Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I believe that food, the production and consumption thereof, is the one human activity that has the greatest impact on ourselves and the planet. The impact can be positive or negative depending on what and how we produce and consume. The scientific research has proved that veganism is unquestionably essential in preserving our health and that of our planet.
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My Vegan Story :
After being interested for years in all aspects of food production and consumption, I finally became vegan due to Dr Gregor's publications on Nutritionfacts. Food, its production and consumption, is the one human activity that has the greatest impact on ourselves and the planet. Scientific research has unquestionably proved that veganism is essential to preserving our health and that of the planet.
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My Vegan Story :
My story is simple. Just got tired of eating animals and dairy products and wanted to be more healthier and lose weight
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Widow maker survivor on WFPB.
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My mission is to help grow the vegan movement by finding and implement more effective tools and strategies to inspire hopeful curiosity for a plant-based lifestyle.
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My Vegan Story :
Pete Reimann fervently adopted a vegan lifestyle for ethical reasons in June of 2019, after being prompted by a random 'animal-rights outreach' video to ponder the question, "What do you value higher; taste pleasure or the life of an innocent animal?" Although he clicked on the video to make fun of vegans, his response was to adopt a vegan lifestyle on the spot. He was tired of living as a hypocrite, choosing his own taste-pleasure over the lives of animals he claimed to respect. He made the conscious decision to watch his first standard-legal practice slaughterhouse footage 3 days later, which provoked him to take action for the animals.
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My Vegan Story :
When I saw photos of cows going to the slaughterhouse.
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My Vegan Story :
One summer day in 1989, my then-fiance and I wanted to take a day trip to Farm Sanctuary in Watkins Glen. We did not expect that day to begin our vegan journey, in fact, we planned to go to Burger King for lunch afterward. Already, animal lovers, it was not surprising. But, like most people, we needed to be exposed to the truth and awakened from the meat matrix. Over time our vegan journey grew into a true lifestyle and I can't imagine existing any other way. What a beautiful fateful day that was.
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Hello community. Health and doing right for the planet has been on my mind for quite a long time. What finally caused a spark and pushed over the hump was watching "What the health" documentary on Netflix.
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My Vegan Story :
I was living in Germany. I watched What the health? and then Cowspiracy. After that, I couldn’t wait any longer. Now I work on a vegan restaurante called ‘Mel & Limao’ here in Faro, Portugal.
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My Vegan Story :
I became Vegan due to my late wife Sharon's concern about what I would eat when she was gone to cancer. To relieve her stress and to not have her spend precious time worrying about teaching me how to cook I went Vegan. She saw that this was a good choice for me and all was well. I was able to loose considerable weight and get off blood pressure and cholesterol meds. I never looked back and never felt better.
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My Vegan Story :
Not yet a full vegan
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My Vegan Story :
My wife and I tiurned 67 in 2021. We both suffered from chronic joint pain and arthritis. I have high blood pressure controlled by meds. My wife has high cholestrol. We were both about overweight. We began researching whole food plant based eating and went fully whole food plant based diet on 14 Feb 2021. The change has been dramatic and many of the chronic physical problems we were experiencing have totally corrected or dramatically improved. We are getting better at the WFPB diet everuy day and will never go back to the western diet that was destroyoing our bodies.
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My Vegan Story :
Vegetarian for 27 years then turned vegan in 2017
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My Vegan Story :
Went Vegan cold turkey because I was curious and wanted to see whether I could live healthier without consuming animal products. Never looked back.
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My Vegan Story :
I have no health issues, I've tried different diets and lifestyles. I've chose to go Vegan and adopt such lifestyle since it matches my belief system and I have no issues following a Vegan diet.
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My Vegan Story :
Became vegan over night after binge watching documentaries and love every bit of being vegan!
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My Vegan Story :
I became a vegetarian in 1972 because I didn't want animals to be hurt. I didn't know how much dairy and egg industry hurt animals until about 6 years ago, in 2013. it still took me another year to go vegan. At the Comicon in San Diego, I was offered a dollar to watch a video which ended up being about how animals, including chickens and cows who produce eggs and milk, suffered so much. I went vegan on the spot. about 3 years ago, I decided I wanted to get involved in the animal rights movement, and now I am working with Vegan World 2026 to create a vegan world by 2026!
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My Vegan Story :
Health, consciousness, animals rights
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My Vegan Story :
Call me! 818-203-4736, email me
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My Vegan Story :
in the back of my mind I always knew it was the right thing to do, however due to laziness, lack of compassion, etc. I never put my mind to actually study what being a vegan really meant till I watched Cowspiracy and my mind went "ARE U KIDDING ME" nonetheless once again I fool myself cause I was still eating eggs once a month... this went on for about 6 months till I did the work and found out that free range eggs suck for the environment and they damage the animals too...
I am so happy with the decision of turning vegan I honestly could never go back to eat any animal products, I don't miss them at all and even if it sounds corny I do feel more love to our nature and happiness...
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My Vegan Story :
Once I researched veganism I fell in love with the lifestyle
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My Vegan Story :
I became vegan after years of being off and on vegetarian. I watched a few documentaries and decided I didn’t want to contribute to the harm or death of any being. Since becoming vegan I’ve also learned about the positive impact being vegan has on the environment and stay vegan for both the animals and the environment. I now have a business that is also 100% vegan and I’m so grateful to be able to share my vegan lifestyle through using all vegan products while being a hairstylist!
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My Vegan Story :
I had 2 strokes as well as brain surgery. After my second stroke, I stopped eating meat, then fish, eggs, and dairy products. it was for the sake of taste. I just stopped liking these foods. So I ate for 1 year. But I didn’t call myself a vegan, because vegan is not about food, it’s about a conscious choice for me, philosophy. Then I began to eat some of the listed products. And now I'm a pescatarian. But since then, after the second stroke, I have not eaten meat. But the philosophy of veganism appeals to me very much🌱
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My Vegan Story :
I have been a vegan as long as I can remember. A "blacksheep" of the family, picky, difficult, etc.
The thought of eating animals flesh was always gross to me.
It hasn't been easy.
But now in my mid 50's and with all my families health problems, and I have zero health problems, it has paid off to be so stubborn.
I was so happy when I found the book The China Study because it gave evidence to prove a plant based diet is the best for everyone and our planet. I love Dr. Greger's book, How Not To Die, and I've learned new science that I didn't know before.
Thanks so much for letting me share my short story.
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My Vegan Story :
First My Health then GAIA Health!
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My Vegan Story :
For my health
The Environment and animals. It just seems the right thing to do.
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My Vegan Story :
I have been a Vegan for little over 3 years. I went cold turkey after watching Documentary “What the Health”...have not looked back or regretted anything since then. Prior to that I was a vegetarian for well over 20 years.

I also started a home base vegan bakery...Sweet IMALDA’s Vegan Bakery
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My Vegan Story :
nothing to share right now
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My Vegan Story :
My daughter is raising her children vegan and their health has been superb. I have had a lifelong battle with weight and using a plant based diet is helping me control my weight.
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My Vegan Story :
After surviving bone cancer in 2009, I started making major changes to my lifestyle. One of the first things I did was drop beef from my diet. A little while later let go of pork. Then I gave up chicken and turkey, and finally fish. I was a vegetarian for a few years and loved it. But then I watched Cowspiracy and What the Health? and went vegan. I never forced my kids to go to vegan but it wasn't long before both of them stopped eating meat. My eldest has been vegan for 6 months. My younger one is a vegetarian but mostly eats what I do--a fully vegan and gluten-free diet. I feel great (and, yes, I'm still cancer-free)! I do my best to bring veganism into mainstream situations and conversations, at work and elsewhere.
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My Vegan Story :
Cured myself from Crohns disease through a whole foods plant based diet.
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My Vegan Story :
Having been vegetarian since the age of 6, I made the links and transitioned to a vegan lifestyle just over ten years ago. I have always loved all animals and as I became clearer about the way humans treat other animals, I could no longer be a part of that. My one and only regret is that I did not become vegan sooner. I love supporting local animal rescues, as well as rescues globally in any way I can. I try and spread the word for non-human animals any way I can and highlight the links between all injustice - no matter who suffers it. I love gardening and creating safe spaces for local wildlife.
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My Vegan Story :
Became a vegan when I realized the leading cause of environmental destruction is animal agriculture.
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I coordinate a monthly vegan potluck in Greenville, SC.
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My Vegan Story :
I was vegetarian and became vegan for the animals.
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My Vegan Story :
I went vegan for the animals, because I could not stand their suffering anymore.
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My Vegan Story :
Been veg*n a long time.
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I’m starting my vegan journey today! I’m ready to walk a spiritual path
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My Vegan Story :
I changed to a whole foods plant based diet for health reasons. Discovered the environmental benefits which strengthen my resolve.
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My Vegan Story :
Being raised vegetarian and then choosing to remain vegetarian for ethical reasons was the foundation of my transition to veganism. I watched a few documentaries have always been very much clued up about environmental concerns and it was inevitable. I am also recently diagnosed with RA. Which means I need to adopt a more healthy vegan plant based diet. I am still in transition.
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My Vegan Story :
I started for health reasons and everything about being a vegan has been catching on ever since. My overall health journey started about seven years ago when I was turning 50. To keep it short lets just say I abused myself my whole life up until then with food, alcohol, and drugs. I am a youtube junkie and got hooked on the keto videos and lifestyle. I did lose 70 lbs but still yoyo'd. I was thinking I was doing the best thing then to find out I wasn't. The transition for me as far as eating goes has been an easy one being I was already batch cooking once a week and love veggies. Now really loving plant based, whole food, trying my best with sos and at the very least keeping that part to a very minimum. Feeling good and still have some concerns that I am trying to figure out with doctors and specialists. I can definatly go on forever here with feelings (physical and mental) but can come back and add another time.
thank you..
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My Vegan Story :
Saw a documentary about animal protein and right there I made my decisson havent missed so glad I did
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My Vegan Story :
I recently went vegan March 1 2023 at the age of 67 years of age.
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My Vegan Story :
I'm just here to see if I can find a vegan dating app - as I'm searching for the one and only Alicia Silverstone.
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My Vegan Story :
Looking for vegan lifestyle management services? PhytoLuxury Vegan Lifestyle Management can assist you in your daily life while helping you to make more sustainable choices. Find out more about the memberships and join today:
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My Vegan Story :
Refused to accept my Type 2 diabetes diagnosis. Changed my diet cold turkey after reading about a vegan diet. Reversed my diabetes in 3 months, never looked back. Never took any medication since 2010. I run Durhamveg since 2016, created Durhamveg Fest last year and just opened a vegan restaurant in my city.
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My Vegan Story :
Joined a petition against a church's pig rassle, then saw undercover vidoes of animal ag. Devastated, but it woke me up, realized it was wrong to eat animals. Did tons of research, learned about agriculture, who the animals are, what sentience means, what vegan means, ahimsa; learned about health, resources, and wild lives. All are thoroughly, negatively impacted by raising animals, fowl, fish, and insects for food. Continue to research and advocate for the many reasons to go vegan.
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My Vegan Story :
I was vegetarian for 7 years, 1971-1978 because I believed it was important to living a spiritual life, and learned all nutrition . I gradually went back to eating animals except for cow's flesh. Yet vegetarian food remained a favorite. In spring of 2014, on Facebook I found a protest against a "pig rassle" by an animal rights group in Wisconsin (USA). These are like rodeos but for pigs, and in big mud pits. I was horrified by the cruelty, magnified because it was sponsored by a church. Through this protest I came across undercover videos of animal agriculture that shocked and disgusted me. I dove into researching more and very quickly went vegan, within a week. I learned about the many solutions offered by veganism to some of the most crucial, pervasive issues of our time. For me, living vegan is aligning my actions with the deepest values we all hold dear. It's about respecting all lives and being caregivers of the eatth.
During the first couple of vears, my advocacy was often driven by the outrage I felt in response to the inherent cruelty of all forms of commodifying sentient beings. Then I started a vegan food outreach business. BotaniCuisine. As my advocacy continued to evolve, I realized how important it is to build bridges of understanding, extending respect to those we want to reach yet maintaining an honest, uncompromising message.
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My Vegan Story :
I am still working on becoming fully vegan but have been a vegetaran for many years
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My Vegan Story :
I went vegan for the animals and have been advocating for veganism ever since.
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My Vegan Story :
I would like to regenerate inner tune, with my spiritual self, fill my power more.
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My Vegan Story :
I started with red meet and work myself from there I eat more raw foods now. I cook on occasion and everything is from scratch. I love to cook when I can. I'm a Contractor/Painter. I'm into nutrition, healing and physical fitness.
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My Vegan Story :
It started in 2013 when I received a 4-way bypass. Someone in the hospital recommended I watch Forks Over Knives on Netflix. It's all history from there. From them reading and doing research has converted me 110 %.
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My Vegan Story :
I started exploring vegan food in 2016 or so, to see if I would feel better on a plant-based diet. I have found myself when I was eating like that (vegan) than ever before, and over time I swapped out pretty much my entire standard diet for a whole foods-based, vegan one. (I’ve known for years that I am severely lactose intolerant, so I was already somewhat of an expert at avoiding dairy.) Now that I’m healthy and feel amazing, I find myself wanting other people to try out a partially or completely. Because plant- based diet is for all planet and all lives creatures.
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My Vegan Story :
After attending a 10-day Vipassana silent meditation course, it became clear that I did not want to harm other sentient beings just to temporarily satisfy my taste buds. After becoming vegan for animal compassion reasons, my wife and I became mostly whole foods plant based to extend that compassion to ourselves.
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My Vegan Story :
Weighted 544Lbs in 2013 changed my mind after having server back pain, went to the emergency room 4 times to get a diagnoses after going to the veterans in Durham NC; the doctor told me I had diverticulosis, an inflamed pancreas and fatty liver disease. I put on my clothes she asked: "Where are you going"? My reply was everything you just told me has to do with what I put into my own mouth. At that time I went on a 10 day water fast, in two to three days I has no more pain. I remained on only plant food and by the end of the year I weighted 270 lbs. I went back to eating meat and starting feeling sick, and my stomach started giving me pain. So I've began to return to plant based foods. And my body, life and mind has grown in every direction.
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My Vegan Story :
Volunteering in a farm made me realise how much like traditional pets, pigs, sheep, cows etc are. I realised I was hypocritical loving some and killing others. Videos online of the mistreatment of animals were the final tipping point and I've never looked back since.
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My Vegan Story :
I became vegan 15years ago after reading book 1 of the Ringing Cedars Series written by Vladimir Megre.
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I’m trying to prioritize my health and change the way I eat.
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My Vegan Story :
A lifelong vegetarian, I made the upgrade to vegan when I watched vegucated! Once you know, you cannot un-know, and that is how it started for me.
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Another vegan
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My Vegan Story :
I became vegetarian after reading Eating Animals. A year later, I learned about the male chicks in the egg industry via a Humane League tweet. I went vegan that night.
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My Vegan Story :
My first exposure to veganism was when I moved to CO in 2008. I had a few friends in grad school that were vegan, and I had also joined a Kung Fu school where the instructors were vegan themselves. My instructors promoted the health benefits of a plant based diet. I remembered that one of them was talking to a fellow student, and they mentioned that 30% of cow's milk is legally allowed to be pus. That was the moment I knew I had to become vegan. It took me a few years to fully make the commitment, mostly because I was worried about what my family and friends would think of me. After moving back to NC, I then became an activist for the animals after learning what happens to animals in the industry.
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My Vegan Story :
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My Vegan Story :
I’ve been vegan for 6 years and started out removing things from my diet for environmental concerns. I also had a growing concern for the well-being of animals. Through the close bond with my German Shepherd, Nikko, I started making the connection that his intelligence, his feelings, his ability to feel fear, pain, love, happiness were viscerally real and that all of the billions of animals that were killed each year for a few moments of pleasure on our plates were just like him. Still, their fate was much different for no other reason than tradition. It was then that I started on my journey.
Since then, I’ve come to realize that this was truly the greatest decision I’ve made in a life that’s been fortunate with amazing things. Today, I’m a working advocate in my small community in Raleigh, NC, and hoping to put this more into action with a new brand we created at my design studio, MRC, called Burny Wild’s. Its an adventure brand, with food being a core part of its offerings, starting with Burny Wild’s Adventure Sauce, which is literally my favorite condiment heat sauce. It’s super versatile, vegan, gluten-free, and flavor-packed. We hope to use this as an entry point to people being excited about living their best lives in harmony with love, kindness, and respect for all living beings.
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My Vegan Story :
Owner of ethicalWARES, a UK-based online vegan retailer.
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My Vegan Story :
My wife had been vegan for many years and I was starting to feel sick so I decided to give it a try. I started to feel better and lost between 50-60lbs. I noticed that I did not miss having meat and other animal products so I have continued. I am now a vegan as I believe that we are supposed to take care of the earth and all of its inhabitants and that animals are not food but they are here for their own purpose not to be food for us.
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My Vegan Story :
I started for my health for the second time in May 2019. After finishing the CHIP program, my husband and I allowed our cravings to allow animal products back into our lives. I continued to read and watch documentaries. This past week my husband had a mild stroke. It has accelerated my desire to heal our world by first starting in my household.
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My Vegan Story :
I have only been vegan for a few days. I have decided to become vegan for a healthier lifestyle. I have lost many family members because of bad dietary choices.
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My Vegan Story :
I had been teaching nutrition to nursing students for years and thought I knew what was the most healthy diet until a friend gave me "The China Study". It changed my whole food and teaching philosophy.
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My Vegan Story :
I woke up one morning and lost 50% of strength on my whole right side body. I feel out of bed thinking I was able to walk normally.
This was followed with months of research and understanding what MS really was. I started addressing lifestyle and went PlantBased. Initially I did not call myself vegan because I was doing it for health purposes. I didn’t even yet know about the animal suffering in animal agriculture. I had never made the connection. So as I started watching documentaries and making the link; I then ensured to not make exceptions and to always read ingredients. I also started implementing lifestyle changes beyond stopping eating animals. Like not wearing them (wool, silk, leather) or not going to places where the abuse or exploit animals for profit (animal rides, racing, zoos..)

Once I really understood that I could be healthy and take a social Justice stance at the same time, I was ALL-IN. I became a strict vegan and animal rights activist in 2015.
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I'm a bird lover & started getting interested in fancy pigeons, which lead to an interest in fancy chickens, which lead me to learn about the cruelty in animal ag, which lead me to go vegan.
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My Vegan Story :
I went whole food plant-based, SOS-free for health reasons.
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My Vegan Story :
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My Vegan Story :
I became vegetarian over 30 years ago, it's been a process of education and moral development, leading me to a vegan lifestyle. I am now the ED of a farm sanctuary in BC. Canada - Kind Hearts Farm Sanctuary, where we focus on humane education, animal welfare, advocacy, and life-enriching community development.
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My Vegan Story :
I've been plant-based for over 10 years. I was struggling with digestive issues which at one point had me down to eating only 5 foods. Plant based eating, among other things, brought me back from that mess to a fully healthy, vibrant life!

The more I ate plants, the more I felt compassion for animals. Coming from a farming, hunting background, it was a long path. But now I love it and support a couple non-profit vegan organizations in Africa that are transforming so many lives there!!
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My Vegan Story :
I felt hypocritical calling myself an animal lover yet paying for someone to treat them inhumanely, slaughter and warehouse them for my future purchase and consumption.
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My Vegan Story :
An elevated PSA and tumor on an MRI showed probable prostate cancer -- with family history and work exposure making it 99.9% sure. Later, rising blood pressure, Chest Pain and ischemia (cardiac blockage) added to the problem.

A Whole Foods Plant based diet, without oils, salts , or sugar, along with exercise and key supplements reduced the tumor size in half and the PSA returned to normal -- make it clinically insignificant. Additionally, my blood pressure imrpoved to a better than textbook figure, and my chest pain disappeared within four months. All other signs and symptoms went back to excellent status, and I can exercise vigorously for hours without feeling winded or uncomfortable in any way. In fact, I have since climbed difficult hills here in Colombia, and other symptoms associateted with a blocked prostate totally vanished -- returning to my 19 year-old self. Amazing!!! Total body blockage and inflammation have dissappeared over the course of three years.

I did not take any medications provided by one of America's top hospitals, and declined biopsies, surgeries and catherizations with possible stints, instead opting for a WFPBD with supplements and intermittent fasting. I am being monitored, and will re-do all the cardiac tests in one year for complete cardiac health validation.

I told the doctors that if my path did not work, I would follow standard of care. My WFPBD worked miraculously, and there's no need for a conventional medical path for chronic conditions. In fact, with what I experienced, I consider conventional medicine medieval for most chronic conditions -- It's all in what you eat. I asked my cardiologist at one of America's top hospitals what I should eat, and he didn't respond. With that, I asked him what he eats at home, and responded with the DASH diet, or the standard American diet in moderation. I declined the pathway to moderate heart disease, moderate cancer or moderate diabetes, and instead went with the WFPBD and am glad I did. No wonder the majority of cardiologists die of heart disease, and most doctors have a life span of 65 years.

Why don't the doctors follow a WFPBD? I am astounded with what I've uncovered over the past three years.
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My Vegan Story :
Currently studying to be a Registered Dietitian. I became vegan when I came across the vast literature of how plant based diets improve disease risk and reverse Cardiovascular disease
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My Vegan Story :
I had gone through a rough period in my life where I would get little sleep, no exercise, and ate fast food every day (McDonald’s what is the only place open at 1 AM). In late 2010, I decided I needed to make major changes having just tip the scale at 195 (only being 5’7”). One of the decisions I made was to change the way I ate. That let me to read book after book about various diet … and I read a lot of them. There were two books that I read that pointed me to a vegan or whole food plant-based diet: the China Study by T: Campbell and How to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease by Dr. Caldwell Eccelstyn. So I adopted a plant-based diet in early 2011. I also decided to take running back up and began running marathons. I was quickly back down to my normal weight of 150.

While I see I adopted a vegan diet, I wasn’t very good vegan and consistently fell off the wagon. Cheese pizza was the usual meal that let me down the dark path; I guess you could say cheese pizza was my gateway drug. I would go off the wagon for 46 weeks at a stretch, which start feeling lousy, and then jump right back on.

I see my vegan story begins on June 27, 2017, because that’s the day that while I was riding the New York subway, I had my heart attack. Fortunately, it was an extremely mild heart attack … I walked to my office from the subway … after several doctors visits, one doctor sent me down and said the plaque on my arteries was better than most people, my age, but given my diet lifestyle, weight and cholesterol (175 at the time), I shouldn’t have any plaque. He suggested that I get tested for LPa. I tested positive for high levels of LPa and the doctor recommended. I keep my cholesterol as low as possible. That’s when I became a serious vegan.

I had discovered during my vegan apprenticeship, that it’s easy to cheat when you’re just eating for yourself. I then studied the effects that the meat, dairy and eggs industries have on the planet and more importantly, on the animals. It was, then I decided that I was going to eat not only for myself, but for the planet and my furry, feather and finned friends. I haven’t touched an animal product since.
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My Vegan Story :
Vegan 2001, but not whole food plant based until 2011
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My Vegan Story :
Vegetarian for many years, found Vegan Soul Food and began a journey
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My new years resolution was to become vegan.
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My Vegan Story :
Beginning full vegan journey to reverse disease
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My Vegan Story :
I stopped eating mammals at age 15 because my mother was upset about the cost of beef being so high. After that went fish, dairy and poutry. It took a long time. I finally stopped eating animal products in my 50's. It had everything to do with being a health care professional and seeing the damage caused by the Standard American Diet.
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My Vegan Story :
Love being vegan and love how healthy I feel!
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So far I have a lot more energy.
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My Vegan Story :
2 guys pizza and ribs is now 2 Guys Pizza Planet Friendly Food and Brews no more ANIMALS after 14 years ☀️☀️☀️☀️
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vegan mattresses
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My Vegan Story :
I became a vegan for health reason and it was the best decision I ever made. I love eating plant based foods.
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My Vegan Story :
Tired of seeing animals slaughtered and suffering, started with watching Food Matters in 2012
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My Vegan Story :
Don’t feel like eating meat. It’s cruel, unnecessary suffering, depletion if animals and planet
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My Vegan Story :
I went vegan out of my love for animals.
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My Vegan Story :
I am vegan for my health, the animals & of course the planet
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My Vegan Story :
Vegan low fat diet is my new plan, to overcome heart disease & pre-diabetes
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My Vegan Story :
I was a graduate student at Harvard when I became vegetarian, then soon thereafter I became vegan.
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My Vegan Story :
I was reading and suddenly I came across a blog about how meat eaters and dairy eaters affects animals in harmful ways , then I further researched in this thing I decided not eat dairy products and go vegan.
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My Vegan Story :
I lived across Whole Foods and found The Starch Solution book. This was the beginning of my journey.