Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I’ve never felt better.
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My Vegan Story :
I became vegan after juicing and feeling amazing. Never looked back.
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My Vegan Story :
Vegan chef and sourdough baker looking for jobs in plant based establishments. I have a love for fresh, local ingredients, creativity in the workplace and changing people's mind about what a plant based diet has to be.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I am the creator of Veggiepedia, your one-stop shop for all things vegan and green. Browse vegan foods, recipes, courses, cookbooks, brands, social groups, organizations, activists & much more. Coming soon also in ES, FR, PT, IT, DE! Read more about Veggiepedia and how you can join us or support us at
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
As am an artist and painter of animals. My journey to veganism was slow but based in both the experience of painting the animals and bonding with them to their cause of wanting a happy free life, and learning more and more what happens to them. I couldn't close my eyes anymore and realized it was psychically damaging to me to take the energy to rationalize and try to ignore the plight of these animals I loved so much. My last thing was eggs, having replaced all other foods with plant based options. I was thinking what could possibly be wrong with a free range egg, but of course learned that term was misleading at best, and then learned the plight of male chicks, slaughtered as they are after hatching. so I dropped eggs, completing the idea that no suffering should happen for a moments pleasure. Now there are so many substitutes that there isn't EVEN the excuse of being denied a moments pleasure.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I have been vegan for over 5 years. I first went vegan for health reasons and now I am vegan for the animals. I am a full time animal rights activist.
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My Vegan Story :
I had issues with food all my life. I became a vegetarian at 12 but it wasn’t sustainable. I gave up beef. I suffered from bulimia. It helped to give up gluten 7 years ago. I’ve always believed health and mood was influenced by what we ate. I worked in the entertainment business fashion, acting, production, film, music then became a psychotherapist working with women w cptsd, trauma and eating disorders. I’m on the board of an arts center and have run many events. In October I was put on a statin for high cholesterol refused to take it. I decided to go plant based according to dr esselstyne how to prevent and reverse heart disease. I eat mostly raw . I’ve learned so much since then listening to all the conferences and interviews of plant based drs on YouTube and reading books. I am considering the eCornell certification. I wish there were more healthy, low fat vegan restaurants in nyc! I am committed to healing my own life, helping others, our wildlife and the planet. I m married to a doctor and there are other drs in my family. I hope to educate them also. It is hard to change old thinking. I have a 22yr old son, very bright and successful already in media marketing business, I am hoping to get him on board. He has a non alcoholic fatty liver and other issues I worry about him. I am looking to connect to others and get involved in many ways . It is my passion. I live in nyc.
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My Vegan Story :
For the past several years I have noticed that I felt increasingly woozy starting in December until late April . Late April or early May is the time of year that dandelion, garlic mustard, wild onions, chives start to come up and I start to forage greens and I feel sharp, happy, energetic and healthy. I foraged as usual at the start of the pandemic in 2020 and started looking into getting more veggies into my diet through the winter. I figured that the store bought kale/chickory/beet tops/ other greens that I was buying in the winter would be less nutritious than what I picked in the summer so I'd have to eat more of them. As the pandemic progressed I started losing weight, little at a time, and all over my body. I felt great, had (and still have) lots of energy .
I started to research a program for introducing a plant based diet to a particular ethnic group that was experiencing high rates of obesity and diabetes and saw my diet being touted on several websites and videos. Watching and learning I thought that increasing the variety of greens and grains might be beneficial so I started to pick up a more varied selection of greens added different nuts and added some spices to my diet. Since I keep feeling better and better I figure I'm doing OK and will keep going. I seldom eat out at restaurants so I haven't had to find a vegan restaurant or find items on a regular menu that I can eat, and I still have an occaisional egg a little cheese, or even a small piece of steak when I'm in the mood. But I draw the line at added sugar, "thanks, but not for me" and refined flour. No bread, cake, ice cream etc. My only problem with my diet now, is that I seldom get hungry. I eat a lot of "green" and it seems to keep me feeling satisfied. guess I'm "almost" a vegan. Feeling relaxed about food, Jganvet
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Had terrible osteoarthritis, knees replaced 8 years ago. Hands hurt everyday, had carpal tunnel and trigger finger release on both hands. Very overweight and tired. Went vegan after seeing Knives Over Forks. It has been a process, learning so much from the experts and incorporating as much as I can. Hands no longer hurt, lost 35 pounds and feeling much better. More weight loss needed. A work in progress. I am 73 years old, golf 3-4 times a week and swim/water aerobics almost every day. All with a non-vegan spouse and I do all the cooking.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
After watching a report on racehorse slaughter, I realized that the slaughter of any animal is wrong so I became vegan on the spot.
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My Vegan Story :
It didn't take long for me - a switch was flipped and I was done with animal products!
That being said, lots of cylinders were firing as I became a more compassion person, listened to the right speeches, and found a growing desire to align my morals with my actions.
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My Vegan Story :
My mother was diagnosed with Parkinson's 12 years ago. Her diagnosis led our family on a journey that has led us to the knowledge of what is really in our foods. I am currently transitioning my Husband and children.
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My Vegan Story :
vegan for the animals & enjoying a healthy lifestyle - street activist with AV Cube of Truth
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My Vegan Story :
After being vegetarian for over a decade, I made the full switch as I realized more and more, that I was not doing enough to end the use of animals in the food chain.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I was vegetarian for almost 30 years but still, I was Cognitive dissonant to the true plight of animals. With the birth of my daughter, my wife and I decided to take the big step of eliminating all animal products from our foods and from most of the items we use in our lives.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I read the book Diet for a New America by John Robbins and was blown away by the information I was getting. The transition was easy for me, gratifying and started me on a lifelong journey to help change the world.
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My Vegan Story :
Willing to give the science a try
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I became vegan after participating in a 30 day vegan pledge program.
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My Vegan Story :
Hello, I've been working on the website hard since April 1st 2024. So, you may see some changes. But, I've made significant progress. All the core functionality is there though. So join, make friends, post to the blog, add listings, and add events to build up your community and a vegan world! Ok, back to work. Here's a bit of my vegan journey. I need to update it but here's a start:

I went vegan after watching Gary Yourofsky's best speech in 2011. I literally did nothing more than stop eating what little animal I was eating already and just ate more of everything else I ate, including french fries. In 2017 I had my bloodwork done to save money on my insurance. My total cholesterol was 121!

I remembered having my bloodwork done about 6 years earlier; in late 2010, right before I happened to go vegan. My total cholesterol was 168 then. Six years of not eating animals, no other changes, brought my LDL and Triglycerides down that much and HDL up too. The visceral fat fast that had been progressively accumulating around my waist just like my father, and both of my grandfathers, vanished. And still now at 51 in 2024 I'm basically the same as I was when I was in my late 20's. And, I no longer get sick. Before going vegan I would usually get sick twice a year at the change of the seasons; hence the reason I had my bloodwork done in 2010.

All of this intrigued me. So, I started listening to doctors on YouTube. I also just started walking in my neighborhood for the first time. I would take these long walks and absorb so much of it that I was inspired to prepare more whole plant foods, dig deeper into nutrition, and that led into a little into science, biochemistry, anatomy, evolution, and logic, looking at how others are doing around me, how I've improved but my extended family didn't when they were in their 30's. I'm now 50 with the same body I had in my 20's and very sedentary with all this editing and not being very happy with walking in this neighborhood anymore.

I went vegan for ethical reasons in 2011. In 2017 I realized everyone can be vegan and may even be significantly healthier as a result eating a well-planned vegan diet. Understanding the potential a vegan way of eating has for human health I became obligated to do all I can to share this information, learn more, explore far, and help others along the way as much as I can. To make sure, again I had to ask, "is there any reason to eat animals?" and no one could justify it for anything other than social conformity, an infantile habituation really.

In an effort to organize my contributions and efforts, free content creation for vegan businesses and events, I started as a website directory. I didn't have the budget or help to accomplish much beyond that in the first stretch of working on the site. I took a break from developing the site after a few months into it and just left it on autopilot while I was building up the channel.

Now the channel is approaching 100K subscribers. I’ve shot hundreds of interviews around the country on location, solo. I produced a documentary for Jane Velez-Mitchell in 2019. I bought a house an hour and an half from me in 2020 to produce videos with Dr. Garth Davis; after fixing the house up, renting it b/c I can’t afford it, putting an accessory building on the property and turning that into a studio.

Garth and I did about 5 videos before he and his family suddenly had to move back to Texas. At the same time Dr Kong approached me about the book she was working on called Vegan Voices; composed of stories from 50 different authors.

I offered to interview some of the authors from her book if she helped me with travel and coordination. And it was that first run that set motion for hundreds more interviews to come.

Right away, about 3 interviews in, I realized I needed to do a documentary. I had helped Jane with hers but that was her vision and entirely her style. I just did all the editing and helped think things through and shot some of it.

The documentary I would love to do hasn’t been done really. And it’s unfolding now through the interviews as they progress.

As time has permitted over the years I have tried to come back to the website. Each time I have spent a couple or few months dealing with the developers and ultimately brought it a step further. I worked hard on the site from 12/22 to 3/23 and really overcame some milestones (with listings & events) that were holding me back for years. This enabled me to focus on and try and take the site to a new level (with user profiles) which brought on new issues. Now in 2024 I’m getting past those user issues and implementing a forum and hopefully getting to a point of stylizing the site and actually start promoting it.

So, that’s just some of how things evolved in my vegan life; from ethics to health, to everything and everyone, to doing all I can and now this is all I do. I would love to pull off a huge documentary. But, thus far it’s just been me with really zero budget. Consequently, it may just end up being more of a compilation instead of reshooting specifically for the documentary and with a team.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I became vegan in 2011 after watching "Best Speech Ever" by Gary Yourofsky! Right before I went vegan I had my blood work done and my total cholesterol was high, 168. I was also getting sick like allergies twice a year. It was causing drainage accompanied with weazing and infections which was why I got my blood work done.

6 years after going vegan I had to know my bloodwork. It was down to 125! I wasn't sick that entire time. And I had only removed animals and their secretions. I did nothing else.

For that first 6 years I only knew what not to eat but really didn't know how to eat until 2017. I started studying nutrition a little and learned about a whole-food, plant based diet and how it's the healthiest.

When I realized no one needed to eat animals at all (unless they're in extreme desperate circumstances of course) I also realized it was likely hurting everyone; the slaughterhouse worker, the consumer, the health care system, zoonotic disease, on and on....
I became very intrigued by nutrition most notably. If the healthiest way to be is vegan then why kill animals at all?
So, now I have devoted my entire life to learning what I can about nutrition, advocating, and capturing other people's vegan stories for vegan linked. ❤
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I cannot contribute to the pain and suffering of an innocent living being. I went vegetarian at 21 and vegan 23 years later. Only regret; not going vegan at 21 🙁
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My Vegan Story :
I started wanting to be healthier then I started learning about the other ways veganism helps the world.
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My Vegan Story :
Started eating a 100% plant based diet, but then ran across the vegan documentaries during the process of learning more. Became vegan overnight once watching those documentaries. Was exposed to the concept of veganism in the early 2000s, but was scared off by a trusted source with a PhD that I wouldn\'t be capable of keeping myself healthy. Very happy to eventually learn that what was told to me was complete myth.
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My Vegan Story :
I wanted to eat less meat because it's good for the environment. I opened a vegan restaurant that serve 100% plant sourced food hoping more people will eat less meat.
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My Vegan Story :
I became vegan after watching many documentaries when you know better you do better.
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My Vegan Story :
I’m a returning vegan. My mother is a 50yr vegan and in wonderful condition, so I’m returning to my roots.
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My Vegan Story :
I am a registered nurse, I have been vegetarian for nearly 8 years, recently became vegan.
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My Vegan Story :
Jennifer Greene is executive director of Vegan Long Island. She also does volunteer work for the Coalition for Health School Food (CHSF) and Beyond Carnism.
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My Vegan Story :
I am a vegan therapist in California specializing in trauma, addiction and relationship issues. I use EMDR and Mindfulness to help clients overcome past experiences and become grounded in the present moment. Go to my website for more info and to set up a free 15 minute consultation. I can't wait to hear from you!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Been vegan for two years!
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My Vegan Story :
Studying to become a yoga teacher in 2000, I became vegetarian for ahimsa reasons. Finally met my vegan sweetheart in 2010 and went vegan immediately, making all my dreams come true 🙂 Founded the first Central Coast (CA) Veg Fest in 2018.
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My Vegan Story :
I am only 1 week in to being vegan. But, I am excited by all the research which shows I will decrease the risk for all chronic diseases including depression and mental illness and cancer by being vegan.
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My Vegan Story :
Day after eating steak, woke up with the taste of blood in my mouth. Never ate meat again!
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My Vegan Story :
Witnessing awful treatment of cows, sheeps, and other animals in my pre-veterinary college program shocked me. I didn't understand their suffering until then. I tried to stay with the pre-veterinary program but dropped out after two years because I lost morale seeing what even veterinary students were expected to do to their patients. I met animal rights activists soon after I left college. Their literature was entirely consistent with my feelings. I began volunteering with them, I saw they were happy & healthy vegans, and I became vegan soon after. As with so many other humans I know, my biggest regret is not becoming vegan sooner.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I struggled with health issues for a really long time, especially hormonal acne and bloating.
No matter what I tried, nothing worked. I then stumbled across the vegan diet and I saw images of animal agriculture that broke my heart.
I decided to go vegan over night and since then have been helping women to become their healthiest vegan selves!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I went vegan in 1997, after reading Diet for a New America, by John Robbins. I am thankful for Dr. Greger for teaching me how to eat the best vegan food, at
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My Vegan Story :
I don’t really have a story. I’m not even sure why I transitioned but I do know that I feel better physically and mentally and I’m never going back.
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My Vegan Story :
After watching What the Health and Forks Over Knives, it was all just too much to ignore! Lost 40 pounds in 6 months without making myself crazy with calories and intensive gym workouts. It was a shockingly easy transition that I would never have imagined without first trying.
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My Vegan Story :
I was a microbiologist working in the pharmaceutical industry and touring animal labs and farms as part of my work. This enabled me to realize that the normalized violence inflicted upon animals on farms and in labs was a direct result of my own personal food choices. Becoming vegan was my response to the disturbing things I witnessed.

I married Joe and we had two healthy vegan pregnancies. The parenting journey has been the highlight of my life. Wanting to give our children the best possible odds for a healthy and good life inspired me to do a lot of research and some of my views about what is best for our health changed as a result.

But the bedrock of our family has been being vegan, which provided an ethical framework and has been an incredible blessing in other ways too, including helping me to see that the same kinds of conflicts-of-interest and biased science that have supported big ag have also misled the public about many other important "choices" we have and what we believe to be "true."

Our born-vegan daughters not only survived our pioneering vegan parenting -- but made it all the way into adulthood without ever taking antibiotics and never having broken any bones (in spite of one being a gymnast who did back handsprings on the balance beam -- and was the only member of her competitive team to have never broken a bone.) Our older daughter Sarina now does vegan education and blogs on YouTube as "Born Vegan."
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My Vegan Story :
I am an ethical vegan and animal advocate who promotes veganism around the globe. To me, veganism is the most vital path for world peace and compassion. My background information can be found at my website,
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My Vegan Story :
I am a perfect example of fighting for some animals(animal activist) all my life and not knowing about my food until I was 47 and awakened. I became an animal activist after seeing a canned hunting event on tv when I was 20 and lost my mind at what I saw. This is before the internet so I found a group called CHARC and learned about many abuse's , but not the farming or our food(they are still going strong here in Chicago). It has been such a long journey and I have been an everyday activist since learning the truth, along with my 3 vegan daughters and wife. Happy to share my story that has struggles. I help open eyes everyday when I see an opening. Turned both my now 78 year old parents vegan as well. I used to help rescue Tibetans , but now only animals. I go to Slaughter houses (they are customers) and witness what they don't want us to see. I will not stop speaking up and fighting for the voiceless until my last breath. The guilt of not knowing sooner I feel doesn't leave. We must never give up!!! I have too much to discuss that would be a novel.
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My Vegan Story :
Plant-based concert who is now getting his Masters in Nutrition as medicine to help others see the way.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I had been vegetarian for a few years before I became vegan. I became vegetarian with the intention of becoming vegan because I have a moral objection to the exploiting and killing of animals. Interestingly when I first became vegetarian I was almost entirely vegan, due to lack of financial means I pretty much sustained myself on only the cheapest vegetables from the green grocer blitzed and turned into soup.
As became vegan I really enjoyed the possibility for innovation and creativity in vegan cooking (not just random assortments of veg turned into soup). I started creating recipes, particularly ones which created alternatives to non vegan products so as to entice my non vegan friends to try vegan food.
After becoming vegan I noticed some very significant health benefits. I know there is some scientific debate around these and not everyone agrees but this it what I experienced. I was over weight and not really that far from being obese and I struggled to run a mile. I became vegan and noticed I had loads of energy. I got more active and joined a gym, within 3 months I lost around 40lbs! I joined a boxing class and despite a life of inactivity and indulgence my cardio, in just 3 months had reached a point where it was almost unequalled by anyone else in my class. This absolutely shocked me and whilst other factors were at play I feel being vegan is one major one.

I have now, recently started a vegan blog where I hope to share vegan recipes and articles in an easy and accessible way. I notice many recipes have a lot of excess content that can be struggle for people like me who struggle with attention and reading, so I have really tried to streamline mine.

Please check out my blog @
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I have been vegetarian for 18 years.. and ready for the change!!!
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My Vegan Story :
Nicy is the modern day Vegan Marketplace. Everything you need - food, clothes, beauty products, pet supplies, gifts, home appliances, all from vegan/cruelty-free suppliers!

Don't support the marketplace giants that overcharge and pay their suppliers poor rates. Check out our fully-vetted suppliers and sellers at Nicy today!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I started my Whole Food Planted Based journey on August 8th 2016, my first day of the PCRM Kick Start Program through the GreenFare Organic Restuarant in Herndon, VA. I have continued a SOS (Salt, Oil, Sugar free cooking) WFPB lifestyle for the last 3+ years lost 45 lbs and go off all medication. This information is too important not to share.
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My Vegan Story :
Vegetarian/vegan restaurant in Greensboro NC since 2003
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My Vegan Story :
I’ve been whole food plant based for 4 years after starting out as vegetarian in July 2016
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My Vegan Story :
I don’t have time right now
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My Vegan Story :
A friend recommended it and I tried it
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My Vegan Story :
I went vegan after learning the horrors of how animals are treated on factory farms and slaughterhouses.
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My Vegan Story :
In 1986 I went Veggie, then in 1989 I went Vegan. Back then there was only one reason to go Vegan, and that was for the animals. I was a hunt sab for 7 years then my knees packed in ..... i was always at the front of the hunt with the hounds ... it takes it toll after a while 🙂
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My Vegan Story :
I become a veggie at the of the year but then very quickly moved on to be a Vegan and have loved every moment since.
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My Vegan Story :
I don't actually remember the date but it was quite awhile back. I did it for the animals.
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My Vegan Story :
Have none
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My Vegan Story :
After being knocked off my bike by a motorist. I rested and took my friends advice and found that I was healing better and feeling mentally better on a mixture of raw veg smoothies juicing and solid foods ie plant based. Which also fed my curiosity to revamp the way I take care of my body
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My Vegan Story :
Vegan for all of the reasons
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My Vegan Story :
As a vegan chef, cooking class instructor and vegan recipe developer it is my mission to inspire both professional cooks and homecooks, bakers and pastry enthousiasts to explore all vegan culinary possibilities. We teach online classes worldwide, and live cooking classes and Masterclasses in Europe.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Long time vegetarian and vegan since 1999. I am currently a registered dietetic tech (NDTR). Also I run a 58 plot community garden in my neighborhood.
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My Vegan Story :
I was vegetarian for a long time then learned more and took the short steps to being vegan. I don’t remember exactly when but it was the mid ‘00s.
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My Vegan Story :
I became vegan after a few years of eliminating animal products bit by bit. I heard Alicia Silverstone on Oprah. Watched Food, Inc. Probably within the years 2009 to 2010, roughly. Then, just started reading more and more on plant-based eating. The China Study. Whole. Veganist. Main Street Vegan. Salmon and parmesan cheese were the last animal products to go, roughly 2010 to 2011, not quite sure. I just weaned and weaned until - voila! Then took Rouxbe Online Culinary School Pro Plant Based Course in 2014 because I wanted to cook the best I could for me/family. Stay on track. Then, T. Colin Campbell Plant Based Nutrition Certification via eCornell in 2016. Currently taking Transformation Nurse Coach certificate course, which also subscribes to plant based eating and nutrition as best evidenced based mode of healthy lifestyle eating. I will get that certificate in May 2020. I am a licensed RN; although, not currently working in that role. I am trying to find a "home" career in promoting wellness to humankind, animalkind, and our planet through my accumulated learning and education.
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My Vegan Story :
Check us out at:
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My Vegan Story :
I was veg for twenty years. Saw a film about "free range chicken" and decided to go vegan.
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My Vegan Story :
I would like to loose weight, and be more healthy
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My Vegan Story :
I have so much compassion for those who are unable to speak. I love helping people same as my current job. The reason I became vegan was one watching "What the Health", two health reasons and last animals. Going vegan was the best thing that I could have done and also another way to help make a difference in the world. I wish I would've done it sooner than over a year ago.
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My Vegan Story :
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Watched Forks Over Knives and never looked back.
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My Vegan Story :
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My Vegan Story :
Vegan, AR, writer, publisher, illustrator, passionate, involved, and always on the go.
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My Vegan Story :
Seeing my dog die made me realize the hypocrisy of the "foods" I was eating. Over the course of a year I was slowly phasing out animal products, learning about slaughterhouses and their absolute torturous practices with open eyes and ears. It finally got through to me for real this time and I was done for good. I wish I was born vegan, WFPB if I could've chosen 🙂
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
My name is Julie Dudley, I am not a chef I just cook alot lol, No the truth is I literally did a 40 day challenge to not eat any meat and never went back! My mind & taste bud palettes changed so much that I found myself moving into a whole new world of eating good! I wear alot of hats, however everyone knows me as Chef Jewl. I am a Plant-based Chef and I own a plant-based food brand here in Charlotte. I like to call myself a "Culinary Alchemist." I specialize in putting foods together for overall health & wellness. I am a certified foodie that has been eating clean for 7 years now. I had to learn how to put foods together to nourish ylthe body but still enjoy it guilt free! Well I have definitely went over beyond in this area and mastered it!
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My Vegan Story :
I originally became vegan to decrease animal cruelty. However, I've since learned of the incredible health benefits from a vegan lifestyle along with the substantial decrease in one's carbon footprint.
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My Vegan Story :
I am quarantining in a Dominican household and I want to be healthy.
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My Vegan Story :
As in many other cases, I started my vegan journey loving cats. Years after adopting my very first cat I realized that it made no sense to love some animals and eat some others, so I went vegan. I still love cats and dogs (live with 20 of them) but no I also love the rest of species.
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My Vegan Story :
I fasted on water and went vegan to quit smoking.
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My Vegan Story :
I became vegetarian initially after watching the documentary Earthlings which really affected me. It was difficult for me because I grew up eating meat and I would have called myself a big meat eater. It probably took me 3-4 tries to eventually kick the meat habit and it was especially difficult when travelling to places such as Mexico which really do not have the options of say the US/UK.

Eventually I switched to vegetarian and then giving up the rest wasn't a big challenge for me as there are so many good cheese, milk and egg alternatives nowadays.
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My Vegan Story :
Been vegetarian since almost ever then became vegan for the animals. I will fight for animals rights for ever and wish to open an animals sanctuary.
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My Vegan Story :
Tried on and off for years to become vegan and with the support on Instagram I am Vegan for life! Vegan for the ANIMALS AND THE PLANET
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My Vegan Story :
After starting to raise silkie chickens as pets and learning what wonderful creatures they are, I realized I didn't want to eat chicken any more. Cutting out other meats became easy after that, but cheese, yogurt, and eggs remained in my diet. At that time I was still operating on things I had been led to believe from my past, like dairy and eggs were good for you, so I continued to consume butter, cheese, yogurt, and eggs. (I was also mostly unaware of the extend of indecencies that are occurring in big Ag, and I had a mental picture that vegans were protesters, which is not something I align with.)

Physically I had been steadily gaining weight since becoming a mother. A couple times I worked out really hard for a prolonged period of time and regained my prior lithe figure, but soon after lowering my activity level my weight would start to go up again. It was the proverbial story of "after having kids my body was never the same--and then after menopause it became worse." What became really frustrating was that no mater what I did to turn the table, I continued to gain weight. In my mind being vegetarian should have helped with weight loss, but not only was I steadily gaining weight I was steadily becoming more and more frustrated with my body, a self-picture that was new to me and was very disconcerting.

After being "mostly vegetarian" for a few years I was introduced to the whole food plant-based diet concept after watching "The Game Changers." At the conclusion of that movie the most prominent thought in my mind was, "Why haven't I heard this before?!" At that moment I became consumed with learning as much as I could about a whole plant diet and the health and environmental benefits of it. I watched every documentary available on Netflix and YouTube, then started watching every presentation by the prominent doctors and experts in the plant-based world I could find. Alongside that I began cleaning out my frig and cupboards of all dairy, and stopped eating my beloved chickens' eggs.

On July 4, 2020, I had my last vegetarian meal and began eating plant-based. I have no question in my mind of the power of this diet and look forward to experiencing its benefits myself. I also have no question that this will be my diet of choice until my end. But I also know that I'm fully dedicated to the plant-based lifestyle because I took the time to learned a lot about the nutritional, agricultural, and environmental factors. Based on my experience, I have a much better understanding of how much it takes to turn around one's mindset, and it is my hopes that I can, in some way, contribute to others beginning on the plant-based journey as well.
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My Vegan Story :
For many years I went back and forth between two lifestyles: vegetarian and vegan. In 2010, I Became 100% With no desire to ever eat animal or animal by products.
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My Vegan Story :
For many years, I went back and forth between vegetarianism and vegan lifestyle. In 2010, I became a strict vegan.
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My Vegan Story :
I am artist whose rode to veganism was animal and health based. I will be vegan for life and my artwork will forever be based on my love and deep respect for the natural world.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I am from Indiana, every meal is based around meat. I never thought I would ever become Vegan. Last May I went on a trip with a friend and she pointed out how I had went a whole 5 days without meat. I felt great. I decided to eliminate meat from my diet. A month later I watched Dr Rao’s ‘What the Health’, it changed the game for me. I decided at that moment that I was done with animal products. I realize how deep the program runs. I am now Vegan for the Animals and I feel a deep connection to their pain. I am a guardian of the Earth. We are all part of this gift.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
My vegan story is long and drawnout and ups and downs. Jeff made a great video about it.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Went vegan for the animals, now it's mainly to save us all!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Whole food plant based and toxic chemical free. Our family is healthier and happier than we have ever been! Want to help others do the same. 🙂
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I became vegan essentially when I moved out of my parents house! I stopped eating meat in 1993 after reading Diet for a New America by John Robbins.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
The idea of going vegan is something I had thought about for some time, but did not commit to 100% until Sept 2018.

During the summer of 2018, I experienced increasingly painful inflammation in my right hand as well as other joints.

My right leg grew increasingly painful on even a short run of a couple miles.

As a writer, it was impacting my ability to type for more than a few minutes at a time never mind, my overall joy of movement.

Other things I grew accustomed to were afternoon energy dips. My focus was not as good as it had been in the past. I didn’t feel as creative as I desired to be and my passion for life was waning.

Not wanting to depend on medication to get rid of the pain, I hopped on the Internet to research natural remedies to minimize the inflammation.

I found YouTube videos, books, blog posts and articles all touting the miracle results people were experience with a whole food, plant-based eating protocol. Although some of it seemed too good to be true, I was desperate to feel better.

Figuring I had nothing to lose, I decided test out a 100% plant-based eating protocol for seven days.

According to many “real” people who were plant based, seven days would be more than enough time to notice a slight improvement. Actually, some people were making claims that plant-based eating was more like a miracle cure than anything they had done.

When I say “real” people, these were average men and women who were easily found on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram. Men and women who had given this way of eating a shot and not only got rid of inflammation, but they also reversed heart disease, diabetes, lost weight without dieting, had more energy and found a new lease on life.

Anxious to minimize my pain, I committed 100% for the seven-day period. Within two days, the inflammation all but disappeared. Additionally, I felt a lot better, dropped four pounds and slept great for the first time in ages.

Not completely convinced this wasn’t a fluke and the inflammation might not return, I gave it another seven days. Then another. It only took a few weeks to decide this was my eating choice from that point forward. I have been 100% plant-based since then.

Since the day the inflammation disappeared, it has not returned. As if that weren’t enough, in the time I’ve been eating plant based, the results have been nothing short of amazing. Not only have I dropped unwanted weight without dieting, my energy and concentration have improved substantially.

Regarding my running, my endurance has substantially increased, my joints don’t ache during, or after, a run and recovery time is incredibly fast.

I’ve also noticed my stress is almost nonexistent as well as my creativity and intuition improving. I no longer feel the afternoon energy dip I had grown to expect as well as my moods are often near euphoric.

I Feel Very Aligned

Another important aspect of a plant-based lifestyle is being much more in alignment with my claim that I care about animal welfare. Truth be told, I have to wonder how I could have consumed animal products for most of my life.

The more research I do on what it takes to get meat on a consumer’s plate, the more committed I am to never again eat any type of meat or dairy product. As I have gone further and further into being vegan, I realize I will never, ever again eat meat and I want to do all I can to be a voice for the voiceless.

I received my certificate of completion from eCornell University for Plant Based Nutrition in March, 2020. I am a founding member of the Plant Powered Women's Network: A global ethical leadership community for vegan and plant-powered women.

I have two podcast shows dedicated to the plant based and vegan lifestyles. Plant Based Eating for Health Podcast and Vegan Visibility Podcast
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I became vegan in February 2021 for my health and for the animals and climate change. I was overweight with elevated cholesterol. I am unable to take medications due to the side effects. I am enjoying my vegan journey and trying to educate myself.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Hi there! My name is Kathy, I am a retired high school English teacher & vegan enthusiast. My entire blog is fully plant-based vegan. I truly believe what we eat & how we live determines our health & the preservation of our planet! 🙂 Reach out!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I was vegetarian for many years before I became vegan. I became vegan because logically it didn't make any sense to be plant based and still eat dairy and eggs. In 2019, I was doing great on the WFPB diet, losing weight and feeling great. Then the pandemic hit, I was furloughed from my job, and I started eating too many sweets and gained weight. Now that I have a new job and things are getting better, I am back to good eating and losing the weight. I am very grateful to Dr. Campbell and the other professionals that have done so much research. I feel completely comfortable with my lifestyle, given all of the evidence-based information.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Vegan food is great!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I opted for a vegan lifestyle a few years ago after my Dad suffered a heart attack and I wanted to dive more into health, I then learnt about the animal abuse and environmental factors.
I am now the Community Manager for We are a kids nutrition company in the UAE, serving science-backed healthy plant-based food to kids and promoting one plant-based meal a day. We have an app about to launch which will serve as a dietitian in parents pockets. Helping them make better food choices for their children, backed by some of the leading plant-based pediatric dietitians. All in the aim of getting children to eat more plants, more fiber and reduce lifestyle diseases in later life with proper education so you don't have to be a scientist to understand a nutrition fact label! We are reaching out to global vegan communities such as yourself to get as much support as we can to make plant-based living the norm for the future generation! Please feel free to reach out to me for more information and to see how we could collaborate with you. Thanks so much in advance for reading.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I did a research project for school on anti-veganism and through research I changed my opinion and was unable to ever use animal products again.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I became a vegan after watching A Prayer for Compassion at a screening in Hendersonville. i literally had dairy at lunch and became vegan at 7pm that evening.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I became vegan in high school in a small town and everyone thought I was crazy, haha. But I knew in my heart I was doing the right thing.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I come from a working-class family in the UK and grew up just outside south-east London in a council flat. My mum would serve us things like beef burgers and chips for dinner. One day I asked her where beef burgers came from and was horrified to learn they were once a living cow. I always felt close to animals — I adored my cat, Kitty, who I grew up with, and once I made the connection that burgers were made of cows, the roast chicken dinner meant that a bird was killed for my dinner and that fish fingers were once actual living fishes, I went vegetarian although I didn’t know the term at the time.

But it wasn’t until 1996, at the age of 30, that I became vegan, even though I did some animal rights activism in the late 80s — somehow I missed the vegan memo. I was on a coach trip with other activists to a big anti-vivisection demo and a lovely schoolteacher I was sitting next to declined my offer to share my Marmite and cheese sandwich, even though I enthused to her that the cheese was ‘vegetarian’ with ‘no animal rennet’.

She kindly explained the cruelty involved in the dairy industry to me and I was so shocked and also guilty that I didn’t know this already. The next day I ordered my Animal Free Shopper Guide from the UK Vegan Society and was stunned at all the ways we exploit, use and abuse animals for everyday products. I pretty much went vegan overnight.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I've gotten into powerliftng after college and noticed that eating too much animal protein made me sluggish. Found out why when tested blood at work. Cholesterol and triglycerides were borderline risk at 23 y.o.! I've decided to give a plant based diet a shot and never looked back.

Unlike most athletes - most of my muscle was built AFTER I've transitioned to vegan. As a natural plant based athlete, I won an Overall Novice bikini title in 2019 NPC Atlantic Coast Championships, one of the largest bodybuilding shows in North Carolina going against meat-eaters and athletes on performance enhancing drugs. Also won Open and Overall bikini champion titles in the natural OCB Colonial Open bodybuilding show in Virginia in the spring of 2019. Totaling 7 awards from both shows.

My most recent win was the 1st place in 69kg powerlifting category at USAPL Power Mountain Showdown in Asheville September 25th, 2021. in March I took 2nd in Battle on the Border NC/SC USAPL meet which was a huge event. Pretty sure I was the only vegan there.

On top of running a small coaching team - I am also writing a book on body dysmorphia and tour with VegFest Expos to speak at vegan events in NC, SC, VA, TN! Invite me to your event to engage and motivate the crowd - vegan or not!

@gorbachevae shoot me a message on IG! Especially if you have a vegan friendly business.
I am always hiring knowledgeable nutritionists and athletes too - if you know someone, please introduce.
Use code VEGAN to get 10% off your first month of coaching 🙂 All coaching is done online so it doesn't matter where in the world you live, train and eat.