Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I have been a Vegan for little over 3 years. I went cold turkey after watching Documentary “What the Health”...have not looked back or regretted anything since then. Prior to that I was a vegetarian for well over 20 years.

I also started a home base vegan bakery...Sweet IMALDA’s Vegan Bakery
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My Vegan Story :
For my health
The Environment and animals. It just seems the right thing to do.
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My Vegan Story :
First My Health then GAIA Health!
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My Vegan Story :
I have been a vegan as long as I can remember. A "blacksheep" of the family, picky, difficult, etc.
The thought of eating animals flesh was always gross to me.
It hasn't been easy.
But now in my mid 50's and with all my families health problems, and I have zero health problems, it has paid off to be so stubborn.
I was so happy when I found the book The China Study because it gave evidence to prove a plant based diet is the best for everyone and our planet. I love Dr. Greger's book, How Not To Die, and I've learned new science that I didn't know before.
Thanks so much for letting me share my short story.
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My Vegan Story :
I had 2 strokes as well as brain surgery. After my second stroke, I stopped eating meat, then fish, eggs, and dairy products. it was for the sake of taste. I just stopped liking these foods. So I ate for 1 year. But I didn’t call myself a vegan, because vegan is not about food, it’s about a conscious choice for me, philosophy. Then I began to eat some of the listed products. And now I'm a pescatarian. But since then, after the second stroke, I have not eaten meat. But the philosophy of veganism appeals to me very much🌱
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My Vegan Story :
I became vegan after years of being off and on vegetarian. I watched a few documentaries and decided I didn’t want to contribute to the harm or death of any being. Since becoming vegan I’ve also learned about the positive impact being vegan has on the environment and stay vegan for both the animals and the environment. I now have a business that is also 100% vegan and I’m so grateful to be able to share my vegan lifestyle through using all vegan products while being a hairstylist!
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My Vegan Story :
Once I researched veganism I fell in love with the lifestyle
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My Vegan Story :
in the back of my mind I always knew it was the right thing to do, however due to laziness, lack of compassion, etc. I never put my mind to actually study what being a vegan really meant till I watched Cowspiracy and my mind went "ARE U KIDDING ME" nonetheless once again I fool myself cause I was still eating eggs once a month... this went on for about 6 months till I did the work and found out that free range eggs suck for the environment and they damage the animals too...
I am so happy with the decision of turning vegan I honestly could never go back to eat any animal products, I don't miss them at all and even if it sounds corny I do feel more love to our nature and happiness...
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Call me! 818-203-4736, email me
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My Vegan Story :
Health, consciousness, animals rights
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My Vegan Story :
I became a vegetarian in 1972 because I didn't want animals to be hurt. I didn't know how much dairy and egg industry hurt animals until about 6 years ago, in 2013. it still took me another year to go vegan. At the Comicon in San Diego, I was offered a dollar to watch a video which ended up being about how animals, including chickens and cows who produce eggs and milk, suffered so much. I went vegan on the spot. about 3 years ago, I decided I wanted to get involved in the animal rights movement, and now I am working with Vegan World 2026 to create a vegan world by 2026!
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My Vegan Story :
Became vegan over night after binge watching documentaries and love every bit of being vegan!
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My Vegan Story :
I have no health issues, I've tried different diets and lifestyles. I've chose to go Vegan and adopt such lifestyle since it matches my belief system and I have no issues following a Vegan diet.
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My Vegan Story :
Went Vegan cold turkey because I was curious and wanted to see whether I could live healthier without consuming animal products. Never looked back.
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My Vegan Story :
Vegetarian for 27 years then turned vegan in 2017
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My Vegan Story :
My wife and I tiurned 67 in 2021. We both suffered from chronic joint pain and arthritis. I have high blood pressure controlled by meds. My wife has high cholestrol. We were both about overweight. We began researching whole food plant based eating and went fully whole food plant based diet on 14 Feb 2021. The change has been dramatic and many of the chronic physical problems we were experiencing have totally corrected or dramatically improved. We are getting better at the WFPB diet everuy day and will never go back to the western diet that was destroyoing our bodies.
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My Vegan Story :
Not yet a full vegan
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My Vegan Story :
I became Vegan due to my late wife Sharon's concern about what I would eat when she was gone to cancer. To relieve her stress and to not have her spend precious time worrying about teaching me how to cook I went Vegan. She saw that this was a good choice for me and all was well. I was able to loose considerable weight and get off blood pressure and cholesterol meds. I never looked back and never felt better.
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My Vegan Story :
I was living in Germany. I watched What the health? and then Cowspiracy. After that, I couldn’t wait any longer. Now I work on a vegan restaurante called ‘Mel & Limao’ here in Faro, Portugal.
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My Vegan Story :
Hello community. Health and doing right for the planet has been on my mind for quite a long time. What finally caused a spark and pushed over the hump was watching "What the health" documentary on Netflix.
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My Vegan Story :
One summer day in 1989, my then-fiance and I wanted to take a day trip to Farm Sanctuary in Watkins Glen. We did not expect that day to begin our vegan journey, in fact, we planned to go to Burger King for lunch afterward. Already, animal lovers, it was not surprising. But, like most people, we needed to be exposed to the truth and awakened from the meat matrix. Over time our vegan journey grew into a true lifestyle and I can't imagine existing any other way. What a beautiful fateful day that was.
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My Vegan Story :
When I saw photos of cows going to the slaughterhouse.
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My Vegan Story :
Pete Reimann fervently adopted a vegan lifestyle for ethical reasons in June of 2019, after being prompted by a random 'animal-rights outreach' video to ponder the question, "What do you value higher; taste pleasure or the life of an innocent animal?" Although he clicked on the video to make fun of vegans, his response was to adopt a vegan lifestyle on the spot. He was tired of living as a hypocrite, choosing his own taste-pleasure over the lives of animals he claimed to respect. He made the conscious decision to watch his first standard-legal practice slaughterhouse footage 3 days later, which provoked him to take action for the animals.
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My mission is to help grow the vegan movement by finding and implement more effective tools and strategies to inspire hopeful curiosity for a plant-based lifestyle.
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My Vegan Story :
Widow maker survivor on WFPB.
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My Vegan Story :
My story is simple. Just got tired of eating animals and dairy products and wanted to be more healthier and lose weight
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My Vegan Story :
I believe that food, the production and consumption thereof, is the one human activity that has the greatest impact on ourselves and the planet. The impact can be positive or negative depending on what and how we produce and consume. The scientific research has proved that veganism is unquestionably essential in preserving our health and that of our planet.
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My Vegan Story :
After being interested for years in all aspects of food production and consumption, I finally became vegan due to Dr Gregor's publications on Nutritionfacts. Food, its production and consumption, is the one human activity that has the greatest impact on ourselves and the planet. Scientific research has unquestionably proved that veganism is essential to preserving our health and that of the planet.
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My Vegan Story :
I went vegan for ethical reasons and plant-based for my health. Having grown up with dogs, I eventually got dogs myself. It was the amazing bond I formed with my pooches as an adult that opened up my empathetic eyes to the complex and beautiful spectrum of emotions that animals possess, and ultimately, provided me with the conduit to vegetarianism in 2014. After watching Earthlings, and resonating so profoundly with the message of activists like Gary Yourofsky, James Aspey and Earthling Ed, I went vegan in 2016.
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My Vegan Story :
I went vegan 14 years ago through a love of animals and the environment.
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My Vegan Story :
Cleared up internal inflammation and acne as well as sports performance enhanced
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My Vegan Story :
My 5 year old nephew was diagnosed with cancer 12 years ago. His mom was in nursing school and had a professor ask if she'd looked into the role of diet in cancer. She started reading books and suggested I read The China Study. We did a 10-day trial and my cholesterol dropped 50 points. That was all it took. My family of 4 made the transition, and this year my book about our transition and a quick guide for people to do it themselves, 'For Fork's Sake: A Quick Guide to Healing Yourself and the Planet Through a Plant-Based Diet' was released!
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My Vegan Story :
I had come across a group named 'vegans united' on facebook. There are came to know about Horrors of Dairy Industry. I started doing my own research and found out that being a vegan is a moral baseline. That's how I became a vegan
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My Vegan Story :
I went vegan for the animals. However, I'm whole food plant based for my health.
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My Vegan Story :
I was raised a vegetarian in India but was a milk guzzler until I got to know about how cruel the dairy industry really is. Around the same time, I started reading blogger Steve Pavlina's story about going vegan. Both together prompted me to go on a 30-day trial of being vegan. Within about 6 months, I decided to permanently ditch dairy and go vegan for good.
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My Vegan Story :
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My Vegan Story :
Watched Earthlings and made the switch. I became an activist shortly after and used my skills in video production to help the movement as well as vegan businesses
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My Vegan Story :
ey! I’m Rebecca the creator of Veggies Abroad. During the pandemic, like so many people, I took time to re-evaluate my career — I wanted to find a way to align it with my ethics in hopes of making this world a tiny bit kinder.

But I struggled to find a fit.

So, what does any college-educated person do during a global pandemic? Well, they leave their full-time career of 15 years and start a vegan travel blog, of course!

Initially, I thought this would just help me pivot my career, but it's turned into much more. The blog focuses on showcasing mouthwatering lineups of vegan food, action-packed travel guides, tips, and everything else a veggie-traveler would need!

On top of that, it has forced me to learn many new skills — SEO, digital marketing, Word Press — and improve others — writing, communication, and PR. All of which helped me launch an array of consulting services. I hope to use my skills to amplify the voices of ethical businesses and organizations making a difference in the world. Maybe that could be yours?
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I became vegan because of the WHAT THE HEALTH documentary. It totally inspired me and convinced me that it is better for my own body and the planet to go Vegan.
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My Vegan Story :
Trying to be healthy
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My Vegan Story :
5 years ago my physician said my cholesterol was too high and I must start taking Lipitor. I'm not a fan of taking medicine, especially on a permanent basis, but it was the side-affects that really scared me (get your liver checked every six months?????) I asked her if there was anything else I can do and the answer was "Change your parents." I did not like this answer and I did some research and found the suggestion that changing to a vegan diet would help. The biggest driver for me was the "China Study." I'm an engineer with a math minor, numbers speak to me and I know how you can lie with numbers. The staggering amount of participants in the study, the length, and the goals removed all my doubts.

I looked at other materials like "Forks over Knives" and such. As so, I got my blood work done, spent 3 weeks getting to a Vegan diet, was on a full Vegan diet for 2 weeks more, then got my blood work done.

Not surprising to anyone probably reading this, my bad cholesterol alone when from 186 to 90. Other numbers were very very good also. My physician was very pleased. It was at this point I asked her "Why didn't you suggest this?" and the answer "Noone will change there diet this drastically for health."

I was extremely happy with the results and made a life change to eating Vegan. I was also very upset about the fact my Physician didn't feel it was something I should know that a Vegan diet would help because I would want to eat my self to the grave.

Over the years I found another health route of problems... You cand still eat CRAP and be a Vegan. Just recently my health has started to slip, Colersteral is still good, but sugar is high, blood pressure is up, etc. Using information from Dr. Greger, and reading his two books, I've gone 100% Plat based (as much as possible) and implemented his programs. My last visit... excellent! Making huge strides in the issue areas.

This information needs to be pushed out to EVERYONE. We are killing ourselves one dollar at a time to Big Food/Drink/Meat/Dairy. This alone should be enough for us to wake up. The other benefits like saving our environment, the cruel treatment of animals, etc are huge too, however, most people may resonate with the "what's in it for me right now"
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My Vegan Story :
I don’t have a story yet but I’m hopeing to have one soon
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My Vegan Story :
Love animals and the best way to show for it its not eating them
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My Vegan Story :
Since 1991, Emani vegan makeup has offered a beautiful solution for lovers of makeup and animals. Our makeup is 100% natural and ideal for sensitive skin, as it contains only the finest ingredients. The Emani Australia range includes vegan primers, vegan mineral foundations, vegan bronzer, vegan illuminator, vegan mascara, vegan eyeshadows, and vegan lipsticks - all luxuriously packaged and scientifically formulated to nourish your skin, without any nasty chemicals.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Watched a documentary that opened my eyes to veganism
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My Vegan Story :
I lost my father for a problem related to his heart. My reaction has been studying everything I could put my eyes on to understand why that happended as he was in good health apparently. My conclusion was that if my father would have eaten vegan (or more vegan) he could've still been here. After that I decided to go vegetarian and after one here when I kept studying I discovered more and more also about ethical issues and sustainability so I went vegan. In these 8 years I volounteered with several nonprofit organizations that fight for animal rights
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My Vegan Story :
I became vegan initially for health reasons but soon was impressed by Animal Cruelty arguments, so much so that I now refrain from killing any living things including insects. If, for example, I find a cockroach in my house, I catch it using a simple bug catcher and take it outside. Surely, all living things have a right to a full life without having it cut short by unthinking humans.
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My Vegan Story :
Hi All,

Happy to meet you on this platform.

5 years ago after being 25 years living the Vegetarian life, my wife and I made one if the most important decision in our life and became full fledged Vegans.

My personal drive for actively promoting Veganism on social media and real life is my concern about the devastating impact of the animal protein diet and use of animal derived products on Health, Environment and Animal Welfare. Therefore I am very interested in the innovative plant-based products/services that are developed and introduced on the market every single day by inspiring Vegan entrepreneurs.

Clean-meat development I consider also interesting looking at the positive impact on environment and animal welfare (not necessary on health).

During my activities as Volunteer for The Dutch Vegan Society, I got connected to some enthusiastic Dutch Vegan entrepreneurs. Together we organized several successful meet-ups (with upto 100 attendees) for Vegan entrepreneurs and investors in The Netherlands.

Our group joined-up with The V-entrepreneurs Network [VEN] founded in Germany, and in corporation with several international colleagues and partners we are now scaling up VEN to a professional international operating network, with already working branches in multiple countries.

For more information about our network please visit and follow :

Our aim is to bring V-entrepreneurs offline together for support and knowledge exchange in a personal, trusted environment.

Professionally I work in the leading global technology company ABB as Bid & Proposal Engineer and in this role actively involved in the Energy Transition.

Looking forward to meet you during one of our v-entrepreneurs meet-ups or online via this platform or Linkedin.

Green greetings,

Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Keto diet not working...
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My Vegan Story :
High blood work
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My Vegan Story :
Started due to health issues & then became aware of factory farming & then became aware of environmental influences of the food choices & life styles
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My Vegan Story :
Really want to reduce weight
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My Vegan Story :
I initially became whole food plant based for my health. It wasn't long before I started doing more research and learning and there was no going back. I was vegan.
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My Vegan Story :
I gradually transitioned to being vegan when I started caring about nutrition and my overall health. I realized that we have the power to transform our world to a more ethical and healthful society with compassion and wisdom. I wish to be the change I wish to see in the world.
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My Vegan Story :
I’m a lifestyle medicine family physician in Ann Arbor supporting whole food plant-based health and vitality for people, our planet and the animals for 45 years.
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My Vegan Story :
I was not raised vegan, I did not become vegan because I did not like the taste of meat, dairy, or eggs. I became vegan because one day, I had the courage to take responsibility for my choices. I no longer believe animals are here for us for food, clothing, entertainment, testing, or any other purpose. I am vegan
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My Vegan Story :
My girlfriend and I became vegan to try and improve our overall health; I had spent years feeling terrible and constantly getting sick and she suggested we both try it. Shortly after starting we watched the documentary Dominion and haven’t looked back since. Now we remain vegan not just because of the benefits to our body... but the earth, ecosystem, animals and every reason in between!
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My Vegan Story :
Just feeling wonderful since I am Vegan. I am so sad I didn't went Vegan earlier in my life
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My Vegan Story :
My wife started to control her high cholesterol and to support the end to animal violence. I followed in her footsteps.
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My Vegan Story :
I have decided to become vegan due to my health issues. I want to get my health back!
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My Vegan Story :
Just trying to understand plant base.
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My Vegan Story :
58 years old, post-op RNY Gastric Bypass surgery. Severe osteoarthritis in both knees. Feeling much better overall since switching to a WFPB Lifestyle. I have lost 100 pounds in one year. Starting yoga and stationary exercises bike.
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My Vegan Story :
going to see factory farming with my own eyes made me vegan
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My Vegan Story :
Eating vegetarian food may change his/her life.
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My Vegan Story :
I was very ill in 2015, and I could barely walk. Within 6 weeks, I had lost 30 lbs and inflammation had disappeared.
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My Vegan Story :
i wish i could share this very beautiful long journey of mine in this section but i would have to make it really short which i think it does not deserve to be cutout. they all mean so much to me. feel free to reach out when you have plenty of time 😉
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My Vegan Story :
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
3 years ago, Vegetarian for 30 years
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My Vegan Story :
I started eating more plants for my health, then I ate less meat for the planet’s health, finally I went full vegan for the ethical concerns of the animals. Turns out, eating vegan is just better for all of us.
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My Vegan Story :
It started all with gallstones, some 3 years ago. As the attacks got progressively worse my diet changed automatically . With imminent day surgery to have my gall bladder removed, I will need to/like to commit to a plant based diet .
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My Vegan Story :
☀️ We are cleaning up sunscreen ☀️
Natural, vegan sun protection, and the best part? Zero plastic waste.

Broad-spectrum UVA/UVB

Protect your Skin | Protect your World
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I was a pescatarian for about 30 years. I tried to become a vegan; I didn’t understand what to eat, neither could I sustain the cost or the stomach for processed, packaged foods. Roll on several years and I was enjoying the beautiful green environment of a recent move to another country, it has been the medicine that i needed; hiking, swimming, camping, kayaking etc became part of my lifestyle.

…After a regular blood works check the doctor told me that my body ‘wants to be diabetic’ and that’s definitely NOT what I wanted to hear, given my family history … It was the beginning of the pandemic and my thoughts were that I will emerge from this as a beautiful butterfly …. I went down that rabbit hole; listening, reading and learning from all of the wonderful plant based experts and with their help, I renewed my health, my body, my mind and my zest for life! There is NO going back!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Been vegan/plant-based since 2016! Encouraging patients to get more plants on their plate since 2016 too! As a Pediatrician I think it is imperative to change the mindset we have around food towards a plant-based plate rather than a meat centric plate and so I’ve been trying to help others on this journey as much as I can.
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My Vegan Story :
I have been an activist for a couple of years, full time or more. Got burnout and now doing it slowly.
Also, I am the developer of the vegan oriented nutrition site
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My Vegan Story :
Doctor wanted to put me on statin to lower cholesterol which was 240. I watched Forks Over Knives and that convinced me to go plant based. Thirty days later, at age 75 I had a mild stroke. Tests showed that my cholesterol had dropped to 133 in that 30 days eating a plant based diet. Question is did the diet cause the stroke or would I have had it anyway? Nevertheless I have stayed on diet and lost weight, blood pressure dropped below 120/80 resting pulse rate is 47 and blood tests have been perfect.
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My Vegan Story :
I watched What the Health documentary on Netflix. 20 minutes I was fully and completely committed to aWFPB life style. I’ve never looked back.
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My Vegan Story :
In Des Moines, IA, I plan monthly dine outs for a group of vegans, vegetarians or want-to be's. Everyone is invited, as long as they order plant food for that evening's dinner.
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My Vegan Story :
My name is Ryan Richards and I’ve started a vegan food company called “Virgin Vegan” based out of Notthern VA. I’ve been vegan for 2 years now and back in October 2020, I started to think about how I can make a difference in community. 

“What can I do?”
 “How can I make a change ?” 
“How can I help the people in my community”

Then BOOM!

Virgin Vegan was born.

Follow us on
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I first learned about the vegan movement and the incredible benefits of a whole food plant based diet around 2016, whilst performing research for my PhD in organic chemistry. At first I was very resistant to the idea that a vegan diet could be a good choice, but over time, I came to see just how powerful a vegan lifestyle was, and I felt compelled to embrace veganism from an ethical standpoint. The health and athletic side effects have been incredible, leading to my losing 50lbs and feeling better than ever.

I now use my scientific training in chemistry and food science, as well as my experience cooking incredible whole food vegan meals to advocate for the adoption of a healthy, mind-blowingly tasty vegan lifestyle.
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My Vegan Story :
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My Vegan Story :
Helping individuals adopt a whole foods plant based diet and make lifestyle modifications to improve their health
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My Vegan Story :
Vegetarian since youth, did not know the harm done for drinking milk and eating eggs until a few years back.
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My Vegan Story :
I came out of the womb a radical* feminist, but it wasn't until my late twenties that I thought to consider the injustices to non-human females and their offspring. Thanks to the suggestion of my progressive and eclectic Aunt Dorothy, I read The Food Revolution by John Robbins and immediately went vegetarian. It wasn't until a year or so later during a volunteer stint at Farm Sanctuary that I went fully vegan. Shortly after that I moved to Seattle and found my people through NARN (The Northwest Animal Rights Network), and realized my penchant for bookkeeping (as the original "Donut Director" at Mighty-O - vegan - donuts). Since 2010 I have been self-employed, offering bookkeeping services to nonprofits and ethical small businesses. I resist the violence of our dominant culture. I believe in dignity for every body, and freedom from oppression for all.

*I'm not sure how radical I was but I like using the term "radical feminist" 😀
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My Vegan Story :
go vegan
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My Vegan Story :
I began working on our global environmental crises in Dec 2005 after watching former Vice President Al Gore's global warming presentation on TV. By Nov 2006, I had a suspicion that if we restore forests on the land used for grazing farmed animals, that might completely reverse climate change. However, there were no peer-reviewed scientific papers reaching that conclusion and I was deeply puzzled by the scientific literature that indicated that my dairy consumption as a lacto-vegetarian was only a little bit worse than going vegan.

In Dec 2008, I was visiting the village of Karech in Rajasthan, India, where people had built a stone fence in 2002 to protect 250 acres of common land from cows and goats grazing on that land. To the left of the fence, I could see barren land with old dairy cows walking around eating anything that was growing on the ground and to the right, I could see a lush green forest. I immediately realized that the scientific literature was minimizing the impact of dairy production, while assigning the majority of the ecological burden of cattle rearing on beef production. In that village where people treated the cows as sacred and did not kill them even after their milk production had declined, the ecological devastation caused by dairy production was being fully revealed.

I went Vegan on the spot.

Within a week after I went Vegan, I felt a huge sense of guilt lift off my shoulders. I had been subconsciously carrying that guilt since the age of seven when I had first understood that I was consuming the milk intended for the baby calf and not me. Within a month after I went Vegan, I lost all my arthritic pains, sinus inflammation, acid reflux and hemorrhoids, and I felt like a sixteen year old again.

Though it began through an environmental portal, my Vegan journey encompassed the ethical and health aspects within a month or so. Today, I am committed to fulfill a pinky promise I made to my granddaughter, Kimaya, that the world will be largely Vegan before she turns 16 on Nov 19, 2026.
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During Corona quarantine, I became familiar with veganism.
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My Vegan Story :
In the summer of 2017 I was encouraged by my mom to start a candy company. At the same time my sister began a plant based journey and asked that I craft treats that she could also enjoy. From there I tested several recipes to find just the right combination of ingredients to craft delicious confections without any animal products.
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My Vegan Story :
Our family were long term vegetarians and went vegan overnight after watching "What The Health".
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My Vegan Story :
Went vegan after watching Earthlings
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My Vegan Story :
I read a book called Man vs Beast that described factory farming when I was 11 years old and I haven't looked back ever since.
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My Vegan Story :
Vegan since 2019
Currently a volunteer for SlaughterFreeLA
Trying to help the animals thru political action
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My Vegan Story :
I was in a downward spiral of weight and depression when my first son was born. It wasn’t until my body stopped producing milk and I was unable to feed my son that I woke up and searched for how to make sure formula wouldn’t ruin my child. I knew if I wanted him to have optimal health, I needed to lead the way. I had no idea about animal cruelty or the planet until I started down this path and I have never looked back. Everyday I wake up and feel a sense of purpose to show my family a better world through a vegan lifestyle. I am 100 pounds lighter and my kids (two now) are always remarked at for their health. I am a happy mama!
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Hoping to make a difference by making some lifestyle changes for my family xx
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Dont Really Know The Real Difference Between A Vegetarian And A Vegan:
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My Vegan Story :
My vegan story started in 2007 when I watched a screening of Earthlings. During the Q&A someone from the Vancouver Humane Society said that the best thing we can do to help the animals we'd just seen onscreen was to take meat out of our diets. I didn't do it 'cold turkey' but over the course of a few years I slowly focused on seafood and plant-based foods. I was able to let go of seafood in 2017 and when I found out I was sensitive to dairy (after taking a sensitivity test to get at the root of my digestive pains) in 2018, that was it.
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My last hospital bill was over half a million dollars. I watched "What the Health" on Netflix, went vegan and my only regret is not doing it sooner.
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My Vegan Story :
I turned vegan because I finally watched a documentary called “Cowspiracy”. I had avoided this documentary and all the rest, because I was afraid of the truth. I pledge to be vegan as well as raise my two children vegan proudly, and I wish that soon the rest of my family will too.
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My Vegan Story :
I was at my friend’s house and we were working on a campaign for Prop2 to help egg laying hens used in factory farms. I said, “I love animals so much.”
My friend Judy Landey exclaimed,”If you love animals so much, then why do you eat them.” That was the wake up call I needed to stop consuming dead flesh. I’m thankful my eyes & heart were opened that night. We are all pre-vegan in our hearts.