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  • Michelle Labrosse

I woke up one morning and lost 50% of strength on my whole right side body. I feel out of bed thinking I was able to walk normally.
This was followed with months of research and understanding what MS really was. I started addressing lifestyle and went PlantBased. Initially I did not call myself vegan because I was doing it for health purposes. I didn’t even yet know about the animal suffering in animal agriculture. I had never made the connection. So as I started watching documentaries and making the link; I then ensured to not make exceptions and to always read ingredients. I also started implementing lifestyle changes beyond stopping eating animals. Like not wearing them (wool, silk, leather) or not going to places where the abuse or exploit animals for profit (animal rides, racing, zoos..)

Once I really understood that I could be healthy and take a social Justice stance at the same time, I was ALL-IN. I became a strict vegan and animal rights activist in 2015.