you. Thanks so much in advance for reading.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I’m a returning vegan. My mother is a 50yr vegan and in wonderful condition, so I’m returning to my roots.
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My Vegan Story :
I am a new vegan and I realize how important it is to get support from the community.
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My Vegan Story :
Beginning full vegan journey to reverse disease
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My Vegan Story :
I became vegan 35 years ago after I found out what happened to dairy cows. I also lost my heart disease, my cancer, my obesity, and my pre diabetes by eating a whole food plant exclusive diet. Now I teach Food for Life Nutrition and Cooking Classes under Dr. Neal Barnard. I mostly teach Cancer Survival and Prevention and Reversing Diabetes. I have a 30 Day Vegan Health Watch Program under my business, VeganMentor. I founded Sacramento Vegan Society with over 5,000 members.I am an avid animal rights activist and I created Sacramento Animal Rights Group and Sacramento Animal Save. I work with PETA and DXE.
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My Vegan Story :
I was vegan curious for many years, but it wasn’t until I began experiencing serious health problems that I dedicated myself to a vegan lifestyle. Although health was my initial driving force, I now find that animal cruelty is my chief motivation for continuing on this path. I’m very nearly obsessed with vegan. And I like it that way.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I saw factory farmed undercover investigation footage many years ago and thought it was horrific how we treat animals. I went vegetarian a few times, then went vegan a few times, then slowly started getting into activism—and now my life is devoted to helping end factory farming and help animals in other ways. Going vegan and getting into the movement was one of the best things I've done with my life!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Have always been vegan at heart, but went vegan 6 years ago after watching Earthlings. I dedicate my life to spare as many lives as possible from carnists, I came to the conclusion that making a web agency and using the profit to fund activists was the most effective way, or by directly creating vegan web apps to facilitate people doing activism or going vegan.
Currently looking for a web designer and a backend developer.
Currently looking for a web designer and a backend developer.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Recent heart disease diagnosis has brought me here.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I have flirted with the vegan life style for the past couple years. October 30, 2022 a lightbulb switched on and I started eating a full plant based diet. It is amazing and I feel so good, I had been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and I lived in pain everyday for 12 years. I have no more pain! Im feeling great!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I didn't know about veganism but was considering becoming a vegetarian and started researching online. After watching YouTubers, reading articles and watching all the documentaries, I became vegan in one week. Now I am working for a vegan marketing agency and a vegan NGO to help animals in my career 🙂
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My Vegan Story :
I became vegan 15years ago after reading book 1 of the Ringing Cedars Series written by Vladimir Megre.
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My Vegan Story :
As a vegan chef, cooking class instructor and vegan recipe developer it is my mission to inspire both professional cooks and homecooks, bakers and pastry enthousiasts to explore all vegan culinary possibilities. We teach online classes worldwide, and live cooking classes and Masterclasses in Europe.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
My 5 year old nephew was diagnosed with cancer 12 years ago. His mom was in nursing school and had a professor ask if she'd looked into the role of diet in cancer. She started reading books and suggested I read The China Study. We did a 10-day trial and my cholesterol dropped 50 points. That was all it took. My family of 4 made the transition, and this year my book about our transition and a quick guide for people to do it themselves, 'For Fork's Sake: A Quick Guide to Healing Yourself and the Planet Through a Plant-Based Diet' was released!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
ey! I’m Rebecca the creator of Veggies Abroad. During the pandemic, like so many people, I took time to re-evaluate my career — I wanted to find a way to align it with my ethics in hopes of making this world a tiny bit kinder.
But I struggled to find a fit.
So, what does any college-educated person do during a global pandemic? Well, they leave their full-time career of 15 years and start a vegan travel blog, of course!
Initially, I thought this would just help me pivot my career, but it's turned into much more. The blog focuses on showcasing mouthwatering lineups of vegan food, action-packed travel guides, tips, and everything else a veggie-traveler would need!
On top of that, it has forced me to learn many new skills — SEO, digital marketing, Word Press — and improve others — writing, communication, and PR. All of which helped me launch an array of consulting services. I hope to use my skills to amplify the voices of ethical businesses and organizations making a difference in the world. Maybe that could be yours?
But I struggled to find a fit.
So, what does any college-educated person do during a global pandemic? Well, they leave their full-time career of 15 years and start a vegan travel blog, of course!
Initially, I thought this would just help me pivot my career, but it's turned into much more. The blog focuses on showcasing mouthwatering lineups of vegan food, action-packed travel guides, tips, and everything else a veggie-traveler would need!
On top of that, it has forced me to learn many new skills — SEO, digital marketing, Word Press — and improve others — writing, communication, and PR. All of which helped me launch an array of consulting services. I hope to use my skills to amplify the voices of ethical businesses and organizations making a difference in the world. Maybe that could be yours?
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I had always been a huge animal lover and tried "to cut down" eating meat for several years with "meatless mondays" and other feel-good-not-good-enough methods. Finally in my early twenties I committed to being vegan a full month and see how it fits me. It was perfect. Not only I felt better both physically and emotionally, my lifestyle improved. I started to cook more, be more mindful what I shop, where I eat, try new restaurants and recipes and I never looked back and never hesitated that it wouldn't have been the perfect choice.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I was experimenting with veganism until I watched the Gamechangers documentary. I decided to go from plant-based to vegan.
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My Vegan Story :
One summer day in 1989, my then-fiance and I wanted to take a day trip to Farm Sanctuary in Watkins Glen. We did not expect that day to begin our vegan journey, in fact, we planned to go to Burger King for lunch afterward. Already, animal lovers, it was not surprising. But, like most people, we needed to be exposed to the truth and awakened from the meat matrix. Over time our vegan journey grew into a true lifestyle and I can't imagine existing any other way. What a beautiful fateful day that was.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I stopped eating animals as a peaceful protest against the US involvement in the Vietnam War.
I read Gandhi's writings that "If you want to stop men from killing men ... first you have to stop men from killing animals."
I read Gandhi's writings that "If you want to stop men from killing men ... first you have to stop men from killing animals."
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I don’t have a story yet but I’m hopeing to have one soon
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I became a Vegetarian overnight after reading Diet for a Small Planet in the late 70’s. …… followed by becoming Vegan and now at a vibrantly healthy 80 year old, I call myself a Whole Food Plant Based person. I have chosen this life style for 3 important reasons.
1. My love for all animals
2. My great concern for the health of the planet
3. My desire to live the most vibrantly healthy life, drug free that I can.
I am still working in my Decorative painting business and now starting a new chapter as a Vitality Coach…..helping people transition to a healthier way of living. I have been following and studying this topic for the last 30 years and people are asking me what is my secret for my vitality and energy. It is not my genetic makeup but the food choices, I make, the thoughts that I focus on, moving my body and my spiritual practice of meditation.
I am excited to have found this wonderful community!
1. My love for all animals
2. My great concern for the health of the planet
3. My desire to live the most vibrantly healthy life, drug free that I can.
I am still working in my Decorative painting business and now starting a new chapter as a Vitality Coach…..helping people transition to a healthier way of living. I have been following and studying this topic for the last 30 years and people are asking me what is my secret for my vitality and energy. It is not my genetic makeup but the food choices, I make, the thoughts that I focus on, moving my body and my spiritual practice of meditation.
I am excited to have found this wonderful community!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I am a psychotraumatologist and have seen mentally ill humans chained to concrete walls (just like cows) in several countries of the world. I have worked with survivors of rape/impregnation held captive in prison (war) camps, in trafficking situations or child pornography when pregnant having their babies taken away to to be sold (just like cows). Even rebells eating human flesh grilled over campfire (smells just like meat). I have worked with survivors of torture which is extremely horrifying and so similar to what we do your fellow animals. Humans can be incredible cruel. We do not have the right to hold another being captive, exploit them, make them suffer in the worst ways and kill them, just as we do with our fellow human beings. Our NGO vivo international works to overcome and prevent traumatic stress and its consequences within the individual, the family as well as the community, safeguarding the rights and dignity of people affected by violence and conflict for the development of peaceful, human rights-based, societal ways of living. Vegan living is a fundamental way to stop violence.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I’ve been whole food plant based for 4 years after starting out as vegetarian in July 2016
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My Vegan Story :
Vegetarian for 33 years, and attempted vegan off and on and due to different information available at that time, I had attempted to combine certain types of food for full protein. Now with the plant based evidence, there is absolutely no need for that. I had been fairly healthy, but had no idea about the impact of dairy. I had very clean arteries, was healthy, did yoga, walked and sometimes had fish, as that was supposed to be healthy. After contracting what would be considered a mild case of Coronavirus in early 2020, right after it had been discovered, no one really knew what was happening. Back then it was thought to be attacking the lungs, but contracted more from surfaces. At any rate, I had also started investigating diet, and really having these lock downs and working from home, never really going out except maybe to shop, gave me the time to investigate. I then saw Cowspiracy, Seaspiracy, multiple movies exposing the Meat and Dairy Industry. And really was floored at how many animals we murder mercilessly. I was just shocked. I saw the lies exposed. Once you wake up, you cannot un-see or un-know the truth. Your perspective shifts. Then of course the whole climate change issue. So, it basically changed me forever. I really need at this point to connect with like-minded people. I am in the South, where meat is just a way of life. Plus we have the divisive politics, also driven by corporate American, who own the media, who drive wedges and politicize everything. I really, really love these interview on Vegan Linked. Most of these people I am totally connected with in believes. I'm a psychologist, and am thinking along the lines of mental health outcomes for vegans and balance as well. I appreciate all you have done and all vegans have done to expose the propaganda perpetrated by all these industries. I really want to move and am thinking of going to Mexico, where about 20 % of people are vegan or vegetarian, just to find a like minded group. Thank you once again, as Vegan Linked is really kind of a life line, as so many other channels I have found on You Tube.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
artist / musician / maker of organic cannabis clothing born and raised primarily whole food plant based vegan - have enjoyed 47 years of vibrant health and feel better than ever! have been an advocate of going vegan for health, the animals and the planet most of my existence and have guided many to this lifestyle... so thrilled to see how far it has come via sites like these!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
At 58 a love for animals led me back to living as a vegan There were 4 failed attempts (from age 14 to 2005), all health-driven, each about a year long, and each ending because I felt I was inconveniencing those who cooked for me. In 2019 my biology students asked whether my love of animals had made me vegan. I was fermenting milk kefir then, and the question made me ponder long and hard. The next day I told my partner I would no longer eat animal products, and he was very supportive. COVID lockdown gave me time to learn to make my own food, so I’m never inconveniencing anyone else with my food choice. I’m a full-time wildlife and landscape painter, but 25 years in education (teaching biology) and 6 years as a chiropractor still had not readied me for the amazing health benefits that followed this last move back to the lifestyle that most suits me. Now I’m an evangelist!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Started a farm sanctuary and once you look into the eyes of innocent your life will forever be changed.
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My Vegan Story :
Doctor wanted to put me on statin to lower cholesterol which was 240. I watched Forks Over Knives and that convinced me to go plant based. Thirty days later, at age 75 I had a mild stroke. Tests showed that my cholesterol had dropped to 133 in that 30 days eating a plant based diet. Question is did the diet cause the stroke or would I have had it anyway? Nevertheless I have stayed on diet and lost weight, blood pressure dropped below 120/80 resting pulse rate is 47 and blood tests have been perfect.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
On April 18, 2017, I saw an article by Marc Bekoff called "Human Behavior Toward Animals Hasn’t Caught Up to the Science" shared in my Facebook news feed by Science of Us (now called The Cut). As soon as I saw it, I thought, "Nope! I'm not gonna read that because I know if I do I'll never be able to eat meat again." But by April 20, my curiosity got the best of me. I read the article, and stopped eating animal products immediately.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I cannot contribute to the pain and suffering of an innocent living being. I went vegetarian at 21 and vegan 23 years later. Only regret; not going vegan at 21 🙁
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I was wegetarian from early life.
Iam vegan 15 years. BECOME WEGAN 2007.
Iam vegan 15 years. BECOME WEGAN 2007.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I used to eat a lot of meat as I come from a very carnivorous country. I met my partner, who has been a vegetarian for most of her life. Cooking at home for both of us, I was tired of cooking two different meals. I stopped eating meat at home, I decided to eat only once or twice a week in a restaurant. One day she told me that she wanted to stop eating animal-based dairy products, I was getting more complicated in the kitchen since I had little experience in veganism. When I started to cook vegan, I found it very interesting how to substitute dairy products. One day I decided to eat vegan, at least try it, it has not cost me anything. I realized that I am passionate about vegan cooking, I hope to learn and practice as fast as possible to be able/try to work in a restaurant. Since I am a chef.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I was interested in becoming more involved in animal welfare, and when I did research, I found out that a main component of being an advocate for animals was being vegan, so I went vegan.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
It was a slow and winding path starting in college and culminating shortly after the birth of my third son. I was influenced both by health issues (mine and my kids plus older relatives), bands I listened to, plus a distaste for most animal flesh and an unbearable sense of injustice, dread and despair whenever I let myself connect what was being served up to what had to happen prior. Once I decided to be fully vegan, I have never, ever looked back. I even became a plant-based Registered Dietitian!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I abused drugs in my early twenties and nearly died from a drug overdose while I was suffering with suicidal depression. On March 15th, 1985, I quit smoking, quit drinking alcohol, quit doing drugs and quit eating all animal products in one day after someone helped me breakthrough my depression. I have been 100% Drug Free and Vegan for over 37yrs.
I created my company and called it Clean Machine to encourage others to keep their Machine (body) Clean (Drug Free & Vegan).
I created the first Natural (Drug Tested) Vegan Bodybuilding Competition in the world - The World Vegan Bodybuilding Championship.
I am proud to be a Natural Bodybuilding and Natural Physique Masters Champion.
I created my company and called it Clean Machine to encourage others to keep their Machine (body) Clean (Drug Free & Vegan).
I created the first Natural (Drug Tested) Vegan Bodybuilding Competition in the world - The World Vegan Bodybuilding Championship.
I am proud to be a Natural Bodybuilding and Natural Physique Masters Champion.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I transitioned after my first marathon in NYC eating everything and found that it helped my performance recover better. After having read the scientific literature, I was convinced to stay on it and be a role model for others. Now, with the education, I use it to teach others how to transition and how to better THRIVE with it.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I am for 5 years vegan. In live in the Netherlands
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My Vegan Story :
Always loved veges and fruits-but loved cream and milk!!!
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My Vegan Story :
Interested in sustainability through the vegan culture and market.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I became vegetarian in college for health reasons after living abroad and gaining excess weight. I leaned toward veganism, but wasn't fully educated on how perfidiously animals were treated. I didn't realize they were abjectly tortured until I became active in the local vegetarian society. I also had some health issues, for which the best remedy was a vegan diet. At that point, I eschewed all animal products and became active in the vegan movement, founding organizations, volunteering and coordinating activities to fight for animals' rights. In 2019, I took a position with my friend's non-profit health education intervention org, Rochester Lifestyle Medicine Institute. I began reading the studies, seeing first hand in our patients, and learning about all of the MANY health benefits of WFPB vegan nutrition and lifestyle medicine, while also protecting animals and the environment from undue, deleterious harm. It's amazing how small changes in behavior and lifestyle can have such magnanimous outcomes on health, the environment and for animals and humans.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Veganism became a way to live a healthy and vibrant life
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I just became vegan in mid-July 2022. I have been mostly vegetarian since my twins were born 30 years ago. My husband has been vegan since 2011. I resisted because I didn’t really think I was causing harm. However, the more I’ve learned, the more I realized my culpability in animal suffering. So now, I am a joyful vegan (seriously whole food plant based) and I feel much more energetic and healthy. I am 67 years old and can’t imagine switching back. I’m vegan for life. BTW, your videos are fascinating and very informative. Keep ‘em coming!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Hi, I’m Andy Liu, the founder of HZCORK. I met with Portugal cork on the year 2015. I went on an exclusive tour to Portugal and found there is cork shop in every streets and alleys. I was astonished by how cork can be used to do. Every cork item looks so beautiful and unique, like a piece of art. I decided to bring them to my homeland. So I create my own cork fabric manufacturing factory.
Cork is one of the most sustainable products and cork is very resistant, impermeable, vegan, eco-friendly, 100% natural, lightweight, recyclable, renewable waterproof, wear-resistant, biodegradable, does not absorb dust, thus preventing allergies. No animal products are used and no tests are made to animals.
Cork is also sustainably harvested-- the trees are not harmed in the cork removal process.
Cork is one of the most sustainable products and cork is very resistant, impermeable, vegan, eco-friendly, 100% natural, lightweight, recyclable, renewable waterproof, wear-resistant, biodegradable, does not absorb dust, thus preventing allergies. No animal products are used and no tests are made to animals.
Cork is also sustainably harvested-- the trees are not harmed in the cork removal process.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
As am an artist and painter of animals. My journey to veganism was slow but based in both the experience of painting the animals and bonding with them to their cause of wanting a happy free life, and learning more and more what happens to them. I couldn't close my eyes anymore and realized it was psychically damaging to me to take the energy to rationalize and try to ignore the plight of these animals I loved so much. My last thing was eggs, having replaced all other foods with plant based options. I was thinking what could possibly be wrong with a free range egg, but of course learned that term was misleading at best, and then learned the plight of male chicks, slaughtered as they are after hatching. so I dropped eggs, completing the idea that no suffering should happen for a moments pleasure. Now there are so many substitutes that there isn't EVEN the excuse of being denied a moments pleasure.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
As in many other cases, I started my vegan journey loving cats. Years after adopting my very first cat I realized that it made no sense to love some animals and eat some others, so I went vegan. I still love cats and dogs (live with 20 of them) but no I also love the rest of species.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I have been vegetarian since my early 20's. In 2020 I re-opened a mostly plant-based cafe in the Caribbean and became 100% vegan as well as the cafe. Since then we launched Be-Ve Kids, a vegan store for parents raising vegan kids.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Eating vegetarian food may change his/her life.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I tried veganuary and carried on from there. I love animals, I wanted to get healthy and that turned into environmental impacts and becoming a more sustainable consumer.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Since 1991, Emani vegan makeup has offered a beautiful solution for lovers of makeup and animals. Our makeup is 100% natural and ideal for sensitive skin, as it contains only the finest ingredients. The Emani Australia range includes vegan primers, vegan mineral foundations, vegan bronzer, vegan illuminator, vegan mascara, vegan eyeshadows, and vegan lipsticks - all luxuriously packaged and scientifically formulated to nourish your skin, without any nasty chemicals.