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  • Brigitte Gemme

My grandfather was a dairy farmer and, for a few years before I was born, my father took over the farm. After I was born, we had pigs until my parents started a plant nursery instead. Nevertheless, animals were always there to work for us, not be with us. I knew everything about milk production, but it didn't bother me one bit. My favorite foods were steak (rare) and cheese (blue). Still, I always considered myself a good eco-friendly citizen and in particular I was keen on cycling everywhere. Sometime in 2013, I got into an online argument with someone who told me that, if I was fueling my bike rides with steak, I might have well have been driving a Hummer. That was like a punch in the gut: I had never thought about the environmental impact of my food before. I started educating myself and decided to go plant-based at home and vegetarian when eating out. At friends' homes, I would eat anything. Then in 2015 my second child was born. Just like the first one, I breastfed him... except that now I truly felt compassion for the cows. It was in the middle of the night, while nursing him, that an awful thought hit me: what if someone came, took away my baby, and hooked me to a milk machine instead? The morning after, I decided to be vegan for life.