Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
This was my New Years resolution for 2020 and I haven't gone back!
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My Vegan Story :
Plant based life
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My Vegan Story :
I was pescatarian since 2014 and became began this year after watching conspiracy. I love animals and I really saw the hypocrisy in eating animals.
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My Vegan Story :
Health reasons
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My Vegan Story :
I opted for a vegan lifestyle a few years ago after my Dad suffered a heart attack and I wanted to dive more into health, I then learnt about the animal abuse and environmental factors.
I am now the Community Manager for We are a kids nutrition company in the UAE, serving science-backed healthy plant-based food to kids and promoting one plant-based meal a day. We have an app about to launch which will serve as a dietitian in parents pockets. Helping them make better food choices for their children, backed by some of the leading plant-based pediatric dietitians. All in the aim of getting children to eat more plants, more fiber and reduce lifestyle diseases in later life with proper education so you don't have to be a scientist to understand a nutrition fact label! We are reaching out to global vegan communities such as yourself to get as much support as we can to make plant-based living the norm for the future generation! Please feel free to reach out to me for more information and to see how we could collaborate with you. Thanks so much in advance for reading.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I used to be eat meat and animal products until 3 years ago when I took part at a book study. The book was A Plea for The Animals, by Matthieu Ricard. Since reading that book I became a vegan instantly and inspired my wife, parents and sister to to the same. Now I am an activist with different animal welfare organizations and own a services and media business focused on growing the vegan and cruelty-free market in Brazil.
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My Vegan Story :
Saw a documentary about animal protein and right there I made my decisson havent missed so glad I did
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My Vegan Story :
I have been vegetarian since my early 20's. In 2020 I re-opened a mostly plant-based cafe in the Caribbean and became 100% vegan as well as the cafe. Since then we launched Be-Ve Kids, a vegan store for parents raising vegan kids.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I went vegan for the animals, because I could not stand their suffering anymore.
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My Vegan Story :
I´m vegetarian since 2010, but i´m making my transition into veganism a few months ago.
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My Vegan Story :
I just could not ignore what my choices were doing to the planet and my health. I am a Registered Nutritionist who was ready for massive change ... and I want to help others do the same.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Became Vegan after suffering a heart attack
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My Vegan Story :
I was interested in becoming more involved in animal welfare, and when I did research, I found out that a main component of being an advocate for animals was being vegan, so I went vegan.
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My Vegan Story :
Hi I'm Tamara, I've been vegan for 3 years. I never liked eating meat, eggs, drinking milk. My parents and people always told me that if I didn't eat that food I would get sick, I ate it but with disgust. In the village where I lived, a lamb was born on the day I was born. I loved that lamb. It's not been a year since they killed that lamb. I was angry and sad, I didn't want to eat meat anymore. When I grew up and found out that I had been wrong all my life and that vegan was the best thing you could do in my life, I decided to become vegan.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I have been a vegan, vegetarian, raw.
So I am just coming back
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My Vegan Story :
After being vegetarian on and off for 20 years, in 2019 I became whole-food plant based (WFPB) after reading the book The Whole Foods Diet by John Mackey and Dr. Alona Pulde and Dr. Matthew Lederman. I was shocked to learn how bad meat, dairy and eggs are for our health - they're literally killing us - so we made the switch the very next week! Our family ditched dairy and eggs and went fully plant based July 7th, 2019.

I continued to research and learn about WFPB eating, and inevitably stumbled across information about the impact of animal agriculture on the environment and the horrors of our treatment of non-human animals. This strengthened my resolve - we were not only going be a healthier family, we were doing the absolute best thing we could do for the environment, and living compassionately and not harming other sentient beings. I am now an ethical vegan, and animal liberation activist.
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My Vegan Story :
I had several health conditions due to an unhealthy diet. I decided to go vegan health is improving.
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My Vegan Story :
Watched Earthlings and made the switch. I became an activist shortly after and used my skills in video production to help the movement as well as vegan businesses
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My Vegan Story :
In 2014, I read "Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind" and had since then become pescatarian / vegetarian. This year, I took the leap and became vegan! I feel super fortunate to have made the transition, and would like to help many more humans do the same - for the planet, for our fellow sentient beings, and for ourselves.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I never really enjoyed meat, and growing up have always been eating mostly vegan, until last month when I finally took my last step. I hope this is going to be part of my lifestyle from now on, and any significant information will help me do that.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I became vegan to lose weight and never looked back
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My Vegan Story :
I went vegan initially for environmental reasons but over the past two years my love for animals and the environment has been my sole purpose for continuing to stay vegan.
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My Vegan Story :
After starting my education as an herbalist/natural healer I realize I needed to become vegan for my health.
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My Vegan Story :
Originally went plant-based with my brothers as something new to try out during the beginning of quarantine. After connecting with the ethics a few months later through watching videos and reading arguments about the vegan position, I became a vegan for life.
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My Vegan Story :
Giacomo is the co-founder of and also co-founded, a non profit organization of strength based vegan athletes who compete together to raise awareness for veganism and money for rescued animals at farm sanctuaries. As an assistant coach, Giacomo works in daily communications with coaching clients. Giacomo also uses his unique strengths to make sure the client is getting the best programming and guidance they can from the VeganProteins team. Giacomo has been vegan for over 10 years and involved with fitness for over 20 years in many different arenas and specializes coaching others and actively competes in bodybuilding and powerlifting specifically. Giacomo uses strength based sports & traveling to various Vegan Festivals across the country to raise awareness for animal rights and welfare. Giacomo has coached clients at NYSC, Bally’s Sport Club and LA Fitness. Currently, he coaches clients online for VeganProteins and holds a certificate in Plant Based Nutrition from Cornell University.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Became a vegan when I realized the leading cause of environmental destruction is animal agriculture.
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My Vegan Story :
Vegetarian for 10 years before - cut our dairy - much happier now after 7 years totally plant based 👍
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I was vegetarian and became vegan for the animals.
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My Vegan Story :
I needed a lifestyle change to combat chronic illness
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My Vegan Story :
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
It started out as a spiritual vow which lead into a new lifestyle.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I became a vegetarian 2 years ago and back then even tried to be vegan for 2 weeks. Back then my reasons were morally, and the “only” animal product i would eat was cheese, so that I could come up with excuses like I don’t kill animal to eat cheese. I started watching more and more documentaries and do some research and realised very quick that I was living a hypocritical life. Last year in December was when I watched cowspiracy and my reason to become vegan were now also based on health and environment. I knew I couldn’t fully become a vegan by then as I started a trip to South America in January. I tried as much as possible to reduce the animal products and knew that as soon as I am back home I will try. As we had to self isolate after coming and due to covid it was initially hard to buy the products I wanted to eat. After a couple of weeks I finally started living vegan and I decided to be an active part of it and maybe get a job in the vegan area to share my story professionally and show the world how much better a vegan life is.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Don’t feel like eating meat. It’s cruel, unnecessary suffering, depletion if animals and planet
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Save the world, go vegan.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
My journey into the world of veganism began with a simple desire for better quality food. For years, I found myself constantly reading articles in popular magazines promoting the benefits of consuming grass-fed animals and Greek yogurt for their protein content. It seemed like the path to a healthier lifestyle was paved with animal products.

Then came the year 2020, a year that would slow everything down and open my eyes to a whole new way of thinking about food. It was during this time that I stumbled upon some incredibly insightful doctors on YouTube. One of the foremost voices in this awakening was Dr. Zach Bush. He painted a holistic picture of soil health, climate change, and the powerful role that consuming plants could play in healing our planet.

As I delved deeper into this new world of information, I discovered other remarkable physicians like Dr. Baxter Montgomery, Dr. T. Colin Campbell, and Dr. Michael Klaper. Their insights were eye-opening, to say the least. But what truly sealed the deal for me was the daily 30-minute live show by the Physician's Committee. It was like having a direct line to experts who could answer everyday questions about what to eat and why a plant-based diet was so beneficial.

Armed with this newfound knowledge, I embarked on a journey to transition my family's lifestyle. Admittedly, it wasn't always smooth sailing, especially with my three young daughters who occasionally sneaked non-vegan treats at school. However, the transformation we experienced was remarkable.

One of the most encouraging moments was when my middle daughter's skin, which had a light patch, returned to its normal pigmentation in just two weeks. It was a powerful testament to the healing potential of a plant-based diet.

But perhaps the most incredible transformation was witnessed in my husband, who had been battling diabetes for years. Within three weeks of adopting a plant-based lifestyle, he was able to stop taking his blood pressure medications. Over the course of two and a half years, he shed an astonishing 100 pounds.

My passion for this way of life led me to pursue certification as a Food for Life coach from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM). Today, I am on a mission to educate and inspire others to embrace a whole food, plant-based lifestyle. It's about savoring the goodness of fruits and vegetables with every meal, knowing that it not only benefits our health but also contributes to a brighter, more sustainable future for our planet.

In a world filled with choices, I've chosen a path of compassion, health, and environmental consciousness. It's a journey that continues to enrich my life in ways I could have never imagined, and I'm excited to share this transformative experience with others.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I was introduced to a vegan diet at a Buddhist retreat centre.
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My Vegan Story :
We “discovered” Dr Greger and then Dr Fuhrman. It just makes so much sense to eat a whole food plant based diet in order to live a long healthy life!
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My Vegan Story :
Tired of seeing animals slaughtered and suffering, started with watching Food Matters in 2012
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My Vegan Story :
Vegetarian for 27 years then turned vegan in 2017
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My Vegan Story :
Vegetarian for many years, found Vegan Soul Food and began a journey
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My Vegan Story :
I became vegan due to health concerns.
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My Vegan Story :
Vegan, AR, writer, publisher, illustrator, passionate, involved, and always on the go.
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My Vegan Story :
I am quarantining in a Dominican household and I want to be healthy.
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My Vegan Story :
Prior to 2018 I was Plant Based from 1994 and no red meat from 1985
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My Vegan Story :
There is no alternative.
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My Vegan Story :
Vegetarian for 33 years, and attempted vegan off and on and due to different information available at that time, I had attempted to combine certain types of food for full protein. Now with the plant based evidence, there is absolutely no need for that. I had been fairly healthy, but had no idea about the impact of dairy. I had very clean arteries, was healthy, did yoga, walked and sometimes had fish, as that was supposed to be healthy. After contracting what would be considered a mild case of Coronavirus in early 2020, right after it had been discovered, no one really knew what was happening. Back then it was thought to be attacking the lungs, but contracted more from surfaces. At any rate, I had also started investigating diet, and really having these lock downs and working from home, never really going out except maybe to shop, gave me the time to investigate. I then saw Cowspiracy, Seaspiracy, multiple movies exposing the Meat and Dairy Industry. And really was floored at how many animals we murder mercilessly. I was just shocked. I saw the lies exposed. Once you wake up, you cannot un-see or un-know the truth. Your perspective shifts. Then of course the whole climate change issue. So, it basically changed me forever. I really need at this point to connect with like-minded people. I am in the South, where meat is just a way of life. Plus we have the divisive politics, also driven by corporate American, who own the media, who drive wedges and politicize everything. I really, really love these interview on Vegan Linked. Most of these people I am totally connected with in believes. I'm a psychologist, and am thinking along the lines of mental health outcomes for vegans and balance as well. I appreciate all you have done and all vegans have done to expose the propaganda perpetrated by all these industries. I really want to move and am thinking of going to Mexico, where about 20 % of people are vegan or vegetarian, just to find a like minded group. Thank you once again, as Vegan Linked is really kind of a life line, as so many other channels I have found on You Tube.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Great to be here!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
My daughter became vegan at 12 years old. I decided to join her.
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My Vegan Story :
After my father died of a massive heart attack in 2020 I decided to get serious to heal my heart health. Its been a process but getting better every day.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
After starting to raise silkie chickens as pets and learning what wonderful creatures they are, I realized I didn't want to eat chicken any more. Cutting out other meats became easy after that, but cheese, yogurt, and eggs remained in my diet. At that time I was still operating on things I had been led to believe from my past, like dairy and eggs were good for you, so I continued to consume butter, cheese, yogurt, and eggs. (I was also mostly unaware of the extend of indecencies that are occurring in big Ag, and I had a mental picture that vegans were protesters, which is not something I align with.)

Physically I had been steadily gaining weight since becoming a mother. A couple times I worked out really hard for a prolonged period of time and regained my prior lithe figure, but soon after lowering my activity level my weight would start to go up again. It was the proverbial story of "after having kids my body was never the same--and then after menopause it became worse." What became really frustrating was that no mater what I did to turn the table, I continued to gain weight. In my mind being vegetarian should have helped with weight loss, but not only was I steadily gaining weight I was steadily becoming more and more frustrated with my body, a self-picture that was new to me and was very disconcerting.

After being "mostly vegetarian" for a few years I was introduced to the whole food plant-based diet concept after watching "The Game Changers." At the conclusion of that movie the most prominent thought in my mind was, "Why haven't I heard this before?!" At that moment I became consumed with learning as much as I could about a whole plant diet and the health and environmental benefits of it. I watched every documentary available on Netflix and YouTube, then started watching every presentation by the prominent doctors and experts in the plant-based world I could find. Alongside that I began cleaning out my frig and cupboards of all dairy, and stopped eating my beloved chickens' eggs.

On July 4, 2020, I had my last vegetarian meal and began eating plant-based. I have no question in my mind of the power of this diet and look forward to experiencing its benefits myself. I also have no question that this will be my diet of choice until my end. But I also know that I'm fully dedicated to the plant-based lifestyle because I took the time to learned a lot about the nutritional, agricultural, and environmental factors. Based on my experience, I have a much better understanding of how much it takes to turn around one's mindset, and it is my hopes that I can, in some way, contribute to others beginning on the plant-based journey as well.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I was diagnosed with duodenum cancer, received surgery & refused chemo radiation by completely changing diet as well as lifestyle.
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My Vegan Story :
🌱 Former Vegf**ktarian between 2012-2020, I realized how hypocritical I was: wearing other individuals' skins, furs & skins, and consuming their secretions & periods while claiming to be ethical by abstaining from eating their dead bodies. 🤦‍♀️
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I have been an activist for a couple of years, full time or more. Got burnout and now doing it slowly.
Also, I am the developer of the vegan oriented nutrition site
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I've only recently turned vegan, and I'm very motivated to stay that way!

I've created a website dedicated to veganism and ethical cosmetics & fashion.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I went vegetarian as a teenager, and have been evolving on my plant based journey since then, which was age 15. It has now been 31 years since I’ve eaten meat. The unfortunate part of this story, is that I found my way to being vegan only 4 years ago. Being vegan is the best phase of my existence. Nothing tastes as good as vegan feels. And, the only thing I regret about being vegan, is that I did not do it sooner. Way sooner! I’ve cried many years over this. And, kicked myself. But, I’m up and dusted off now. And, I’m fighting the good fight for all creatures great and small from here on out.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I want to help save the environment .
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I became Vegan due to my late wife Sharon's concern about what I would eat when she was gone to cancer. To relieve her stress and to not have her spend precious time worrying about teaching me how to cook I went Vegan. She saw that this was a good choice for me and all was well. I was able to loose considerable weight and get off blood pressure and cholesterol meds. I never looked back and never felt better.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Going vegan is one of the best decisions in my life....
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I started living a Plant Based Lifestyle about 5 years ago, I've always enjoyed making my own food over supermarkets so making the transition wasn't too challenging.

By incorporating a Vegan/Plant-Based lifestyle I have managed to transform my health for the better; gaining control of my weight, increasing my energy levels and improving my mental focus and clarity.

I was so impressed with the transformation that I decided to study both Vegan and Alkaline Nutrition and become a Nutritional Therapist.

I know Mentor Women to Improve their Health via an Alkaline Lifestyle.

Together we will Work Together and Achieve your Health Goals.

✅Learn how to make Healthier Choices; Alkaline & Acid Foods.
✅Personalised Meal Plans and Recipes.
✅Virtual 1-1 Coaching
✅Virtual Community Coaching (10 people)
✅Shopping List Delivery in One Click: (Coming soon)

✅Recipe Developer.
✅Menu Creator.

Message for your Free 30-minute Consultation at
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I have only been vegan for a few days. I have decided to become vegan for a healthier lifestyle. I have lost many family members because of bad dietary choices.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
For many years I went back and forth between two lifestyles: vegetarian and vegan. In 2010, I Became 100% With no desire to ever eat animal or animal by products.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
After my husband died of a heart attack at 44 years young I started thinking about my children been the only Parent they have I need to take care my self- t de right now I’m over weight to be exact 60 pounds overweight. I need a new me a healthy mom for my children
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My Vegan Story :
I just started.
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My Vegan Story :
Got inspiration from someone.
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My Vegan Story :
I work at a marketing agency and have clients with great vegan products
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My Vegan Story :
65 yrs old. Recently discovered vegan lifestyle. Not there yet.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I have been vegetarian for 2+ years for environmental reasons, and currently working on embracing a full vegan diet and lifestyle.
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My Vegan Story :
Have always thought about becoming vegan. Finally at 54, I feel like I have the strength and discipline to make it happen. It is a gradual process. I am still addicted to snacking but I hope to one day conquer this.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I had issues with food all my life. I became a vegetarian at 12 but it wasn’t sustainable. I gave up beef. I suffered from bulimia. It helped to give up gluten 7 years ago. I’ve always believed health and mood was influenced by what we ate. I worked in the entertainment business fashion, acting, production, film, music then became a psychotherapist working with women w cptsd, trauma and eating disorders. I’m on the board of an arts center and have run many events. In October I was put on a statin for high cholesterol refused to take it. I decided to go plant based according to dr esselstyne how to prevent and reverse heart disease. I eat mostly raw . I’ve learned so much since then listening to all the conferences and interviews of plant based drs on YouTube and reading books. I am considering the eCornell certification. I wish there were more healthy, low fat vegan restaurants in nyc! I am committed to healing my own life, helping others, our wildlife and the planet. I m married to a doctor and there are other drs in my family. I hope to educate them also. It is hard to change old thinking. I have a 22yr old son, very bright and successful already in media marketing business, I am hoping to get him on board. He has a non alcoholic fatty liver and other issues I worry about him. I am looking to connect to others and get involved in many ways . It is my passion. I live in nyc.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Blessed to be born to a vegan mother and growing up with a health-conscious mindset. Recently started my own business focused on a WFPB lifestyle for young athletes.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
After being a meat eater for quite a while I decided to go vegan only a few weeks ago and haven t been disappointed so far
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My Vegan Story :
Grew in interest because of health problems and watching various documentaries on the whole food plant based diet.
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My Vegan Story :
I have eaten raw food since I was young. I lived in a rural area
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My Vegan Story :
I am a chef that has a passion for Mexican cuisine and has loved to extend my restaurants' vegan menu.
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My Vegan Story :
I have been a Vegan for little over 3 years. I went cold turkey after watching Documentary “What the Health”...have not looked back or regretted anything since then. Prior to that I was a vegetarian for well over 20 years.

I also started a home base vegan bakery...Sweet IMALDA’s Vegan Bakery
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I was a pescatarian for about 30 years. I tried to become a vegan; I didn’t understand what to eat, neither could I sustain the cost or the stomach for processed, packaged foods. Roll on several years and I was enjoying the beautiful green environment of a recent move to another country, it has been the medicine that i needed; hiking, swimming, camping, kayaking etc became part of my lifestyle.

…After a regular blood works check the doctor told me that my body ‘wants to be diabetic’ and that’s definitely NOT what I wanted to hear, given my family history … It was the beginning of the pandemic and my thoughts were that I will emerge from this as a beautiful butterfly …. I went down that rabbit hole; listening, reading and learning from all of the wonderful plant based experts and with their help, I renewed my health, my body, my mind and my zest for life! There is NO going back!
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My Vegan Story :
I am a certified Holistic nutritionist and the fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, and whole grains are the most healthful.
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My Vegan Story :
I ate the standard American diet my whole life, I have been having surgeries since the age of 8 and I now know it was all from eating animal products. At the age of 41 I found out that I had colon cancer and had surgery to remove the tumors. I had a chemo port placed and before I started with the therapy I watched "what the Health" and immediately I went on a whole food plant based diet. I am almost 45 now and I feel better than I did in my 20s. I am now fascinated with the human system and learn as much as I can everyday and started working at a gym and am able to help others learn about the detrimental effects of the standard American diet and the benefits of a vegan diet by listening to my story
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My Vegan Story :
Hello, For me I just want to get healthier and happier. To have a positive impact in my life, the plant and those around me. To put an end to diseases which have ended the lives of my loved ones. People are like stained glass you can only see thier beauty in the darkness of there's alight within! Keeping my fire burning as I finish the fifties and head into retirement age.
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My Vegan Story :
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My Vegan Story :
Devised a way to help people learn to improve health by leaps and bounds, including immunity! #byebyeCOVID and most other diseases, hello average healthy lifespans--> 120 years!
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My Vegan Story :
I am still working on becoming fully vegan but have been a vegetaran for many years
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My Vegan Story :
High blood work
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My Vegan Story :
I was always an animal lover and grew up in the country near cow pastures. As a child we went to “visit the cows” and I came to understand them as the unique beings that they are. So, I haven’t eaten a cow in over 30years. Next came pigs: became aware of their intelligence and character and stopped eating pork. About 5 years ago, I started having multiple health issues and then changed from a high sweets, junk food diet to a healthy diet. As I kept learning more and more about how animals were treated, the effects on the environment , health and how the human body isn’t even designed to eat much meat I slowly changed to a vegan lifestyle. Dairy was the hardest and last to go - I loved ice cream, coffee cream, butter,… Don’t miss it now.💕
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My Vegan Story :
I started eating more plants for my health, then I ate less meat for the planet’s health, finally I went full vegan for the ethical concerns of the animals. Turns out, eating vegan is just better for all of us.
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My Vegan Story :
I care about the planet and animals. As a qualified nutritionist I'm passionate about eating whole foods that are cruelty free.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
My initial interest in becoming meat free was to actually see if I could go vegetarian and nowhere near the vegan lifestyle. However my son was a vegetarian from before birth as he would not allow me to eat or even smell meat without serious consequences. I mastered making him meat free dishes and still was okay with testing the vegetarian lifestyle, as long as I got to keep my artery clogging cheese coma going on, I was willing.
Then comes soon to be husband and his doctor actually informs him that he needs to clean up his eating act and drop as much of the bad eating as possible. Pretty much all meat and increase greens intake by tenfold. I leaped onto the chance to show my support and decided then and there we would test out becoming vegans. We had to quickly get a firm foundation in the fact that we would commit to this fully and not give ourselves a deadline. So we slowly but surely act down our "bad" pantry that had just been stocked up on junk snacks and high sugar juices and a deep freezer full of meats to portion out for later use. Luckily the fridge ran on empty and on my next grocery trip I spent close to 3 hours perusing every isle as I bought only vegan items. Being still new I bought only items that plainly stated vegan on them. Now I know to read the entire box and even if they don't state vegan, that could very well still be!

We have been transitioning vegans for 2 1/2 months as we whittled away our old supplies in pantry stock up. We converted to full vegan Jan 1st 2021. It was amazing how quickly our bodies were okay with no meat or dairy substance. Now we feel it if we chance a meal and get non vegan food.
So far the journey seems well worth it and has opened up our eyes to being able to create all our old favorite dishes but modified! This is a change we are very happy to see and plan to stay the course going forward!!!
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My Vegan Story :
After a couple of years in the transition phase, in January of 2021, I committed to being 100% plant-based. I'd slip a day and pick myself up recognizing how sick whatever it was I ate made me. The time before 2021, I was mainly plant-based and it gave me a chance to learn more, especially from the luminaries who pioneered the science-backed studies confirming the benefits of living a plant-based lifestyle. I experienced more, learned more, and talked to more who were inspiring and encouraging. Today, I realize the vision I had of veganism was shaded by the veil of misunderstanding. Hearing people talk about being vegan, even in retrospect doesn't due it justice. I heard the words of compassion and feeling love. I had to experience it from a mother's perspective. I could imagine what it felt like to have your child snatched away from you. I could imagine how it might feel to be raped and impregnated, forced to have the child, and have it stolen away from you. I could imagine how a chicken who was born to lay eggs, would do so only to never see them incubate and hatch. I could imagine the pain of living years couped up in a pen and treated horrendously in horrendous conditions. It reminded me of what my ancestors felt like in the hull of a big boat after being stolen from their homes and carried for months in untenable conditions only to be sold to a human who treated them like animals. I have felt the impact of living in a smog riddled environment; concerned about growing plants because of acid rain and polluted ground water. These are still concerns and I am more than ever committed to being the example of living a healthy whole food, plant-based vegan lifestyle. At nearly 70 years old, I plan to see a few more decades healthy and prosperous as I help others to share their message and help others as well.
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My Vegan Story :
I feel like I have been constantly fought by my body over the years. . I can’t lose weight. I tried and failed a few times in 2020 to go WFPB, being increasingly convinced it is the best way to health. I have parents who have had heart disease and cancer, so I am very motivated to follow this lifestyle.
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My Vegan Story :
I was told 30 years ago that I had metabolic syndrome and would progress to diabetes. I left the standard american diet and am now 74 and still keep my A1C under 6.
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My Vegan Story :
During Corona quarantine, I became familiar with veganism.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I used to eat a lot of meat as I come from a very carnivorous country. I met my partner, who has been a vegetarian for most of her life. Cooking at home for both of us, I was tired of cooking two different meals. I stopped eating meat at home, I decided to eat only once or twice a week in a restaurant. One day she told me that she wanted to stop eating animal-based dairy products, I was getting more complicated in the kitchen since I had little experience in veganism. When I started to cook vegan, I found it very interesting how to substitute dairy products. One day I decided to eat vegan, at least try it, it has not cost me anything. I realized that I am passionate about vegan cooking, I hope to learn and practice as fast as possible to be able/try to work in a restaurant. Since I am a chef.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I started juicing recently.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
My wife and I tiurned 67 in 2021. We both suffered from chronic joint pain and arthritis. I have high blood pressure controlled by meds. My wife has high cholestrol. We were both about overweight. We began researching whole food plant based eating and went fully whole food plant based diet on 14 Feb 2021. The change has been dramatic and many of the chronic physical problems we were experiencing have totally corrected or dramatically improved. We are getting better at the WFPB diet everuy day and will never go back to the western diet that was destroyoing our bodies.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I am going to began my journey today
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Have none
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I wanted to eat less meat because it's good for the environment. I opened a vegan restaurant that serve 100% plant sourced food hoping more people will eat less meat.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Vegan Vitality are dedicated to providing the highest quality vegan supplements available. All of our products are 100% vegan and GMO free, providing you with the best quality solutions to your health requirements, whilst being kind to the world around us.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I’m looking forward to living a healthier life the vegan way.