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  • Michael Paul

An elevated PSA and tumor on an MRI showed probable prostate cancer -- with family history and work exposure making it 99.9% sure. Later, rising blood pressure, Chest Pain and ischemia (cardiac blockage) added to the problem.

A Whole Foods Plant based diet, without oils, salts , or sugar, along with exercise and key supplements reduced the tumor size in half and the PSA returned to normal -- make it clinically insignificant. Additionally, my blood pressure imrpoved to a better than textbook figure, and my chest pain disappeared within four months. All other signs and symptoms went back to excellent status, and I can exercise vigorously for hours without feeling winded or uncomfortable in any way. In fact, I have since climbed difficult hills here in Colombia, and other symptoms associateted with a blocked prostate totally vanished -- returning to my 19 year-old self. Amazing!!! Total body blockage and inflammation have dissappeared over the course of three years.

I did not take any medications provided by one of America's top hospitals, and declined biopsies, surgeries and catherizations with possible stints, instead opting for a WFPBD with supplements and intermittent fasting. I am being monitored, and will re-do all the cardiac tests in one year for complete cardiac health validation.

I told the doctors that if my path did not work, I would follow standard of care. My WFPBD worked miraculously, and there's no need for a conventional medical path for chronic conditions. In fact, with what I experienced, I consider conventional medicine medieval for most chronic conditions -- It's all in what you eat. I asked my cardiologist at one of America's top hospitals what I should eat, and he didn't respond. With that, I asked him what he eats at home, and responded with the DASH diet, or the standard American diet in moderation. I declined the pathway to moderate heart disease, moderate cancer or moderate diabetes, and instead went with the WFPBD and am glad I did. No wonder the majority of cardiologists die of heart disease, and most doctors have a life span of 65 years.

Why don't the doctors follow a WFPBD? I am astounded with what I've uncovered over the past three years.