Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
It started out as a spiritual vow which lead into a new lifestyle.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I have flirted with the vegan life style for the past couple years. October 30, 2022 a lightbulb switched on and I started eating a full plant based diet. It is amazing and I feel so good, I had been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and I lived in pain everyday for 12 years. I have no more pain! Im feeling great!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
After a couple of years in the transition phase, in January of 2021, I committed to being 100% plant-based. I'd slip a day and pick myself up recognizing how sick whatever it was I ate made me. The time before 2021, I was mainly plant-based and it gave me a chance to learn more, especially from the luminaries who pioneered the science-backed studies confirming the benefits of living a plant-based lifestyle. I experienced more, learned more, and talked to more who were inspiring and encouraging. Today, I realize the vision I had of veganism was shaded by the veil of misunderstanding. Hearing people talk about being vegan, even in retrospect doesn't due it justice. I heard the words of compassion and feeling love. I had to experience it from a mother's perspective. I could imagine what it felt like to have your child snatched away from you. I could imagine how it might feel to be raped and impregnated, forced to have the child, and have it stolen away from you. I could imagine how a chicken who was born to lay eggs, would do so only to never see them incubate and hatch. I could imagine the pain of living years couped up in a pen and treated horrendously in horrendous conditions. It reminded me of what my ancestors felt like in the hull of a big boat after being stolen from their homes and carried for months in untenable conditions only to be sold to a human who treated them like animals. I have felt the impact of living in a smog riddled environment; concerned about growing plants because of acid rain and polluted ground water. These are still concerns and I am more than ever committed to being the example of living a healthy whole food, plant-based vegan lifestyle. At nearly 70 years old, I plan to see a few more decades healthy and prosperous as I help others to share their message and help others as well.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
For health reasons
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
One summer day in 1989, my then-fiance and I wanted to take a day trip to Farm Sanctuary in Watkins Glen. We did not expect that day to begin our vegan journey, in fact, we planned to go to Burger King for lunch afterward. Already, animal lovers, it was not surprising. But, like most people, we needed to be exposed to the truth and awakened from the meat matrix. Over time our vegan journey grew into a true lifestyle and I can't imagine existing any other way. What a beautiful fateful day that was.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Vegan for the animals, for a healthier planet Earth, and a healthier and more compassionate human race.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I have been vegan since 1989. I discovered I was allergic to several animal-derived foods including dairy & egg yolks, & I never cared for beef, chicken or turkey, so I started cutting them out of my diet & learned about vegetarianism in order to make my diet more healthy. From there I learned about veganism & was so impressed by a vegan presentation at the 1989 NAVS Sumemrfest that in 1993 I went to a culinary institute in NY where I was trained as a vegan chef (the now defunct Natural Gourmet Institute). My husband & I ate mostly vegan (organic, locally raised turkey on Thanksgiving & Christmas) until 1999. In 1999 I became ill & disabled with multiple autoimmune illnesses & since recovering in 2012 I've used a whole foods plant-based diet to remain healed & also keep my health stable. My husband is now also completely vegan & we're both also gluten-free & entirely sugar-free.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I am a biomedical scientist who has been a passionate vegan advocate since 2013!

I remember telling myself I love meat so much that I can never live without it. This was later replaced with cheese when I went vegetarian.

Today, I am the Founder and CEO of Allied Scholars for Animal Protection, a nonprofit that brings vegan outreach and education to universities, to support and mentor students and future leaders! We are building a unified, effective, and sustainable infrastructure for animal advocacy in universities by focusing on 3 areas:

Vegan outreach, education and community building, and making dining halls plant based!

My transition started when my friend told me that I can't say I love animals and eat them too! I resisted for several months, but when I was presented with facts and also saw what animals go through for meat, egg, dairy, wool, experimentation, etc. the only rational and ethical decision was to go vegan.

At the same time, the more I learned about the health benefits of plant-based diet, and the health and environmental issues caused by animal consumption, the more I realized this is the root cause of many issues I always cared about! These problems are inherent to animal consumption and not just "how" we exploit animals and factory farms. For instance, free-rage or grass fed animals still contribute to zoonotic diseases, pandemics, antibiotic resistance, and climate change. In fact, in some ways, they are worse!

Veganism isn't just this arbitrary cause that I suddenly became interested in. It is the most impactful, important, and urgent topic we should be talking about. By understanding the depth of the problem and the amount of suffering caused by animal consumption to both human and nonhuman animals, I know that
rationally, mathematically, statistically, and ethically the best way to use my time and energy to help others is to be a vegan and advocate veganism, and that's what I've been doing since 2013!

****Connect with me****





Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I became vegan last year, when I started getting informed about the harm that not being produces to the earth
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I was taken to a hatchery at 9 and saw all the chicks being gassed and suffocated. I went vegetarian in 1980 but didn’t put the full story of animal suffering together until around 1985. I was at a vegan picnic when I said "I don’t eat animals" but I was drinking milk in my English tea and someone said “You don’t kill animals to eat you just abuse and exploit them”. As soon as I was alone in my car driving away from the event my conscience knew and wouldn’t allow me to continue to financially support egregious cruelty I had not “ seen “ until his comment. He became my best friend really and we are still friends to this day and fellow activists 38 years later.
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My Vegan Story :
In Des Moines, IA, I plan monthly dine outs for a group of vegans, vegetarians or want-to be's. Everyone is invited, as long as they order plant food for that evening's dinner.
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My Vegan Story :
My wife was vegan. I resisted but finally made the connection.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
After 12 years as a lacto-ovo-vegetarian, I became a vegan in 2007 and have found the health benefits of my new diet to be wonderful and observable. I also enjoy the food. I started my Wordpress blog about vegan issues, Healthy Vegan Hudson Valley, in 2017. It focuses on the mid-Hudson Valley of New York, USA, applying insights from the work of physician and bestselling author Dr. Joel Fuhrman and noting the great variety of options and opportunities for vegans to get involved and enjoy their lifestyles in the area. For more information, please see my site!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
We invited a vegan startup business to work out of our house in Lima, Peru and they taught us about the health benefits and we felt the difference in one month. Since then we have seen that we can bring the cruel Animal Agriculture Industry to its knees by engaging massive numbers of people to STOP eating animals and animal products. Now we help people to start vegan intentional communities using the model of our WisdomHaus. Start one where YOU live!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I had always been a huge animal lover and tried "to cut down" eating meat for several years with "meatless mondays" and other feel-good-not-good-enough methods. Finally in my early twenties I committed to being vegan a full month and see how it fits me. It was perfect. Not only I felt better both physically and emotionally, my lifestyle improved. I started to cook more, be more mindful what I shop, where I eat, try new restaurants and recipes and I never looked back and never hesitated that it wouldn't have been the perfect choice.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
For the animals
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Game Changers Movie at 2018 Sundance Film Festival started me on my journey. Since then, lost 50 lbs and halved my cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose, etc.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
My dad took me to a veggie restaurant by mistake which turned me vegetarian. A few years on living in Brighton I went vegan, which was a basic requirement in the activist community. It really helped that vegan food, even in those days, was accessible in a way you couldn't dream of in my country of origin Sweden. Empathy and imagining what it is like to be the animal has always been the driving force for me.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I went vegan for animals and to save our planet! A vegan lifestyle prevents a tremendous amount of animal slaughter and suffering. It offers a potent way to shrink our environmental footprint, especially in regard to climate change. And a well-planned vegan diet can fuel the highest levels of fitness while reducing our risk of various chronic diseases.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
In 2020 I was graciously given the title of “PETA Prime’s Most Beautiful Vegan Over 50.” for that year. I had almost not applied. I don’t seek attention in life, but I felt it was my duty to show up and share my experiences with the world, aiming to shatter myths and advocate for animals. I sent my application to PETA at the last minute and was honored to be selected as the winner—although I believe all vegans are winners!

When I started this journey in 2011, I never would have imagined that I’d be looking back on these major milestones:

In 1996, my mother gave me a book about vegetarianism, which immediately led me to stop eating meat and move away from my unconsciously speciesist lifestyle.

I moved from Türkiye (Turkey) to the U.S. in 1998, after singing as a soloist in Beethoven’s 9th Symphony in Istanbul, under the direction of American conductor William Thomas.

In 2004, I discovered my true baritone voice after training as a tenor for years at three different conservatories, which began my transformational journey.

I confidently and joyfully went vegan in 2011 after reading vegan triathlete Brendan Brazier’s Thrive. This decision dramatically fueled every aspect of my life.

It 2012, I began functional bodyweight training at home, which initiated my surprising physical transformation.

I formulated my vocal method, The Vocathletic System, in 2019 and added “athlete” to my credentials.

In 2020, shortly after the PETA Prime contest, I removed all oil from my diet and soon after started a whole food vegan diet.

In 2021, I became fully raw vegan.

And then I was the guest in three great interviews:
1- “Opera Singer Goes Vegan, Gets Massive Muscles” with Chuck Carroll on The Exam Room Podcast by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), founded by Dr. Neal Barnard.

2- “Bülent Güneralp’s Transformation Debunks Vocal, Athletic, Nutritional Myths” with Chef AJ.

3- “An Update on Food Is Climate” with Glen Merzer, hosted by Climate Healers, founded by Dr. Sailesh Rao.

Today I am an activist and an opera singer who ended up looking like a bodybuilder—solely as the result of eating plants, maintaining daily full-body functional training (no lifting weights or going to a gym), and as the byproduct of my extraordinary vocal journey.
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My Vegan Story :
Plant-based concert who is now getting his Masters in Nutrition as medicine to help others see the way.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I am only 1 week in to being vegan. But, I am excited by all the research which shows I will decrease the risk for all chronic diseases including depression and mental illness and cancer by being vegan.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Jennifer Greene is executive director of Vegan Long Island. She also does volunteer work for the Coalition for Health School Food (CHSF) and Beyond Carnism.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Vegan for the animals, the planet, and health.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I became vegetarian ten years prior to becoming vegan. I became vegan for ethical reasons.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Originally went plant-based with my brothers as something new to try out during the beginning of quarantine. After connecting with the ethics a few months later through watching videos and reading arguments about the vegan position, I became a vegan for life.
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My Vegan Story :
I became vegan after juicing and feeling amazing. Never looked back.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I'm vegetarian since age 2, vegan since 18, but the date thing would date forever to roll back on this site: I'm 61. I fell in love with a calf at a petting zoo in Connecticut called "Old McDonald's Farm" at two. I later pointed to the meat case at my mother's regular kosher butcher, and asked Lenny where it came from. He described it to me. I was HORRIFIED they were eating my friends, like vampires. I was two.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Blessed to be born to a vegan mother and growing up with a health-conscious mindset. Recently started my own business focused on a WFPB lifestyle for young athletes.
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My Vegan Story :
I've gotten into powerliftng after college and noticed that eating too much animal protein made me sluggish. Found out why when tested blood at work. Cholesterol and triglycerides were borderline risk at 23 y.o.! I've decided to give a plant based diet a shot and never looked back.

Unlike most athletes - most of my muscle was built AFTER I've transitioned to vegan. As a natural plant based athlete, I won an Overall Novice bikini title in 2019 NPC Atlantic Coast Championships, one of the largest bodybuilding shows in North Carolina going against meat-eaters and athletes on performance enhancing drugs. Also won Open and Overall bikini champion titles in the natural OCB Colonial Open bodybuilding show in Virginia in the spring of 2019. Totaling 7 awards from both shows.

My most recent win was the 1st place in 69kg powerlifting category at USAPL Power Mountain Showdown in Asheville September 25th, 2021. in March I took 2nd in Battle on the Border NC/SC USAPL meet which was a huge event. Pretty sure I was the only vegan there.

On top of running a small coaching team - I am also writing a book on body dysmorphia and tour with VegFest Expos to speak at vegan events in NC, SC, VA, TN! Invite me to your event to engage and motivate the crowd - vegan or not!

@gorbachevae shoot me a message on IG! Especially if you have a vegan friendly business.
I am always hiring knowledgeable nutritionists and athletes too - if you know someone, please introduce.
Use code VEGAN to get 10% off your first month of coaching 🙂 All coaching is done online so it doesn't matter where in the world you live, train and eat.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I became vegan by reading and learning more about scientific evidence of benefits being Vegan. I can see and feel a great benefit in my body and energy. I just love it
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Years ago, a friend showed me a homemade video depicting animal cruelty rooted in cultural beliefs. It made me realize that we do the same in the USA. That night, I decided to stop eating meat. Since then, I've grown as a vegan, learning about the impact of animal agriculture and embracing a compassionate lifestyle. Being vegan isn't just about food; it's a transformative shift in perspective. I'm grateful for the journey and strive to create a compassionate world for all beings.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
After being a meat eater for quite a while I decided to go vegan only a few weeks ago and haven t been disappointed so far
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My Vegan Story :
Another time...
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I became a vegetarian 2 years ago and back then even tried to be vegan for 2 weeks. Back then my reasons were morally, and the “only” animal product i would eat was cheese, so that I could come up with excuses like I don’t kill animal to eat cheese. I started watching more and more documentaries and do some research and realised very quick that I was living a hypocritical life. Last year in December was when I watched cowspiracy and my reason to become vegan were now also based on health and environment. I knew I couldn’t fully become a vegan by then as I started a trip to South America in January. I tried as much as possible to reduce the animal products and knew that as soon as I am back home I will try. As we had to self isolate after coming and due to covid it was initially hard to buy the products I wanted to eat. After a couple of weeks I finally started living vegan and I decided to be an active part of it and maybe get a job in the vegan area to share my story professionally and show the world how much better a vegan life is.
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My Vegan Story :
My mission is to help grow the vegan movement by finding and implement more effective tools and strategies to inspire hopeful curiosity for a plant-based lifestyle.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I was vegetarian for a long time then learned more and took the short steps to being vegan. I don’t remember exactly when but it was the mid ‘00s.
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My Vegan Story :
It didn't take long for me - a switch was flipped and I was done with animal products!
That being said, lots of cylinders were firing as I became a more compassion person, listened to the right speeches, and found a growing desire to align my morals with my actions.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
My cancer diagnosis led me to my doctoral research in search of the Ideal Diet For Humans. By following this whole-food, mostly plant-based diet, I healed from cancer and got my energy and vitality back. Then one day a friend sent me a video of Gary Yurofsky's lecture. Immediately after viewing his talk and understanding the suffering caused by the meat and dairy industry, I became a vegan never to eat any animal products again.
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My Vegan Story :
Not at this time, thank you.
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My Vegan Story :
I have no health issues, I've tried different diets and lifestyles. I've chose to go Vegan and adopt such lifestyle since it matches my belief system and I have no issues following a Vegan diet.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I turned vegan to manage my health early in 2021
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I don't really have a vegan story. One day the question of whether or not animals feel pain popped into my mind. From then on, I regularly contemplated animal rights and began working on reducing and eventually eliminating my active contribution to the mistreatment of animals. Nothing crazy.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I have been an activist for a couple of years, full time or more. Got burnout and now doing it slowly.
Also, I am the developer of the vegan oriented nutrition site
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My Vegan Story :
I believe that food, the production and consumption thereof, is the one human activity that has the greatest impact on ourselves and the planet. The impact can be positive or negative depending on what and how we produce and consume. The scientific research has proved that veganism is unquestionably essential in preserving our health and that of our planet.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
After being interested for years in all aspects of food production and consumption, I finally became vegan due to Dr Gregor's publications on Nutritionfacts. Food, its production and consumption, is the one human activity that has the greatest impact on ourselves and the planet. Scientific research has unquestionably proved that veganism is essential to preserving our health and that of the planet.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I went vegetarian for the first time when I was 16 when I found out about the suffering. I spent the next 15 years bouncing back and forth struggling to comprehend the reality of animal agriculture and reconcile that with the decent people I knew in the world I thought I lived in… Finally on 2005 all of the information I’ve been reading for 15 years clicked, after watching a particularly devastating undercover video of a Chinese for farm. Part of my inability to stay vegetarian or vegan in the past had something to do with not feeling well, so when I went vegan and 2005 I decided to learn about nutrition and try to be as healthy as possible. I’d now say I’m vegan for the animals, the environment, and health. No the truth is, it’s my love of animals more than anything that got me to go vegan and will keep me VEGAN forever no matter what. I run a small animal rights group in Mobile, Alabama, as well as a micro sanctuary for chickens rescued from animal agriculture. I also at any given time share my home/life with around 12 to 15 rescue cats and three rescue dogs. And I’m about to release a short documentary on the importance of including non-human animals in our circle of compassion.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I have wanted to be vegan for as long as I can remember. There are still some things I'm struggling with. I am trying to learn as much as I can.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I went vegan because I read something that helped me make the connection between my food and the animals I loved so very much. I haven't eaten our furry friends in 30 years. High raw vegan these days.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Have always thought about becoming vegan. Finally at 54, I feel like I have the strength and discipline to make it happen. It is a gradual process. I am still addicted to snacking but I hope to one day conquer this.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Wow! What a journey went from mental lillness and poor health to feeling great and making a positive change to the world through health authentic food and eco friendly deliveries. Here is a little about my baby V-Giyan
We are Oxfordshire's only Vegan Punjabi meal delivery service. All of our food is prepared to the highest level combining traditional Punjabi home cooking with modern gastronomy. Our menu is full of healthy and tasty food ranging from traditional home cooked samosas, tofu spring rolls and bhajis to lavish curries which have that homemade authenticity yet focused on fresh and local produce. We deliver daily across the county and you can order directly via the website and choose a suitable slot which works for you. We also offer "The Planet Happy Meal" which is a pre-defined selection for those trying our food for the first time. We are big on looking after mother Earth so all of our packaging is fully biodegradable and we are mindful of our carbon footprint in every possible instance.
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My Vegan Story :
Helping individuals adopt a whole foods plant based diet and make lifestyle modifications to improve their health
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Been vegan/plant-based since 2016! Encouraging patients to get more plants on their plate since 2016 too! As a Pediatrician I think it is imperative to change the mindset we have around food towards a plant-based plate rather than a meat centric plate and so I’ve been trying to help others on this journey as much as I can.
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My Vegan Story :
Since 1991, Emani vegan makeup has offered a beautiful solution for lovers of makeup and animals. Our makeup is 100% natural and ideal for sensitive skin, as it contains only the finest ingredients. The Emani Australia range includes vegan primers, vegan mineral foundations, vegan bronzer, vegan illuminator, vegan mascara, vegan eyeshadows, and vegan lipsticks - all luxuriously packaged and scientifically formulated to nourish your skin, without any nasty chemicals.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
My grandfather was a dairy farmer and, for a few years before I was born, my father took over the farm. After I was born, we had pigs until my parents started a plant nursery instead. Nevertheless, animals were always there to work for us, not be with us. I knew everything about milk production, but it didn't bother me one bit. My favorite foods were steak (rare) and cheese (blue). Still, I always considered myself a good eco-friendly citizen and in particular I was keen on cycling everywhere. Sometime in 2013, I got into an online argument with someone who told me that, if I was fueling my bike rides with steak, I might have well have been driving a Hummer. That was like a punch in the gut: I had never thought about the environmental impact of my food before. I started educating myself and decided to go plant-based at home and vegetarian when eating out. At friends' homes, I would eat anything. Then in 2015 my second child was born. Just like the first one, I breastfed him... except that now I truly felt compassion for the cows. It was in the middle of the night, while nursing him, that an awful thought hit me: what if someone came, took away my baby, and hooked me to a milk machine instead? The morning after, I decided to be vegan for life.
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My Vegan Story :
I was a mom and I wanted to do right by my family! Started children's eco-food education organization, Lean and Green Kids to support the movement!
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My Vegan Story :
Keto diet not working...
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My Vegan Story :
The BuyEatVegan team consists of passionate individuals who hold their own set of morals and values, each centered around the grand idea of veganism putting an end to animal cruelty, helping us live better lives every day, and restore proper respect for all forms of life besides just our own. Our goal is to educate and inform the public about inhumane processes, alternatives to those processes, and make the argument that veganism can and will make a significant positive change in personal lives as well as bettering our society as a whole.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I became vegetarian when I was 13 years old after realizing that the cows I saw on the pastures out in the country near my cousin’s house were the same cows that were in the burgers I would get at McDonald’s with my grandma every Friday. From then on, I grew to learn more about factory farming and couldn’t turn back. Once I went to college and made my own meals, I became fully vegan and have never felt better!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I became vegetarian in college for health reasons after living abroad and gaining excess weight. I leaned toward veganism, but wasn't fully educated on how perfidiously animals were treated. I didn't realize they were abjectly tortured until I became active in the local vegetarian society. I also had some health issues, for which the best remedy was a vegan diet. At that point, I eschewed all animal products and became active in the vegan movement, founding organizations, volunteering and coordinating activities to fight for animals' rights. In 2019, I took a position with my friend's non-profit health education intervention org, Rochester Lifestyle Medicine Institute. I began reading the studies, seeing first hand in our patients, and learning about all of the MANY health benefits of WFPB vegan nutrition and lifestyle medicine, while also protecting animals and the environment from undue, deleterious harm. It's amazing how small changes in behavior and lifestyle can have such magnanimous outcomes on health, the environment and for animals and humans.
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My Vegan Story :
I am a chef that has a passion for Mexican cuisine and has loved to extend my restaurants' vegan menu.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
The idea of going vegan is something I had thought about for some time, but did not commit to 100% until Sept 2018.

During the summer of 2018, I experienced increasingly painful inflammation in my right hand as well as other joints.

My right leg grew increasingly painful on even a short run of a couple miles.

As a writer, it was impacting my ability to type for more than a few minutes at a time never mind, my overall joy of movement.

Other things I grew accustomed to were afternoon energy dips. My focus was not as good as it had been in the past. I didn’t feel as creative as I desired to be and my passion for life was waning.

Not wanting to depend on medication to get rid of the pain, I hopped on the Internet to research natural remedies to minimize the inflammation.

I found YouTube videos, books, blog posts and articles all touting the miracle results people were experience with a whole food, plant-based eating protocol. Although some of it seemed too good to be true, I was desperate to feel better.

Figuring I had nothing to lose, I decided test out a 100% plant-based eating protocol for seven days.

According to many “real” people who were plant based, seven days would be more than enough time to notice a slight improvement. Actually, some people were making claims that plant-based eating was more like a miracle cure than anything they had done.

When I say “real” people, these were average men and women who were easily found on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram. Men and women who had given this way of eating a shot and not only got rid of inflammation, but they also reversed heart disease, diabetes, lost weight without dieting, had more energy and found a new lease on life.

Anxious to minimize my pain, I committed 100% for the seven-day period. Within two days, the inflammation all but disappeared. Additionally, I felt a lot better, dropped four pounds and slept great for the first time in ages.

Not completely convinced this wasn’t a fluke and the inflammation might not return, I gave it another seven days. Then another. It only took a few weeks to decide this was my eating choice from that point forward. I have been 100% plant-based since then.

Since the day the inflammation disappeared, it has not returned. As if that weren’t enough, in the time I’ve been eating plant based, the results have been nothing short of amazing. Not only have I dropped unwanted weight without dieting, my energy and concentration have improved substantially.

Regarding my running, my endurance has substantially increased, my joints don’t ache during, or after, a run and recovery time is incredibly fast.

I’ve also noticed my stress is almost nonexistent as well as my creativity and intuition improving. I no longer feel the afternoon energy dip I had grown to expect as well as my moods are often near euphoric.

I Feel Very Aligned

Another important aspect of a plant-based lifestyle is being much more in alignment with my claim that I care about animal welfare. Truth be told, I have to wonder how I could have consumed animal products for most of my life.

The more research I do on what it takes to get meat on a consumer’s plate, the more committed I am to never again eat any type of meat or dairy product. As I have gone further and further into being vegan, I realize I will never, ever again eat meat and I want to do all I can to be a voice for the voiceless.

I received my certificate of completion from eCornell University for Plant Based Nutrition in March, 2020. I am a founding member of the Plant Powered Women's Network: A global ethical leadership community for vegan and plant-powered women.

I have two podcast shows dedicated to the plant based and vegan lifestyles. Plant Based Eating for Health Podcast and Vegan Visibility Podcast
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
ey! I’m Rebecca the creator of Veggies Abroad. During the pandemic, like so many people, I took time to re-evaluate my career — I wanted to find a way to align it with my ethics in hopes of making this world a tiny bit kinder.

But I struggled to find a fit.

So, what does any college-educated person do during a global pandemic? Well, they leave their full-time career of 15 years and start a vegan travel blog, of course!

Initially, I thought this would just help me pivot my career, but it's turned into much more. The blog focuses on showcasing mouthwatering lineups of vegan food, action-packed travel guides, tips, and everything else a veggie-traveler would need!

On top of that, it has forced me to learn many new skills — SEO, digital marketing, Word Press — and improve others — writing, communication, and PR. All of which helped me launch an array of consulting services. I hope to use my skills to amplify the voices of ethical businesses and organizations making a difference in the world. Maybe that could be yours?
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My Vegan Story :
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I am the founder of Veenofs and an all-natural vegan bodybuilder. My mission now is to promote a vegan lifestyle and great vegan products that I truly believe in, which excludes exploitation of - and cruelty to - animals for the purpose of clothing, food, and experimentation.
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My Vegan Story :
I have just begun my vegan journey!
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My Vegan Story :
It all started with seeing the speech from James Wildman 101 reasons why to go Vegan.
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My Vegan Story :
I stopped eating mammals at age 15 because my mother was upset about the cost of beef being so high. After that went fish, dairy and poutry. It took a long time. I finally stopped eating animal products in my 50's. It had everything to do with being a health care professional and seeing the damage caused by the Standard American Diet.
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My Vegan Story :
I watched a lecture by Dr Milton Mills for the first time today, 12.14.21. I don't have a Vegan story just yet!
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My Vegan Story :
My daughter is raising her children vegan and their health has been superb. I have had a lifelong battle with weight and using a plant based diet is helping me control my weight.
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My Vegan Story :
Uhhh It’s the right thing to do that’s why I do it...
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Witnessing awful treatment of cows, sheeps, and other animals in my pre-veterinary college program shocked me. I didn't understand their suffering until then. I tried to stay with the pre-veterinary program but dropped out after two years because I lost morale seeing what even veterinary students were expected to do to their patients. I met animal rights activists soon after I left college. Their literature was entirely consistent with my feelings. I began volunteering with them, I saw they were happy & healthy vegans, and I became vegan soon after. As with so many other humans I know, my biggest regret is not becoming vegan sooner.
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My Vegan Story :
I want to help save the environment .
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My Vegan Story :
I'm tired of being sick and tired. This is my 4th time doing this and i trust it will lat because I really want tp be healthy and see my 4th generation.
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My Vegan Story :
Both within and outside of her General Practice, I have developed a strong interest for plant based nutrition and optimising health through lifestyle choices. In 2019, I became a diplomat of the International Board for Lifestyle Medicine. In my position as Medical Director, I lead a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals in a first of its kind, online plant-based healthcare service.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I started for health reasons and everything about being a vegan has been catching on ever since. My overall health journey started about seven years ago when I was turning 50. To keep it short lets just say I abused myself my whole life up until then with food, alcohol, and drugs. I am a youtube junkie and got hooked on the keto videos and lifestyle. I did lose 70 lbs but still yoyo'd. I was thinking I was doing the best thing then to find out I wasn't. The transition for me as far as eating goes has been an easy one being I was already batch cooking once a week and love veggies. Now really loving plant based, whole food, trying my best with sos and at the very least keeping that part to a very minimum. Feeling good and still have some concerns that I am trying to figure out with doctors and specialists. I can definatly go on forever here with feelings (physical and mental) but can come back and add another time.
thank you..
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I came out of the womb a radical* feminist, but it wasn't until my late twenties that I thought to consider the injustices to non-human females and their offspring. Thanks to the suggestion of my progressive and eclectic Aunt Dorothy, I read The Food Revolution by John Robbins and immediately went vegetarian. It wasn't until a year or so later during a volunteer stint at Farm Sanctuary that I went fully vegan. Shortly after that I moved to Seattle and found my people through NARN (The Northwest Animal Rights Network), and realized my penchant for bookkeeping (as the original "Donut Director" at Mighty-O - vegan - donuts). Since 2010 I have been self-employed, offering bookkeeping services to nonprofits and ethical small businesses. I resist the violence of our dominant culture. I believe in dignity for every body, and freedom from oppression for all.

*I'm not sure how radical I was but I like using the term "radical feminist" 😀
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I'll add my story later
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My Vegan Story :
I come from a working-class family in the UK and grew up just outside south-east London in a council flat. My mum would serve us things like beef burgers and chips for dinner. One day I asked her where beef burgers came from and was horrified to learn they were once a living cow. I always felt close to animals — I adored my cat, Kitty, who I grew up with, and once I made the connection that burgers were made of cows, the roast chicken dinner meant that a bird was killed for my dinner and that fish fingers were once actual living fishes, I went vegetarian although I didn’t know the term at the time.

But it wasn’t until 1996, at the age of 30, that I became vegan, even though I did some animal rights activism in the late 80s — somehow I missed the vegan memo. I was on a coach trip with other activists to a big anti-vivisection demo and a lovely schoolteacher I was sitting next to declined my offer to share my Marmite and cheese sandwich, even though I enthused to her that the cheese was ‘vegetarian’ with ‘no animal rennet’.

She kindly explained the cruelty involved in the dairy industry to me and I was so shocked and also guilty that I didn’t know this already. The next day I ordered my Animal Free Shopper Guide from the UK Vegan Society and was stunned at all the ways we exploit, use and abuse animals for everyday products. I pretty much went vegan overnight.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Was vegetarian started vegan in January
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My Vegan Story :
I started my Whole Food Planted Based journey on August 8th 2016, my first day of the PCRM Kick Start Program through the GreenFare Organic Restuarant in Herndon, VA. I have continued a SOS (Salt, Oil, Sugar free cooking) WFPB lifestyle for the last 3+ years lost 45 lbs and go off all medication. This information is too important not to share.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I have been plant based since 1998 and haven’t been on any prescription drugs . I’m almost 59 and feel fantastic!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I became vegan for life after hearing one of the founders of Gentle World talk about her own personal realizations about veganism.
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My Vegan Story :
I learned about eating better while worming in the natural foods industry. The more i learned, the more i stopped eating, until i was completely vegan.
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My Vegan Story :
I have been vegetarian for 2+ years for environmental reasons, and currently working on embracing a full vegan diet and lifestyle.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Animals rule
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Hi Everyone, I am trying to heal my body from autoimmune diseases. I am learning about using foods as medicine. I watched a YouTube video of
Dr. Montgomery speaking about the many benefits. I am not eating vegan yet but I 'd like to try. I have autoimmune diseases and my body has sensitivities to many things. My purpose is to improve my sad diet and health. Thank you for educating people. I love animals and I look forward to becoming vegan.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
[ ] It was 1972 that I started my vegetarian journey. I was at WelMet summer camp at age 12. (Howard Stern was a counselor and kitchen boy there with his first radio show!) A fellow camper put a fork in a round deli meat slab and said “baa baa". It was leg of lamb. I see for the first time it's someone’s leg. From then on, I could not eat meat. I could no longer eat someone’s body parts.
In September after summer camp, I saw the film: “Bless The Beasts and the Children.” It’s about boys freeing bison. The bison were to be killed the next day. The boys were trying to save the bison from extinction and being killed. Excellent movie.

I learned to play the song Dona Dona on the guitar. It’s an Israeli song about a calf going to slaughter.

All three things inspired me to stop consuming meat. Still, I ate dairy and fish, not seeing the connection.

- [ ] As an athlete, I had psoriasis, arthritis and migraines. At 19 I had cancer cells burned out. At 21 I finished college and went to visit my vegan Aunt Glory. Here I learned to eat vegan and started to juice fast. This is May 1981. Aunt Glory and her son were living with her best friend, Heart Phoenix and her kids. I learned a lot.

- [ ] After 6 weeks of living with them and mostly fasting, I lost weight and felt great. I mostly fasted the first year of being vegan. I’d eat mostly raw vegan between fasting.

- [ ] Never had cancer cells again. Migraines gone. Pounds dropped off. Psoriasis lessened dramatically.

- [ ] I’ve been vegan ever since.

- [ ] Through my Aunt’s friend Heart Phoenix I learned about her sister’s place,, the longest running vegan non profit community living together.

- [ ] Been involved since 1981 and have seen veganism grow tremendously. We’ve written and published books (The Cookbook For People Who Love Animals; Vegan Nutrition Pure and Simple; Pregnancy, Children and the Vegan Diet; Incredibly Delicious, The Vegan Paradigm); produced seminars; had vegan Celebrity Banquets; rescued and saved animals; flew banners; gave cooking demos; demonstrated and marched for animal’s rights; were the executive chefs at Animal Rights conferences; took over hotel and restaurant kitchens; opened vegan restaurants and catered. We consulted other vegan restaurants too. We hope the world quickens its pace towards veganism.

1982, Dr. Klaper visited and moved in with us. What a game changer for the world!

- [ ] In GW you can see the wealth of information that exists with people vegan almost 50 years. I am happy to be part of an organization that has been trying since the late 70's to veganize the world!!

- [ ] For the past 13 years I have also helped with the NY Coalition for And I’ve been involved with and the World Peace Yoga Jubilee. Before the jubilee, I produced the first World Peace Diet retreat with Will Tuttle.

- [ ] In my 40 years as a vegan so much has changed! And we’re just getting started. Join us!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Concerned with ethics and compassion for others since childhood.
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My Vegan Story :
Realized dairy and eggs contributed to same industry I was trying to boycott. So went fully vegan.
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My Vegan Story :
I’m looking forward to living a healthier life the vegan way.
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My Vegan Story :
Vegan, AR, writer, publisher, illustrator, passionate, involved, and always on the go.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I was pescaterian for a year, at 57 years old, decided to go vegan a year into it. As much as I liked the taste of meat, I never wanted anyone to die for me. So, I said, no more. Better late than never! Now I am WFPB certified. A volunteer with a local vegan/animal rights group. I protest, do investigations and anything else I can to to promote animal welfare and compassion.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I went vegan because I was already vegetarian (Ovo-Lacto) and I started to have headaches from eggs and diary. I stooped eating eggs and diary.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I was not raised vegan, I did not become vegan because I did not like the taste of meat, dairy, or eggs. I became vegan because one day, I had the courage to take responsibility for my choices. I no longer believe animals are here for us for food, clothing, entertainment, testing, or any other purpose. I am vegan
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Tullens fruit farm offers a finest quality, fresh and delicious English/British apples, apples and pears, no sugar added organic apple juice, easy apple recipes, lamb breeds. See traditional apple varieties which were always grown such as Cox Orange Pippin apple, Worcester Pearmain and Bramley apple.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I was a microbiologist working in the pharmaceutical industry and touring animal labs and farms as part of my work. This enabled me to realize that the normalized violence inflicted upon animals on farms and in labs was a direct result of my own personal food choices. Becoming vegan was my response to the disturbing things I witnessed.

I married Joe and we had two healthy vegan pregnancies. The parenting journey has been the highlight of my life. Wanting to give our children the best possible odds for a healthy and good life inspired me to do a lot of research and some of my views about what is best for our health changed as a result.

But the bedrock of our family has been being vegan, which provided an ethical framework and has been an incredible blessing in other ways too, including helping me to see that the same kinds of conflicts-of-interest and biased science that have supported big ag have also misled the public about many other important "choices" we have and what we believe to be "true."

Our born-vegan daughters not only survived our pioneering vegan parenting -- but made it all the way into adulthood without ever taking antibiotics and never having broken any bones (in spite of one being a gymnast who did back handsprings on the balance beam -- and was the only member of her competitive team to have never broken a bone.) Our older daughter Sarina now does vegan education and blogs on YouTube as "Born Vegan."