Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Sprouts Cafe
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My Vegan Story :
I am a chef that has a passion for Mexican cuisine and has loved to extend my restaurants' vegan menu.
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My Vegan Story :
I have secondary progressive MS, Fibromyalgia and Crohn's. My husband lost his job, we had no access to medical care. I watched Forks Over Knives. It saved my life. Crohn's is reversed and MS is on the run!!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Transitioning to vegan lifestyle for the animals and the planet
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
After being vegetarian for 2 years, I saw an undercover video from a dairy farm which led me to go fully vegan.
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My Vegan Story :
Health reasons
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My Vegan Story :
Started my journey on the 13th of November, 2022 due to ill health.
I have been having a lot of health issues, fibroid, High cholesterol etc.

I changed my diet and immediately experienced a change.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I stopped consuming animal products when my father was diagnosed with cancer. I helped him to examine the scientific literature to find answers and came across the work of Dr T Colin Campbell. Then a few years later I went to a vegetarian expo and saw footage of what happens to animals to produce animal products. Because I had already stopped eating animal products, I had no need of defenses against this information and I easily made the connection with the ethical reasons behind veganism.
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My Vegan Story :
Joyful vegan since 2012 after one year a vegetarian and most of my life an omnivore.
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My Vegan Story :
Today is the day in which I have made up my mind to become Vegan for Health purposes. I want to be able to eliminate any prescriptions that I currently have.
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My Vegan Story :
Need to be healthier
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My Vegan Story :
As a 67 year old femaie with no health issues, I want to continue to thrive as I age. A recent attendance at a heart disease prevention program prompted me to follow a whole food plant based diet program.
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My Vegan Story :
i went on a 20 hour road/camping trip with my girlfriend and had seen a few vegan documentaries and watched a bunch of youtube videos beforehand and decided for the trip i won't eat meat just to see what it's like. I think i ended up eating completely vegan for the trip by default. the trip lasted 10 days and it was easy and i felt great. I never declared myself vegetarian after that, i just naturally continued not eating meat. (i actually had a bunch of chicken in my freezer that i just left there for months, that i eventually gave away to a friend who visited me ). That lasted for about a year before i decided to fully take the plunge and completely take out eggs and dairy from my diet and make a conscious effort to no longer support anything associated with animal abuse.
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My Vegan Story :
I will share a bit later.
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My Vegan Story :
In 2014, I read "Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind" and had since then become pescatarian / vegetarian. This year, I took the leap and became vegan! I feel super fortunate to have made the transition, and would like to help many more humans do the same - for the planet, for our fellow sentient beings, and for ourselves.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
believe in 800 g of veggies/day, fresh and colorful
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My Vegan Story :
got the blood work back from a routine life insurance physical and the numbers stunned me so my wife and myself stopped all animal so called foods, also the ethics were working on me
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My Vegan Story :
It is best health decision I have ever made and it is such a blessing.
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My Vegan Story :
My daughter became vegan at 12 years old. I decided to join her.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Vegan for the animals and the environment.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I became vegetarian 25 years ago and I became a vegan after friends urged me to look into that.
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My Vegan Story :
Vegan creative media lecturer & freelance graphic designer
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My Vegan Story :
Caddied for Jack LaLanne as a teen, became an earth scientist, lost too many friends to heart attacks… All roads pointed me to plants.
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My Vegan Story :
Started a farm sanctuary and once you look into the eyes of innocent your life will forever be changed.
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My Vegan Story :
I was an animal science major in college and visited many slaughterhouses which really disturbed me. I was such a hypocrite though because I would tell people how disturbing these facilities are, yet I was still occasionally eating animal products. After my seemingly healthy mother passed away from pancreatic cancer in 2017, I made the decision to live a healthy vegan lifestyle. Ever since I adopted this way of living I have felt the need to share everything I now know about how this way of living improves your health and outlook on life. I believe that one of my callings in life is to help convert the planet to veganism for the animals, the planet, and our health.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I watched animals suffering and realised how wrong it was to not oppose such cruelty
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I was vegetarian for about a year because I became aware, and saw how animals were treated whether that be the food system, testing, or in products. I had heard animals were also treated like crap in the production of milk, eggs, cheese etc. And around this point I had not seen videos but decided to go vegan because animal exploitation is wrong, my mom and dad looked at me like a was crazy, and the only way I could prove to her that this was valid was through showing her validated statistics regarding the food system, and videos of the animal abuse, by the point I had watched one video it was enough to convince me to become straight vegan, it was hard at first but thankfully to the bounteous options Publix and Kroger have I was more than fine. And vegan lifestyle fits me well, for about a year it was hard however now I no longer crave meat or dairy products and my horrible allergies have disappeared, thanks for reading (:
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My Vegan Story :
I became vegan after caring for an ill parent suffering from dementia.
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My Vegan Story :
I work at a marketing agency and have clients with great vegan products
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My Vegan Story :
I want to do my part.
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My Vegan Story :
Peace to all.
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My Vegan Story :
I transitioned after my first marathon in NYC eating everything and found that it helped my performance recover better. After having read the scientific literature, I was convinced to stay on it and be a role model for others. Now, with the education, I use it to teach others how to transition and how to better THRIVE with it.

Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I am just beginning the vegan journey for my health..
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I became a Vegetarian overnight after reading Diet for a Small Planet in the late 70’s. …… followed by becoming Vegan and now at a vibrantly healthy 80 year old, I call myself a Whole Food Plant Based person. I have chosen this life style for 3 important reasons.
1. My love for all animals
2. My great concern for the health of the planet
3. My desire to live the most vibrantly healthy life, drug free that I can.

I am still working in my Decorative painting business and now starting a new chapter as a Vitality Coach…..helping people transition to a healthier way of living. I have been following and studying this topic for the last 30 years and people are asking me what is my secret for my vitality and energy. It is not my genetic makeup but the food choices, I make, the thoughts that I focus on, moving my body and my spiritual practice of meditation.

I am excited to have found this wonderful community!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I went vegan for health reasons. I then learned about the animal cruelty and I am now an intersectional vegan.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I went vegan with my eldest daughter for various reasons and as a doctor took blood samples at the beginning and after the first three weeks. I had way too high cholesterol levels all my life - despite a "healthy diet" and was amazed at the improvements after such a short time: they turned normal for the very first time in my life...
Ever since I really enjoy learning a whole new way of cooking/living and am always enthusiastic about trying out more vegan recipes 🙂
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I became vegetarian when I was 13 years old after realizing that the cows I saw on the pastures out in the country near my cousin’s house were the same cows that were in the burgers I would get at McDonald’s with my grandma every Friday. From then on, I grew to learn more about factory farming and couldn’t turn back. Once I went to college and made my own meals, I became fully vegan and have never felt better!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
The day I decided to become vegan was the day when I went to the emergency room. I had already been a vegetarian for six years prior and swore I wouldn't give up cheese. Prior to going to the ER, I had eaten my mom's mac and cheese, her banging sour cream mashed potatoes, and a whole lot of sweets loaded in dairy. Two days later I ended up in the ER from eating too much of the dairy products amd they said they might have to remove my gall bladder. Luckily, I passed call stones in doctors care amd decided from that day forward that I will not eat dairy again! Since then, it has been interesting creating new and uniquely different meals. Becoming vegan has opened my eating pallet a totally different way!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Became Vegan after suffering a heart attack
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My Vegan Story :
I watched the Yourofsky speech and the rest is history!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Vegetarian since 1971 after learning about the horrors of slaughter houses. Fully vegan since 2017 .
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My Vegan Story :
I was diagnosed with duodenum cancer, received surgery & refused chemo radiation by completely changing diet as well as lifestyle.
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My Vegan Story :
Just learning more and trying to be as healthy as possible.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Vegan for the animals, humans and planet. 🌱
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I went vegan after coming across the documentary "Earthlings". I remember crying and being so distraught. My cat, Lady Luck came up to me and tried to comfort me. I realized in that moment that animals were more complex than we gave them credit for. And if my cat could show me empathy than I could to all the animals out there.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :

Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Vegetarian since childhood, realised through reading and films its not enough so changed to Vegan at the start of 2017. The main reason for my diet choice is avoiding harm to animals, although the benefits of minimising harm to the environment and my health are also important.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
“Let’s start doing Meatless Mondays” my wife told me as I had a beer in my hand…”Ughhh, fine… I’ll give it a try.”

After a few weeks, I noticed I felt better after Meatless Mondays over any other day of the week (sadly indulging in Omnivore Meals)

So… I decided to give up Dairy for a few days… which turned into a week… which turned into a month… which turned into: “Damn, I don’t feel bloated anymore…”

That led to: “well let’s try more meat free days”… leading to… a few weeks… leading to “Damn I haven’t had meat or dairy in a month…” and my plant based journey began.

Now I say plant based, because that is a diet, or choice on how to eat.

It took me about 2 years to finally figure that out and understand what “being vegan” means…

Being Vegan is all about the animals. It’s about how you SEE them As beings and NOT animals, treat them ALL equal, and think about them as LIFE instead of PROFITS!

Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
There is no alternative.
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My Vegan Story :
Once you know better, you do better!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
As soon as I watched cowspiracy that is when my vegan journey began and then I continued to learn more and improve my diet.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
It was a fall night 🌙 in 2008, October 2008, I watched a documentary entitled, "Death On A Factory Farm." It had such a tremendous effect on me that I went Vegan that night and became an animal rights activist the next day. It has been 13 years and have never turned back, I always say, it was the best decision I have ever made in my life.

Daniel G. I
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
My doctor watched The Game Changers and encouraged me to go watch and go plant-based only. I laughed... UNTIL my hero Arnold Schwarzenegger explained how he went plant based, and from there I realized how many other people I greatly respected had also gone Vegan. I ordered cookbooks and haven’t looked back.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Vegan 3 yrs
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My Vegan Story :
I went vegan to save animals, they love and care too!
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My Vegan Story :
I went vegan initially for environmental reasons but over the past two years my love for animals and the environment has been my sole purpose for continuing to stay vegan.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I initially became vegan because of health issues.
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My Vegan Story :
Great to be here!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I'm so glad I became a vegan in 2012
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My Vegan Story :
After I saw some friends turn vegetarian and then vegan, I naturally became curious and started researching the vegan diet. When I read The China Study by Dr Campbell, it became very clear to me that a vegan and plant-based diet was the way for me. Afterwards, I became familiar with other vegan principles besides just the food.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
After starting my education as an herbalist/natural healer I realize I needed to become vegan for my health.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I was inspired to go vegetarian after reading books by Dick Gregory and John Robbins. Then I went vegan in 2010. When I went vegetarian, I dropped from 174 to 146 pounds without any effort. I'm happy to share info about how to be vegan, AND avoid GMOs, glyphosate, hidden MSG, soy, gluten and so forth. I know a little about raw food vegan diets, very low fat vegan diets, and am happy to share any of that. just email me at
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My Vegan Story :
Using my diet to clear up my CAD.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I’m a kitchen and bathroom remodeled in Maryland. My son went vegan when he started college and educated me soon after. I started as a vegetarian the day before thanksgiving then went full vegan one month later. Best decision of my life. It was initially all about the environment but now it’s everything.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I had pretty bad angina in 2018. I watched Forks Over Knives and went totally vegan/plant based the following Sunday. I lost almost 60 pounds within 4 months and the angina disappeared within the first 30 days. I started slipping in vegan processed foods and quit losing weight instantly. Anyways, I have struggled to get full out plant based ever since, but hopefully it won’t be long now before I’m shedding the weight and getting healthy.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Game Changers Movie at 2018 Sundance Film Festival started me on my journey. Since then, lost 50 lbs and halved my cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose, etc.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Went vegan about 2 months ago and have lost 35 pounds
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My Vegan Story :
ive always had a passion for the natural and the outdoors. didnt take much for Veganism to get me.
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My Vegan Story :
Browse our wide range of pizzas, pastas, salads, Gelati and desserts to satisfy any hunger. Arrivederci are the leaders in being Brisbane’s no.1
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I was never a huge 'meat' eater, and was a bit bothered by my father hiding food from us kids, but he'd serve himself steak, like a big delicacy, and give us kids hamburger helper? By 2015 I was struggling to find my lifelong self, with a lifelong diet, and health, and animal product was the obvious choice. I've forever been an animal lover, more so now than before, and I knew at an early age, but perhaps subconsciously?, that when I saw that McDonalds was professing on their Golden Arches, 'Over x-million burgers served,' that there were restaurants were all over the place and the number was growing. A LOT OF BOVINE WERE SENSELESSLY KILLED because of gluttony and lack of education, and now We are fatter than ever and growing! We are our own keepers and our planet reflects what we are doing. It is not just cows, but all animals, all pieces of land, all parts of the planet, and our whole bodies. Ugh, where do we go from here, is how I feel sometimes.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Awakened in 2015, having been a slumbering vegetarian for 34 years! Planning with my partner, Martin, to set up a vegan B&B/Retreat/Activist Centre in England in 2019 - watch this space!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Vegan since about 2000. Vegetarian since birth. My daughter was born vegan and is adult now. I am over 50. I am married. I like travel, photography, scuba, motorcycle riding, antiques, reading, pottery. I am a Realtor with 12 years experience and ethical and moral responsibility. I take the responsibility very seriously & I value the relationships I have made along the way. 7275994958
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My Vegan Story :
I’ve been off and on again and again. Studying. Researching. Watching documentary after documentary. YouTubes of the great doctors of WFPB. I had to break away to lead by example. My example is not complete yet but it’s on its way. I’m 65. My desire is to be healthy as I continue and to teach others.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I am a WFPB primary care nurse practitioner.
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My Vegan Story :
Became vegan to heal from RA
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My Vegan Story :
I just started.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I could no longer ignore that loving animals and eating them was not the same thing, I followed my values and become vegan.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I was a vegan that sneaked burgers for many years. Vegetarian for about 6 years and vegan for 4 or 5 more.
I had a series of about 7 surgeries and was having trouble healing. The doctors said i needed to eat steak and cicken...i followed his advice.

So not having diabetes and diastolic congestive heart failure at age 59, I'm back to plant based
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I am a cancer survivor and veganism saved my life!
I am organizer of Augusta GA Animal Save and Climate Save AGS and AV Augusta GA.
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My Vegan Story :
I create impactful visual communications that inspire people to engage, converting concept driven design into valuable assets that perform and spark sales.

Skilled in multiple areas of strategic design and business development, I wear many hats at BONFILIO DESIGN – a small, multidisciplinary graphic design agency founded in 1998.

As a plant-powered businesswoman, I’m fiercely passionate about supporting brands and organizations that promote a cruelty-free, environmentally conscious lifestyle. My goal is to put my skills and experience to work for ethical organizations to help them thrive and grow exponentially.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I was vegetarian for 10 years after reading Diet for a Small Planet. Then I read John Robbins' book Diet for a New America and became vegan. I never looked back. In 2002, I cofounded the parent organization for the Alaska Vegan Society.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney disease.
I was told that I would have to get a kidney transplant, or go on dialysis.
I also have CHF as well as Diabetes and diabetic retinopathy.
I am obese and have been for most of my life.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I needed a lifestyle change to combat chronic illness
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My Vegan Story :
Heart disease is prevalent in my family and I am determined NOT to die of it!
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My Vegan Story :
The real driver was to minimise cognitive decline. My mom had suffered with this for 7 years dying at 97. I am now 69 and could have 30 more years to live so see myself as still young. I want all my remaining years to be healthy.
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My Vegan Story :
It has been an amazing experience, with positive health benefits as well.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I was vegetarian for about 6 years and started watching documentaries and once you know you know. So I have given up all animal products for just over 2 years. This year I am really trying to go whole food plant based!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
It all began as an undercurrent, a feeling of unwellness that permeated my every day. I was the woman with a successful career, a loving family, raising kids, yet beneath that façade, wellness was a foreign concept. The standard American diet was my norm; it was simply fuel, with no apparent link to how I felt—until it all came to a head.

I was young, yet burdened with hypertension and a rising cholesterol level. Not overtly overweight, but sickness clung to me—a myriad of gut issues that no one could untangle. My diet was not under scrutiny until doctors, stumped by my condition, suggested an endoscopy and colonoscopy. “Possible Crohn’s disease,” they said after noticing a lesion. Crohn's—a word that struck fear into my heart, signaling a change needed to be made.

I embarked on a journey not knowing the destination. It was a friend, Pam, who handed me the first clue—a DVD titled “Eat” that connected the dots between our diet, diabetes, heart disease, and more. My family’s history with diabetes, laden with blindness and amputations, flashed before my eyes. I had been blind to the correlation, but not anymore.

I read, I learned, I attended workshops. My diet evolved, not overnight, but gradually. The label “vegan” wasn't part of my vocabulary yet; this was for my health. As my gut issues dissipated and I felt the joy of well-being, the weight of chronic illness lifted. I embraced a plant-based lifestyle without even realizing it.
Then came the biggest surprise—my sugar addiction vanished. I, a self-proclaimed sugar addict, had not craved sweets for months. It was a freedom I had never known.

Over 20 years have passed since that pivotal moment. Letting go of old habits was a process, but as I detached from my past diet, I connected more deeply with the world around me. I started seeing animals in a different light—not as food, but as beings with emotions, families, lives. This connection was transformative, and it was then I vowed never to consume another animal.

My perspective widened to include not only animal welfare but also environmental concerns. With droughts and ecological disruptions becoming more frequent, the question arose: What could I, as one individual, do to make a difference?

Now, when I look back at that time of sickness, I see it as a catalyst for a profound transformation. By adopting a plant-based lifestyle, I not only reclaimed my health but also found purpose in advocating for a kinder, more sustainable way of life.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Was vegetarian not conscious to the hormones thta were being put in my body by diary. I got breast cancer. I survived cancer and am still healthy.I went ethical vegan in 2016 started a Save Movement chapter.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Went vegan for health and ethical reasons.
Now I am a certified Vegan Nutrition Coach. I want to help educate people on healthier living through a better diet.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I care about the planet and animals. As a qualified nutritionist I'm passionate about eating whole foods that are cruelty free.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I have been vegetarian since 1991, then I moved on to being a vegan in the month of October 2003, now my next move is that I haven’t eaten any grain, since January 11, 2018...
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My Vegan Story :
Through meditating under a tree in nature, I learned the deepest meaning of compassion which is Karuna. This led me to my transformation to veganism.
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My Vegan Story :
I watched Gary Yourofsky's Best Speech Ever video and knew I could never eat animals again 🙂
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Plant based life
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Hello, For me I just want to get healthier and happier. To have a positive impact in my life, the plant and those around me. To put an end to diseases which have ended the lives of my loved ones. People are like stained glass you can only see thier beauty in the darkness of there's alight within! Keeping my fire burning as I finish the fifties and head into retirement age.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Will share later
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I am a biomedical scientist who has been a passionate vegan advocate since 2013!

I remember telling myself I love meat so much that I can never live without it. This was later replaced with cheese when I went vegetarian.

Today, I am the Founder and CEO of Allied Scholars for Animal Protection, a nonprofit that brings vegan outreach and education to universities, to support and mentor students and future leaders! We are building a unified, effective, and sustainable infrastructure for animal advocacy in universities by focusing on 3 areas:

Vegan outreach, education and community building, and making dining halls plant based!

My transition started when my friend told me that I can't say I love animals and eat them too! I resisted for several months, but when I was presented with facts and also saw what animals go through for meat, egg, dairy, wool, experimentation, etc. the only rational and ethical decision was to go vegan.

At the same time, the more I learned about the health benefits of plant-based diet, and the health and environmental issues caused by animal consumption, the more I realized this is the root cause of many issues I always cared about! These problems are inherent to animal consumption and not just "how" we exploit animals and factory farms. For instance, free-rage or grass fed animals still contribute to zoonotic diseases, pandemics, antibiotic resistance, and climate change. In fact, in some ways, they are worse!

Veganism isn't just this arbitrary cause that I suddenly became interested in. It is the most impactful, important, and urgent topic we should be talking about. By understanding the depth of the problem and the amount of suffering caused by animal consumption to both human and nonhuman animals, I know that
rationally, mathematically, statistically, and ethically the best way to use my time and energy to help others is to be a vegan and advocate veganism, and that's what I've been doing since 2013!

****Connect with me****




