Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I grew up working at my dad's Italian sausage factory and eating the SAD diet. Then when I was about 20 years old I saw my good friend loose 100 lbs by switching to a nutrient dense plant-based diet. This was my "a-hah" moment! After seeing this transformation I became obsessed with researching how food affects our health. Meanwhile, I was still physically and mentally addicted to sugar, salt and processed meat. I wanted to learn how to cook and eat healthy but didn't know where to begin. At the time I was also a producer for television so I decided to apply this skill set to my mission to learn about eating healthier. I created a cooking show called Trying Vegan with Mario where I invite vegan experts to teach me how to cook their favorite recipes. I created Season 1 of Trying Vegan with Mario and it took off with really surprising early success. Today I spend my time learning as much as I can about cooking and health foods. I am constantly working on new segments to inspire non-vegans to try eating vegan and learn through my transformation.
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My Vegan Story :
I’ve been vegetarian for almost a year. Still trying to convert to vegan. When I shop I look at the ingredients, I’m sure I still sometimes mess up but I’m still trying.
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Day after eating steak, woke up with the taste of blood in my mouth. Never ate meat again!
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My Vegan Story :
Uhhh It’s the right thing to do that’s why I do it...
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Started for health reason and preference.
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My Vegan Story :
I've been a vegetarian since high school, finally made the commitment to go vegan and even opened up a vegan general store in Charlotte, NC.
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Vegetarian since youth, did not know the harm done for drinking milk and eating eggs until a few years back.
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I am just beginning the vegan journey for my health..
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My and my mother became vegan immediately after watching What The Health for the first time. Its been almost 1 year and it changed our life, we feel happier than ever.
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My Vegan Story :
Had terrible osteoarthritis, knees replaced 8 years ago. Hands hurt everyday, had carpal tunnel and trigger finger release on both hands. Very overweight and tired. Went vegan after seeing Knives Over Forks. It has been a process, learning so much from the experts and incorporating as much as I can. Hands no longer hurt, lost 35 pounds and feeling much better. More weight loss needed. A work in progress. I am 73 years old, golf 3-4 times a week and swim/water aerobics almost every day. All with a non-vegan spouse and I do all the cooking.
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74 yrs old with health problems prior to started this way of life have already been decreasing.
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Kavita left her high-paying accounting job to follow her passion to open a vegetarian restaurant which serves a unique fusion of street food options which she had been dreaming of since childhood. She pushed hard for this venture to us and finally, we gave in and we are glad that we did. Our family members with their expertise in different fields joined in to support her passion and thus “Veggie Planet” was born on September 2017 in Mississauga. In a nutshell, we are a family-run vegetarian restaurant aiming to serve our unique delicacy of vegetarian food options with warm customer service across the world in the coming days.
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Another time...
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My Vegan Story :
I am the creator of Veggiepedia, your one-stop shop for all things vegan and green. Browse vegan foods, recipes, courses, cookbooks, brands, social groups, organizations, activists & much more. Coming soon also in ES, FR, PT, IT, DE! Read more about Veggiepedia and how you can join us or support us at
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In third year of veganism. First for health reasons. Now, also for the animals and environment.
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After 12 years as a lacto-ovo-vegetarian, I became a vegan in 2007 and have found the health benefits of my new diet to be wonderful and observable. I also enjoy the food. I started my Wordpress blog about vegan issues, Healthy Vegan Hudson Valley, in 2017. It focuses on the mid-Hudson Valley of New York, USA, applying insights from the work of physician and bestselling author Dr. Joel Fuhrman and noting the great variety of options and opportunities for vegans to get involved and enjoy their lifestyles in the area. For more information, please see my site!
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I'd been vegetarian for the past three years, and I didn't know the horrors of the dairy and egg industries. When I happened upon an article online, I realized I wasn't living consistently with my values, so I went vegan.
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I am vegan for the animals.
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Pete Reimann fervently adopted a vegan lifestyle for ethical reasons in June of 2019, after being prompted by a random 'animal-rights outreach' video to ponder the question, "What do you value higher; taste pleasure or the life of an innocent animal?" Although he clicked on the video to make fun of vegans, his response was to adopt a vegan lifestyle on the spot. He was tired of living as a hypocrite, choosing his own taste-pleasure over the lives of animals he claimed to respect. He made the conscious decision to watch his first standard-legal practice slaughterhouse footage 3 days later, which provoked him to take action for the animals.
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Originally became vegan for better athletic performance but realized complete benefits: longevity, enviornmentalism, ethics, et.c
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vegan mattresses
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My Vegan Story :
I got tired of being ill.
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58 years old, post-op RNY Gastric Bypass surgery. Severe osteoarthritis in both knees. Feeling much better overall since switching to a WFPB Lifestyle. I have lost 100 pounds in one year. Starting yoga and stationary exercises bike.
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Jennifer Greene is executive director of Vegan Long Island. She also does volunteer work for the Coalition for Health School Food (CHSF) and Beyond Carnism.
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Not at this time, thank you.
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I became vegetarian initially after watching the documentary Earthlings which really affected me. It was difficult for me because I grew up eating meat and I would have called myself a big meat eater. It probably took me 3-4 tries to eventually kick the meat habit and it was especially difficult when travelling to places such as Mexico which really do not have the options of say the US/UK.

Eventually I switched to vegetarian and then giving up the rest wasn't a big challenge for me as there are so many good cheese, milk and egg alternatives nowadays.
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My Vegan Story :
Peace to all.
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My Vegan Story :
A life long vegetarian who saw the truth and switched overnight.
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I have ibs and colitis so when certain foods were triggering my body I knew I had to make a lifestyle change and for the past year I cut out beef and fried foods and just recently I cut out all meat and I feel better and less tired and my flare ups aren’t that bad so I’m excited to learn more about the vegan lifestyle and eat better.
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Another vegan
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Realized dairy and eggs contributed to same industry I was trying to boycott. So went fully vegan.
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My Vegan Story :
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My Vegan Story :
i became a vegan mainly for acne issues but then as i began looking into nutrition and what foods are best to thrive on i learned that we dont need animal protein and my whole outlook changed and now im here for the animals and the environment and healthy skin is just a plus!
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I have just begun my vegan journey!
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My Vegan Story :
Lactovegetarian since 1974 and vegan since August 15th 2019 because of a hear condition.
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5 weeks ago! Looking to restore my health!
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I became vegan after watching many documentaries when you know better you do better.
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Heart disease is prevalent in my family and I am determined NOT to die of it!
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Through meditating under a tree in nature, I learned the deepest meaning of compassion which is Karuna. This led me to my transformation to veganism.
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I would love to. Don't have time now.
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At 58 a love for animals led me back to living as a vegan There were 4 failed attempts (from age 14 to 2005), all health-driven, each about a year long, and each ending because I felt I was inconveniencing those who cooked for me. In 2019 my biology students asked whether my love of animals had made me vegan. I was fermenting milk kefir then, and the question made me ponder long and hard. The next day I told my partner I would no longer eat animal products, and he was very supportive. COVID lockdown gave me time to learn to make my own food, so I’m never inconveniencing anyone else with my food choice. I’m a full-time wildlife and landscape painter, but 25 years in education (teaching biology) and 6 years as a chiropractor still had not readied me for the amazing health benefits that followed this last move back to the lifestyle that most suits me. Now I’m an evangelist!
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My Vegan Story :
An elevated PSA and tumor on an MRI showed probable prostate cancer -- with family history and work exposure making it 99.9% sure. Later, rising blood pressure, Chest Pain and ischemia (cardiac blockage) added to the problem.

A Whole Foods Plant based diet, without oils, salts , or sugar, along with exercise and key supplements reduced the tumor size in half and the PSA returned to normal -- make it clinically insignificant. Additionally, my blood pressure imrpoved to a better than textbook figure, and my chest pain disappeared within four months. All other signs and symptoms went back to excellent status, and I can exercise vigorously for hours without feeling winded or uncomfortable in any way. In fact, I have since climbed difficult hills here in Colombia, and other symptoms associateted with a blocked prostate totally vanished -- returning to my 19 year-old self. Amazing!!! Total body blockage and inflammation have dissappeared over the course of three years.

I did not take any medications provided by one of America's top hospitals, and declined biopsies, surgeries and catherizations with possible stints, instead opting for a WFPBD with supplements and intermittent fasting. I am being monitored, and will re-do all the cardiac tests in one year for complete cardiac health validation.

I told the doctors that if my path did not work, I would follow standard of care. My WFPBD worked miraculously, and there's no need for a conventional medical path for chronic conditions. In fact, with what I experienced, I consider conventional medicine medieval for most chronic conditions -- It's all in what you eat. I asked my cardiologist at one of America's top hospitals what I should eat, and he didn't respond. With that, I asked him what he eats at home, and responded with the DASH diet, or the standard American diet in moderation. I declined the pathway to moderate heart disease, moderate cancer or moderate diabetes, and instead went with the WFPBD and am glad I did. No wonder the majority of cardiologists die of heart disease, and most doctors have a life span of 65 years.

Why don't the doctors follow a WFPBD? I am astounded with what I've uncovered over the past three years.
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My Vegan Story :
I had my tonsils removed and out later the reason my tonsils was infected because of meat, dairy and other chemicals I was putting in my body.
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My Vegan Story :
Been vegetarian for years, closing in on my 50th birthday next year and want to be my healthiest ever, lower weight and get off the high blood pressure meds. My ethical nature also needs more nurturing and a community of like minded, and like hearted people, as I'm surrounded by a family and circle of friends of carnivores who put absolutely no thought into where their food is coming from.
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My Vegan Story :
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My Vegan Story :
Vegan 2001, but not whole food plant based until 2011
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I became a vegan after watching A Prayer for Compassion at a screening in Hendersonville. i literally had dairy at lunch and became vegan at 7pm that evening.
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My Vegan Story :
I had been a lacto vegetarian since 1975. As I became more aware I decided that I should be a vegan.
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I had prostate cancer 15 years ago. I read the China Study and became a vegetarian.
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I have decided to become vegan due to my health issues. I want to get my health back!
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Since I moved to America I question food I grew up on the farm ,food here in us taste different . And also it’s Difficult to know where this food coming from
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Plant-based concert who is now getting his Masters in Nutrition as medicine to help others see the way.
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Being raised vegetarian and then choosing to remain vegetarian for ethical reasons was the foundation of my transition to veganism. I watched a few documentaries have always been very much clued up about environmental concerns and it was inevitable. I am also recently diagnosed with RA. Which means I need to adopt a more healthy vegan plant based diet. I am still in transition.
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Health devastation .... exit animal products and processed foods and enter whole plant foods.... bye bye chronic diseases! 🤗
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My Vegan Story :
Watched Forks Over Knives and never looked back.
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My Vegan Story :
Just wanted to be healthy
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I am artist whose rode to veganism was animal and health based. I will be vegan for life and my artwork will forever be based on my love and deep respect for the natural world.
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I was reading and suddenly I came across a blog about how meat eaters and dairy eaters affects animals in harmful ways , then I further researched in this thing I decided not eat dairy products and go vegan.
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I’m on a journey to prevent so diseases! I will eat too live and not die and be an example for all those I can help.
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After watching a report on racehorse slaughter, I realized that the slaughter of any animal is wrong so I became vegan on the spot.
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After being knocked off my bike by a motorist. I rested and took my friends advice and found that I was healing better and feeling mentally better on a mixture of raw veg smoothies juicing and solid foods ie plant based. Which also fed my curiosity to revamp the way I take care of my body
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I went vegan after learning the horrors of how animals are treated on factory farms and slaughterhouses.
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My Vegan Story :
I was eating mostly a plant based diet since about 2015. In October 2019 I was diagnosed with Salivary Duct Carcinoma, stage 4 ( Metastatic L parotid adenocarcinoma) with Her2 over expressing. It's a rare and incurable cancer. I went full on vegan, knowing it was the healthiest choice I could make because I had no plans to die. I haven't looked back. I'm not raw vegan. I eat raw as well as cooked. I and my oncology team know that I'm alive today in part due to my vegan diet. I was supposed to die within a short time. The cancer had already metastasized into my liver. It's no longer in my liver and while I have health struggles and am still in treatment (chemo and immuno every 3 weeks) I have more energy than many of my friends who are supposedly healthy but not vegan! I make food that non-vegans love as they struggle to believe it's vegan! I love my plant based diet and I really love all it's done for me
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My Vegan Story :
I started for my health for the second time in May 2019. After finishing the CHIP program, my husband and I allowed our cravings to allow animal products back into our lives. I continued to read and watch documentaries. This past week my husband had a mild stroke. It has accelerated my desire to heal our world by first starting in my household.
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My Vegan Story :
I am only 1 week in to being vegan. But, I am excited by all the research which shows I will decrease the risk for all chronic diseases including depression and mental illness and cancer by being vegan.
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The journey of fighting chronic pain and inflammation. Living with a genetic disorder called Neurofibromatosis type 1 and a condition called Chiari Malformation 1 with a syringomyelia, both cause pain throughout my body along with other issues. Before my transition or awakening I was surrounded by people who were plant-based, and conscious about everything that goes in and out of the body. In the month October of 2019, I was in the middle of my 5K Walk Challenging, after finishing one race I was out celebrating eating and felt disgusted looking at the chicken wings on my plate. I thought to myself, this looks more like a hawk wing than a chicken wing. These lead up to me watching different documentaries related to vegan/ plant base. Being led by the Spirit of God I decided to go Vegan.
Since my transition I have learned more about myself and became more aware of what is really going on with the things that go into our food. I am eating more wholes food than process food. I also incorporate my faith into eating a more whole plant-based diet, in which I encourage others in my community.
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So far I have a lot more energy.
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My Vegan Story :
Knowing that you’re buying a new Nissan that’s safe, reliable, fun to drive, and comes at a great price… that’s a good feeling. Getting a true Lifetime Warranty to fully protect your new vehicle… now, that’s even better!
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My Vegan Story :
My sister has been plant based for 8 years. I always knew in the back of my mind that she was right. In 2019, I had a health scare and an ultrasound showed sludge on my gallbladder. My PCP sent me to a surgeon who told me that she could put me on medications or removed my gallbladder. She told me that the sludge was caused from meat, dairy and eggs, but didn't tell me about changing my lifestyle or nutrition. My sister recommended that I watch Forks Over Knives. I took the week off work and binge watched FOK, The Game Changers, What The Health, Cowspiracy, Earthlings and Dominion. I went vegan overnight. I've not slipped once and now I'm oil free. I'm also a certified personal trainer, a clinical plant based nutritionist, coach lifestyle medicine and a yoga instructor. I am making a huge impact.
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BevVeg offers vegan certification and the use of the BevVeg vegan logo for all vegan products.
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I went to food as medicine in VABCH.
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Hoping to make a difference by making some lifestyle changes for my family xx
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I was at my friend’s house and we were working on a campaign for Prop2 to help egg laying hens used in factory farms. I said, “I love animals so much.”
My friend Judy Landey exclaimed,”If you love animals so much, then why do you eat them.” That was the wake up call I needed to stop consuming dead flesh. I’m thankful my eyes & heart were opened that night. We are all pre-vegan in our hearts.
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guilt plus information fro
Doctors my colleagues
lovely Dr barnard and MG and Md
Fan of animals and science
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My Vegan Story :
in the back of my mind I always knew it was the right thing to do, however due to laziness, lack of compassion, etc. I never put my mind to actually study what being a vegan really meant till I watched Cowspiracy and my mind went "ARE U KIDDING ME" nonetheless once again I fool myself cause I was still eating eggs once a month... this went on for about 6 months till I did the work and found out that free range eggs suck for the environment and they damage the animals too...
I am so happy with the decision of turning vegan I honestly could never go back to eat any animal products, I don't miss them at all and even if it sounds corny I do feel more love to our nature and happiness...
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My Vegan Story :
My doctor watched The Game Changers and encouraged me to go watch and go plant-based only. I laughed... UNTIL my hero Arnold Schwarzenegger explained how he went plant based, and from there I realized how many other people I greatly respected had also gone Vegan. I ordered cookbooks and haven’t looked back.
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My Vegan Story :
I am a psychotraumatologist and have seen mentally ill humans chained to concrete walls (just like cows) in several countries of the world. I have worked with survivors of rape/impregnation held captive in prison (war) camps, in trafficking situations or child pornography when pregnant having their babies taken away to to be sold (just like cows). Even rebells eating human flesh grilled over campfire (smells just like meat). I have worked with survivors of torture which is extremely horrifying and so similar to what we do your fellow animals. Humans can be incredible cruel. We do not have the right to hold another being captive, exploit them, make them suffer in the worst ways and kill them, just as we do with our fellow human beings. Our NGO vivo international works to overcome and prevent traumatic stress and its consequences within the individual, the family as well as the community, safeguarding the rights and dignity of people affected by violence and conflict for the development of peaceful, human rights-based, societal ways of living. Vegan living is a fundamental way to stop violence.
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My Vegan Story :
nothing to share right now
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My Vegan Story :
3 years ago, Vegetarian for 30 years
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Never really liked meat. But when I saw a video on facebook on the horrible conditions pigs and other animals suffer through I just there and then decided to never ever eat meat or dairy products again.
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Vegetarian for 4 years, transitioning to vegan. Feeling better every day
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Every winter I traveled to Venezuela for 5 months I was getting healthier. Coming back to Canadian DIET, I was getting sick,
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My Vegan Story :
I had been a vegan from 2006 (previously vegetarian in 2000) when according to my primary care physician, my body needed animal protein and instead of disagreeing, I went along with his suggestion. After the next few years of experiencing major stomach pain, I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis in 2018. My primary care suggested becoming a vegan once again in 2019, as the stomach issues worsened, and immediately upon going vegan, the stomach paind=s diminished and I have never flet better.
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A friend recommended it and I tried it
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Still working on it
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My Vegan Story :
I am vegan for my health, the animals & of course the planet
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I’ve been off and on again and again. Studying. Researching. Watching documentary after documentary. YouTubes of the great doctors of WFPB. I had to break away to lead by example. My example is not complete yet but it’s on its way. I’m 65. My desire is to be healthy as I continue and to teach others.
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Willing to give the science a try
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My Vegan Story :
I am not Vegan but I am plant based
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My Vegan Story :
Watched Gamechangers. Decided to try to become vegan.
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Walking back from morbidly obese with a plant based diet
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Been vegan 6 weeks now.havent taken any drugs for my hip pain since
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I went vegan to save animals, they love and care too!
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My Vegan Story :
Need to be healthier
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My Vegan Story :
I went vegan for the animals in 2020 when I realized iys not ethical not to be. A year after, I started a vegan & cruelty-free business for making vegan living easier.
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Family history of heart disease. Have had cancer twice. Can’t eat dairy and meat without feeling lousy in addition to all the environmental and humanitarian reasons.
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Just seeing the need to fight off disease and lengthen my life.
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My Vegan Story :
I am a registered nurse, I have been vegetarian for nearly 8 years, recently became vegan.