Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I went vegan for health reasons. I then learned about the animal cruelty and I am now an intersectional vegan.
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My Vegan Story :
Let’s turn your vegan website into a success story! As veganbusinesstrainer, I help vegan coaches, entrepreneurs and businesses launch professional websites that attract more customers – with you, in 1 day.

As a digital nomad and fitness enthusiast, I get to know vegan coaches, entrepreneurs and businesses in all parts of the world - and they want to motivate our fellow humans to lead a vegan, fulfilling and healthy life and they consider their own business. But most of them don't even start - out of perfectionism and fear of failure - or have websites where their customers don't buy their offers. When my contacts started earning more money with my tips, I knew: If my contacts work with my tips and start a successful vegan business, I can motivate other people to do the same!

I would like to pass on my experience as an online solo entrepreneur and help vegan coaches and vegan entrepreneurs to start their own business with confidence. With my experience and my implementation mindset, I am convinced that you can build a successful business and support other people in a vegan, fulfilling and healthy life.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I stopped eating animals as a peaceful protest against the US involvement in the Vietnam War.
I read Gandhi's writings that "If you want to stop men from killing men ... first you have to stop men from killing animals."
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Joyful vegan since 2012 after one year a vegetarian and most of my life an omnivore.
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My Vegan Story :
Watched Forks Over Knives and never looked back.
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My Vegan Story :
Age 16-67 I rotated between vegetarian to pescatarian age 68 I went vegan excluding throwing out all my leather goods since my fixed income does not afford me the ability to repurchase other items
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My Vegan Story :
I became vegan in February 2021 for my health and for the animals and climate change. I was overweight with elevated cholesterol. I am unable to take medications due to the side effects. I am enjoying my vegan journey and trying to educate myself.
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My Vegan Story :
Need to be healthier
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My Vegan Story :
I watched Gary Yourofsky's Best Speech Ever video and knew I could never eat animals again 🙂
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I don’t have a story yet but I’m hopeing to have one soon
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My Vegan Story :
I’m trying to prioritize my health and change the way I eat.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I became a plant based eater after reading the book How To Eat To Live. Never turned back
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Another vegan
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I was vegetarian for about 6 years and started watching documentaries and once you know you know. So I have given up all animal products for just over 2 years. This year I am really trying to go whole food plant based!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I've always had a stong connection to animals, but it didn't occur to me to stop eating them until I was 20 or 21 years old. After being vegetarian for four years, I was inspired to become vegan after reading Diet for a New America (by John Robbins) and attending an animal rights conference in DC. I then became more and more involved with local (Seattle) and national AR groups. In the past 3 decades, I have moved a lot and had many career & relationship changes, but the one constant in my life has been my committment to veganism.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I started eating more plants for my health, then I ate less meat for the planet’s health, finally I went full vegan for the ethical concerns of the animals. Turns out, eating vegan is just better for all of us.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Joined a petition against a church's pig rassle, then saw undercover vidoes of animal ag. Devastated, but it woke me up, realized it was wrong to eat animals. Did tons of research, learned about agriculture, who the animals are, what sentience means, what vegan means, ahimsa; learned about health, resources, and wild lives. All are thoroughly, negatively impacted by raising animals, fowl, fish, and insects for food. Continue to research and advocate for the many reasons to go vegan.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I was vegetarian for 7 years, 1971-1978 because I believed it was important to living a spiritual life, and learned all nutrition . I gradually went back to eating animals except for cow's flesh. Yet vegetarian food remained a favorite. In spring of 2014, on Facebook I found a protest against a "pig rassle" by an animal rights group in Wisconsin (USA). These are like rodeos but for pigs, and in big mud pits. I was horrified by the cruelty, magnified because it was sponsored by a church. Through this protest I came across undercover videos of animal agriculture that shocked and disgusted me. I dove into researching more and very quickly went vegan, within a week. I learned about the many solutions offered by veganism to some of the most crucial, pervasive issues of our time. For me, living vegan is aligning my actions with the deepest values we all hold dear. It's about respecting all lives and being caregivers of the eatth.
During the first couple of vears, my advocacy was often driven by the outrage I felt in response to the inherent cruelty of all forms of commodifying sentient beings. Then I started a vegan food outreach business. BotaniCuisine. As my advocacy continued to evolve, I realized how important it is to build bridges of understanding, extending respect to those we want to reach yet maintaining an honest, uncompromising message.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Vegetarian since youth, did not know the harm done for drinking milk and eating eggs until a few years back.
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My Vegan Story :
I read the book Eating Animals. Such powerful words. I learned about Farm Sanctuary, and the incredible Gene Baur from this book. I was trying out vegetarianism, and after reading the book, I went for it.
I was a fairly new vegetarian when I visited Farm Sanctuary in California. After spending the day there, I learned about the dairy industry. At that very moment, I, along with both of my teenage (at the time) children became vegan. In 2012, there were not as many choices, nor was it as accepted as it is now. Never ever thought of looking back. It's one of the best decisions I've ever made.
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My Vegan Story :
My and my mother became vegan immediately after watching What The Health for the first time. Its been almost 1 year and it changed our life, we feel happier than ever.
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My Vegan Story :
We are two passionate women who both believe in compassion to all beings. Not only do we advocate respect and kindness to those around us, but we believe this compassion should also extend to those that we do not see day to day.

We have been a voice for the animals for many years and practice what we preach by both enjoying and thriving on a vegan diet. While some people start and stop with what is on their plate we also do not buy or wear any animal products. Where possible we are strictly cruelty free and this includes in the brands we buy and support.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
It all began as an undercurrent, a feeling of unwellness that permeated my every day. I was the woman with a successful career, a loving family, raising kids, yet beneath that façade, wellness was a foreign concept. The standard American diet was my norm; it was simply fuel, with no apparent link to how I felt—until it all came to a head.

I was young, yet burdened with hypertension and a rising cholesterol level. Not overtly overweight, but sickness clung to me—a myriad of gut issues that no one could untangle. My diet was not under scrutiny until doctors, stumped by my condition, suggested an endoscopy and colonoscopy. “Possible Crohn’s disease,” they said after noticing a lesion. Crohn's—a word that struck fear into my heart, signaling a change needed to be made.

I embarked on a journey not knowing the destination. It was a friend, Pam, who handed me the first clue—a DVD titled “Eat” that connected the dots between our diet, diabetes, heart disease, and more. My family’s history with diabetes, laden with blindness and amputations, flashed before my eyes. I had been blind to the correlation, but not anymore.

I read, I learned, I attended workshops. My diet evolved, not overnight, but gradually. The label “vegan” wasn't part of my vocabulary yet; this was for my health. As my gut issues dissipated and I felt the joy of well-being, the weight of chronic illness lifted. I embraced a plant-based lifestyle without even realizing it.
Then came the biggest surprise—my sugar addiction vanished. I, a self-proclaimed sugar addict, had not craved sweets for months. It was a freedom I had never known.

Over 20 years have passed since that pivotal moment. Letting go of old habits was a process, but as I detached from my past diet, I connected more deeply with the world around me. I started seeing animals in a different light—not as food, but as beings with emotions, families, lives. This connection was transformative, and it was then I vowed never to consume another animal.

My perspective widened to include not only animal welfare but also environmental concerns. With droughts and ecological disruptions becoming more frequent, the question arose: What could I, as one individual, do to make a difference?

Now, when I look back at that time of sickness, I see it as a catalyst for a profound transformation. By adopting a plant-based lifestyle, I not only reclaimed my health but also found purpose in advocating for a kinder, more sustainable way of life.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Vegan chef and sourdough baker looking for jobs in plant based establishments. I have a love for fresh, local ingredients, creativity in the workplace and changing people's mind about what a plant based diet has to be.
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My Vegan Story :
I saw how retired dairy vows were devastating the forests of India and went Vegan.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Tried a plant based diet for lent and never went back!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I've been a vegetarian since high school, finally made the commitment to go vegan and even opened up a vegan general store in Charlotte, NC.
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My Vegan Story :
The journey of fighting chronic pain and inflammation. Living with a genetic disorder called Neurofibromatosis type 1 and a condition called Chiari Malformation 1 with a syringomyelia, both cause pain throughout my body along with other issues. Before my transition or awakening I was surrounded by people who were plant-based, and conscious about everything that goes in and out of the body. In the month October of 2019, I was in the middle of my 5K Walk Challenging, after finishing one race I was out celebrating eating and felt disgusted looking at the chicken wings on my plate. I thought to myself, this looks more like a hawk wing than a chicken wing. These lead up to me watching different documentaries related to vegan/ plant base. Being led by the Spirit of God I decided to go Vegan.
Since my transition I have learned more about myself and became more aware of what is really going on with the things that go into our food. I am eating more wholes food than process food. I also incorporate my faith into eating a more whole plant-based diet, in which I encourage others in my community.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I went vegan 14 years ago through a love of animals and the environment.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Became vegan because of health reasons but also through a deep feeling of a possibility of a more empathetic world
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
As in many other cases, I started my vegan journey loving cats. Years after adopting my very first cat I realized that it made no sense to love some animals and eat some others, so I went vegan. I still love cats and dogs (live with 20 of them) but no I also love the rest of species.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Been vegetarian for years, closing in on my 50th birthday next year and want to be my healthiest ever, lower weight and get off the high blood pressure meds. My ethical nature also needs more nurturing and a community of like minded, and like hearted people, as I'm surrounded by a family and circle of friends of carnivores who put absolutely no thought into where their food is coming from.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I started living a Plant Based Lifestyle about 5 years ago, I've always enjoyed making my own food over supermarkets so making the transition wasn't too challenging.

By incorporating a Vegan/Plant-Based lifestyle I have managed to transform my health for the better; gaining control of my weight, increasing my energy levels and improving my mental focus and clarity.

I was so impressed with the transformation that I decided to study both Vegan and Alkaline Nutrition and become a Nutritional Therapist.

I know Mentor Women to Improve their Health via an Alkaline Lifestyle.

Together we will Work Together and Achieve your Health Goals.

✅Learn how to make Healthier Choices; Alkaline & Acid Foods.
✅Personalised Meal Plans and Recipes.
✅Virtual 1-1 Coaching
✅Virtual Community Coaching (10 people)
✅Shopping List Delivery in One Click: (Coming soon)

✅Recipe Developer.
✅Menu Creator.

Message for your Free 30-minute Consultation at
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Pete Reimann fervently adopted a vegan lifestyle for ethical reasons in June of 2019, after being prompted by a random 'animal-rights outreach' video to ponder the question, "What do you value higher; taste pleasure or the life of an innocent animal?" Although he clicked on the video to make fun of vegans, his response was to adopt a vegan lifestyle on the spot. He was tired of living as a hypocrite, choosing his own taste-pleasure over the lives of animals he claimed to respect. He made the conscious decision to watch his first standard-legal practice slaughterhouse footage 3 days later, which provoked him to take action for the animals.
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My Vegan Story :
Hi everyone! My name is Aida Rejzovic and I am a founder of Sassy Organics, an e-commerce vegan store based in Melbourne. I have been vegetarian for 22 years now, but I guess I did not realise the impact the egg and diary industry was having on animals. About 3 years ago, I became aware of this and turned vegan. Since then I have been helping others transition to vegan lifestyle.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I was vegetarian for 10 years after reading Diet for a Small Planet. Then I read John Robbins' book Diet for a New America and became vegan. I never looked back. In 2002, I cofounded the parent organization for the Alaska Vegan Society.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I became vegan due to health concerns.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I don't remember the exact date, but I just remember eventually something clicked. I had had good friends in college who were vegans, but I had never really ultimately thought it was important to take the plunge, or rationalized not doing it for one reason or another. But eventually, I just couldn't deny that it was what felt right. My inclinations were substantiated over time by learning more data about the ethical and environmental negative impacts of the meat industry.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
After my husband died of a heart attack at 44 years young I started thinking about my children been the only Parent they have I need to take care my self- t de right now I’m over weight to be exact 60 pounds overweight. I need a new me a healthy mom for my children
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My Vegan Story :
Trying to get healthy
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My Vegan Story :
My mom told me so 😉
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Been Vegan for the animals for 5 years, wish I had known sooner 🙁
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My Vegan Story :
My name is Ryan Richards and I’ve started a vegan food company called “Virgin Vegan” based out of Notthern VA. I’ve been vegan for 2 years now and back in October 2020, I started to think about how I can make a difference in community. 

“What can I do?”
 “How can I make a change ?” 
“How can I help the people in my community”

Then BOOM!

Virgin Vegan was born.

Follow us on
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Striving toward it
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Became a vegan for all of the obvious reasons; health, ethics, environment
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My Vegan Story :
I am artist whose rode to veganism was animal and health based. I will be vegan for life and my artwork will forever be based on my love and deep respect for the natural world.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I was vegan curious for many years, but it wasn’t until I began experiencing serious health problems that I dedicated myself to a vegan lifestyle. Although health was my initial driving force, I now find that animal cruelty is my chief motivation for continuing on this path. I’m very nearly obsessed with vegan. And I like it that way.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I have only been vegan for a few days. I have decided to become vegan for a healthier lifestyle. I have lost many family members because of bad dietary choices.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I became a vegetarian as a child, then was educated about the dairy industry, and went vegan.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I was just watching YouTube. And Changing The Diet In The African Community. Popped up. And I decided from there I had to get control of my life. I already was having problems with meat. The smell was disgusting me.. And everyone around me think meat. Have to be the main course. And me as someone that lift weights. I was like where will I get my protein. Will I lose muscle mass. I just said I'm going all in. I can't let Society take over me.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I'm so glad I became a vegan in 2012
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I started for my health for the second time in May 2019. After finishing the CHIP program, my husband and I allowed our cravings to allow animal products back into our lives. I continued to read and watch documentaries. This past week my husband had a mild stroke. It has accelerated my desire to heal our world by first starting in my household.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
In 1986 I went Veggie, then in 1989 I went Vegan. Back then there was only one reason to go Vegan, and that was for the animals. I was a hunt sab for 7 years then my knees packed in ..... i was always at the front of the hunt with the hounds ... it takes it toll after a while 🙂
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
It all started due to health issues & it kept getting easier. My health improved...haven’t looked back ever since.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
On April 18, 2017, I saw an article by Marc Bekoff called "Human Behavior Toward Animals Hasn’t Caught Up to the Science" shared in my Facebook news feed by Science of Us (now called The Cut). As soon as I saw it, I thought, "Nope! I'm not gonna read that because I know if I do I'll never be able to eat meat again." But by April 20, my curiosity got the best of me. I read the article, and stopped eating animal products immediately.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Not yet a full vegan
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My Vegan Story :
I’ve been vegan for 6 years and started out removing things from my diet for environmental concerns. I also had a growing concern for the well-being of animals. Through the close bond with my German Shepherd, Nikko, I started making the connection that his intelligence, his feelings, his ability to feel fear, pain, love, happiness were viscerally real and that all of the billions of animals that were killed each year for a few moments of pleasure on our plates were just like him. Still, their fate was much different for no other reason than tradition. It was then that I started on my journey.
Since then, I’ve come to realize that this was truly the greatest decision I’ve made in a life that’s been fortunate with amazing things. Today, I’m a working advocate in my small community in Raleigh, NC, and hoping to put this more into action with a new brand we created at my design studio, MRC, called Burny Wild’s. Its an adventure brand, with food being a core part of its offerings, starting with Burny Wild’s Adventure Sauce, which is literally my favorite condiment heat sauce. It’s super versatile, vegan, gluten-free, and flavor-packed. We hope to use this as an entry point to people being excited about living their best lives in harmony with love, kindness, and respect for all living beings.
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My Vegan Story :
We are not just another sweet shop; we are doing things very differently here at Simply Vegan Sweets HQ.

Not only our sweets delicious and exceptionally tasty and cruelty free, we are completely plastic free with our packaging. We use fully sustainable plant based packaging and have thought of everything, so the only guilty indulgence with our sweets will be how many you can eat!

Don’t be fooled by what looks like plastic, it’s not! It’s made from cellulose film. Cellulose is derived from plants, a naturally compostable product and will decompose in as little as 10 weeks, leaving no trace on the planet. Even the glue we use on our stickers is completely harmless and the protection your sweets are delivered to you in, is shredding from materials we receive and recycle at Simply HQ.

We aim to to be the most eco-friendly pick and mix supplier in the UK.

💚 We are Vegan Founded registered and certified. 💚
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Started a farm sanctuary and once you look into the eyes of innocent your life will forever be changed.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I had issues with food all my life. I became a vegetarian at 12 but it wasn’t sustainable. I gave up beef. I suffered from bulimia. It helped to give up gluten 7 years ago. I’ve always believed health and mood was influenced by what we ate. I worked in the entertainment business fashion, acting, production, film, music then became a psychotherapist working with women w cptsd, trauma and eating disorders. I’m on the board of an arts center and have run many events. In October I was put on a statin for high cholesterol refused to take it. I decided to go plant based according to dr esselstyne how to prevent and reverse heart disease. I eat mostly raw . I’ve learned so much since then listening to all the conferences and interviews of plant based drs on YouTube and reading books. I am considering the eCornell certification. I wish there were more healthy, low fat vegan restaurants in nyc! I am committed to healing my own life, helping others, our wildlife and the planet. I m married to a doctor and there are other drs in my family. I hope to educate them also. It is hard to change old thinking. I have a 22yr old son, very bright and successful already in media marketing business, I am hoping to get him on board. He has a non alcoholic fatty liver and other issues I worry about him. I am looking to connect to others and get involved in many ways . It is my passion. I live in nyc.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I saw factory farmed undercover investigation footage many years ago and thought it was horrific how we treat animals. I went vegetarian a few times, then went vegan a few times, then slowly started getting into activism—and now my life is devoted to helping end factory farming and help animals in other ways. Going vegan and getting into the movement was one of the best things I've done with my life!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Once you know better, you do better!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I was eating mostly a plant based diet since about 2015. In October 2019 I was diagnosed with Salivary Duct Carcinoma, stage 4 ( Metastatic L parotid adenocarcinoma) with Her2 over expressing. It's a rare and incurable cancer. I went full on vegan, knowing it was the healthiest choice I could make because I had no plans to die. I haven't looked back. I'm not raw vegan. I eat raw as well as cooked. I and my oncology team know that I'm alive today in part due to my vegan diet. I was supposed to die within a short time. The cancer had already metastasized into my liver. It's no longer in my liver and while I have health struggles and am still in treatment (chemo and immuno every 3 weeks) I have more energy than many of my friends who are supposedly healthy but not vegan! I make food that non-vegans love as they struggle to believe it's vegan! I love my plant based diet and I really love all it's done for me
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I became vegan essentially when I moved out of my parents house! I stopped eating meat in 1993 after reading Diet for a New America by John Robbins.
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My Vegan Story :
I am vegan for health and ideological reasons
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My Vegan Story :
Being a Vegetarian all my life, I never felt the need of eating meet or eggs but loved dairy and dairy products more than any of the plant based food. In mid 2014, while living in Seattle, I came across some talk on Internet which talked about impact of Dairy on health, environmental and the cruelty involved. It didn't believe it and started researching further, over the period of next few weeks, I found overwhelming evidence of each of these aspects and it all started to make sense. Then over the next few months I started weaning off after like 38 years of my life. It was rather a long and lonely journey in a not so conducive envirnment. By the end of the year I was 90% off it. The next 10% took considerable amount of time. In Aug 2016 I visited the only Vegan Groery Store of Seattle, to volunteer and that day onwards I can say I was offcially a Vegan. Over the last 3.5 years I have come to realization that Vegan junk food can also be as unhealth as animal products. So, I mostly try to follow a Whole Food Plant Based diet. Some day, I hope to develop as strong a repulsion for oil, refined sugar and refined grains as I have for dairy today.
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My Vegan Story :
Live by vegan
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My Vegan Story :
Started reading about nutrition and its health benefits and positive impact on climate!
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My Vegan Story :
I have been vegetarian since my early 20's. In 2020 I re-opened a mostly plant-based cafe in the Caribbean and became 100% vegan as well as the cafe. Since then we launched Be-Ve Kids, a vegan store for parents raising vegan kids.
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My Vegan Story :
Have not eaten meat for over 4y and felling fantastic
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My Vegan Story :
Hi! I'm Ambra, a English, German and French to Italian translator, and owner of Ambra Translations, an international network of passionate, top-notch native translators from all over the world!⠀

Since 2011, my team and I have helped European and American companies expand their business in the English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese and Dutch-speaking markets, and attract new customers by providing translation, proofreading, localization and editing services. ⠀

Our focus is on vegan and sustainable companies that share the same values and respect for animals, the environment and human beings.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Hello! “Vegan Community Kitchen” is a vegan restaurant located in Apex, North Carolina. For potential job offerings contact us
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My Vegan Story :
After my father died of a massive heart attack in 2020 I decided to get serious to heal my heart health. Its been a process but getting better every day.
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My Vegan Story :
My vegan story is unusual. The abridged version is: I experienced secondary trauma when I was 23, and something about that opened my mindheart to the connection between meat and violence. I never ate animals again.
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My Vegan Story :
I haven't
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My Vegan Story :
As a vegan chef, cooking class instructor and vegan recipe developer it is my mission to inspire both professional cooks and homecooks, bakers and pastry enthousiasts to explore all vegan culinary possibilities. We teach online classes worldwide, and live cooking classes and Masterclasses in Europe.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Refused to accept my Type 2 diabetes diagnosis. Changed my diet cold turkey after reading about a vegan diet. Reversed my diabetes in 3 months, never looked back. Never took any medication since 2010. I run Durhamveg since 2016, created Durhamveg Fest last year and just opened a vegan restaurant in my city.
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My Vegan Story :
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My Vegan Story :
I first went vegan for health reasons, but now feel equally passionate about the environment, human rights, pandemic potential, and animal rights!
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My Vegan Story :
I was at my friend’s house and we were working on a campaign for Prop2 to help egg laying hens used in factory farms. I said, “I love animals so much.”
My friend Judy Landey exclaimed,”If you love animals so much, then why do you eat them.” That was the wake up call I needed to stop consuming dead flesh. I’m thankful my eyes & heart were opened that night. We are all pre-vegan in our hearts.
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My Vegan Story :
i became a vegan mainly for acne issues but then as i began looking into nutrition and what foods are best to thrive on i learned that we dont need animal protein and my whole outlook changed and now im here for the animals and the environment and healthy skin is just a plus!
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My Vegan Story :
I was an animal science major in college and visited many slaughterhouses which really disturbed me. I was such a hypocrite though because I would tell people how disturbing these facilities are, yet I was still occasionally eating animal products. After my seemingly healthy mother passed away from pancreatic cancer in 2017, I made the decision to live a healthy vegan lifestyle. Ever since I adopted this way of living I have felt the need to share everything I now know about how this way of living improves your health and outlook on life. I believe that one of my callings in life is to help convert the planet to veganism for the animals, the planet, and our health.
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My Vegan Story :
Health, consciousness, animals rights
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My Vegan Story :
My first exposure to veganism was when I moved to CO in 2008. I had a few friends in grad school that were vegan, and I had also joined a Kung Fu school where the instructors were vegan themselves. My instructors promoted the health benefits of a plant based diet. I remembered that one of them was talking to a fellow student, and they mentioned that 30% of cow's milk is legally allowed to be pus. That was the moment I knew I had to become vegan. It took me a few years to fully make the commitment, mostly because I was worried about what my family and friends would think of me. After moving back to NC, I then became an activist for the animals after learning what happens to animals in the industry.
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My Vegan Story :
Occupation: Vegan Writer For the Animals

After meditating on the suffering of the cows, I finally made the complete shift to Vegan. I thought I would miss cheese so much, but actually I have not missed it even one time. I am Vegan For the Animals, and writing for them as an author and blogger is my calling.

I just finished reading Vegan Voices and I am so inspired for the work ahead!!!

May all beings be free of suffering.
May all beings be happy!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I have been off and on vegan for years. Was vegetarian most my adult life and part of my teen years. I’ve completely committed to the vegan life today and proud to say there is no looking back. My life’s goal is to protect all the beautiful and innocent lives of every animal and to protect our beautiful planet. Vegan for life 🌱🌈💖
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
My husband Steve was going in for a full Right hip replacement, 11/2018. His Orthopedic Surgeon said he would soon be needing his Left hip done as well because it too was riddled with Arthritis.
My nutrition major prompted me to research what we could do nutritionally, it all kept turning up Whole Food Plant Based. We changed our Lifestyle to WFPB, February 1, 2019. Steve effortlessly dropped 40+lbs., has endless amounts of energy and his arthritis and bursitis have completely gone away. The pluses have been just as good for me too. We are avid bike riders and Pickle Ball enthusiasts. In fact on Steve’s 69th Birthday we had our fastest bike ride to date, 4.37minute per mile for 12 miles. This is a Lifestyle we embrace and would never go back!
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My Vegan Story :
!!!! Only vegan
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My Vegan Story :
Nothing special
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My Vegan Story :
Interested in sustainability through the vegan culture and market.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I have been a vegan as long as I can remember. A "blacksheep" of the family, picky, difficult, etc.
The thought of eating animals flesh was always gross to me.
It hasn't been easy.
But now in my mid 50's and with all my families health problems, and I have zero health problems, it has paid off to be so stubborn.
I was so happy when I found the book The China Study because it gave evidence to prove a plant based diet is the best for everyone and our planet. I love Dr. Greger's book, How Not To Die, and I've learned new science that I didn't know before.
Thanks so much for letting me share my short story.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Browse our wide range of pizzas, pastas, salads, Gelati and desserts to satisfy any hunger. Arrivederci are the leaders in being Brisbane’s no.1
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I heard about Dr. Gregor and his grandmothers amazing story about going plant based and not only getting herself out of a wheel chair, beating death, but she was walking ten miles a day from eating plant based for about a month. After diving in, I watched documentaries and podcasts, and audio books. I am also a huge animal lover and I felt like a hypocrite most of my life eating meat/dairy/etc knowing where it came from. Educating myself and taking off the blinders really helped me take the leap and now I am focused on trying to eat healthier and help support others to make the change.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
My wife and I became vegan after watching Vegucated on Netflix. We woke up the next morning, cleared out our fridge and pantry, and haven't looked back.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
My wife decided to go vegan at the beginning of 2013. I decided to try it for a month and after three weeks I knew I was going to stick with it. I work in wine and grocery retail which is largely non-vegan. The sooner I can get into the vegan economy the better.
I have Master's Degrees in Library & Information Science (University of South Carolina) and Communications (College of Charleston). I worked as a Public Librarian for seven years and as an Adjunct Community College Instructor for three and 1/2 years.

We currently live in Western North Carolina.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
After my wife went vegan, I decided to try it for a month so I would better understand the decisions she would have to make at grocery stores & restaurants, how she would have to prepare meals, etc. After three weeks I knew I would stay with it. I spent some time a few years ago trying to learn web development and built a vegan web site as my practice project. I got more involved in animal agriculture, climate issues, etc. through that.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I watched “What the Health” with my wife and we decided to become vegan to be more healthy.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Been vegan for two years!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Sprouts Cafe