Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Tenho 33 anos, nasci no Brasil e quando não estava muito satisfeita no meu curso universitário no Brasil, decidi visitar o Canadá - isso foi há 13 anos e desde então me tornei cidadã canadense.

Minha jornada veg começou aos 13 anos, quando li num zine, num show alternativo de punk rock, que mais de 90% das florestas são desmatadas por causa da “agricultura animal”.

Meses depois (1999), deixei de comer animais, também inspirada por uma nova amiga vegetariana na escola.

15 anos mais tarde, comecei a procurar grupos online de pessoas veg. Num evento, contando como eu era ovolacto pra uma moça, ela me perguntou “por que não é vegan?” - Eu não tive resposta e naquele momento já soube que queria ser vegana. Pesquisei, mudei hábitos alimentares e outros, assisti documentários e eventualmente vi um post no Instagram sobre uma vigília, evento da organização The Save Movement pelos direitos dos animais.
A partir daí, fui me envolvendo mais e mais no ativismo, até após 1 ano resolver sair do meu trabalho corporativo de 9 anos, me desfazer do meu apartamento e carro e viajar pra deixar de participar daquela rotina sistêmica e passar mais tempo com a família e vivendo a vida.
Minhas participação e organização de eventos ativistas enquanto fazia o mochilão não foram despercebidas. Falar português e espanhol também foram fatores pra uma das organizações que mais admiro me convidar pra turnês pela América Latina pra abrir mais grupos, atender VegFests e organizar vigílias, oferecer palestras e expandir o movimento pelos direitos dos animais nos países de língua portuguesa e inglesa.

Desde então, viajei por 20 cidades de 12 países exclusivamente pelo projeto #SaveLatino, abrindo novos grupos e não só organizando vigílias e palestras, mas também participando e (co)organizando eventos de conscientização, reuniões, Cubos da Verdade (Anonymous for the Voiceless), interrupções (DxE Direct Action Everywhere), resgates, investigações em matadouros, fazendas e feiras onde animais são usados e mortos.
Fora as ações de rua e o ativismo diretamente relacionado à causa animal, também participo ou apoio e tenho interesse em movimentos em prol do meio-ambiente, da população indígena, de imigrantes, moradores de rua, LGBTQ, saúde física e mental, e outros que lutam por um mundo mais justo e compassivo.

Mais recentemente, tenho aberto as portas da minha casa pelo AirBnB, onde posso conhecer e compartilhar experiências e informações com pessoas do mundo todo sem sair de casa. Também tenho pesquisado sobre o desperdício de alimentos fazendo o Dumpster Diving, onde temos a oportunidade de oferecer alternativas àqueles que não têm dinheiro pra se alimentar.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
in the back of my mind I always knew it was the right thing to do, however due to laziness, lack of compassion, etc. I never put my mind to actually study what being a vegan really meant till I watched Cowspiracy and my mind went "ARE U KIDDING ME" nonetheless once again I fool myself cause I was still eating eggs once a month... this went on for about 6 months till I did the work and found out that free range eggs suck for the environment and they damage the animals too...
I am so happy with the decision of turning vegan I honestly could never go back to eat any animal products, I don't miss them at all and even if it sounds corny I do feel more love to our nature and happiness...
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Will share later
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My Vegan Story :
I changed to a whole foods plant based diet for health reasons. Discovered the environmental benefits which strengthen my resolve.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I just became vegan in mid-July 2022. I have been mostly vegetarian since my twins were born 30 years ago. My husband has been vegan since 2011. I resisted because I didn’t really think I was causing harm. However, the more I’ve learned, the more I realized my culpability in animal suffering. So now, I am a joyful vegan (seriously whole food plant based) and I feel much more energetic and healthy. I am 67 years old and can’t imagine switching back. I’m vegan for life. BTW, your videos are fascinating and very informative. Keep ‘em coming!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Vegan chef. Opening Charlottes first all vegan restaurant 2009 specializing in pop ups, meal planning, festivals and events.
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My Vegan Story :
Currently studying to be a Registered Dietitian. I became vegan when I came across the vast literature of how plant based diets improve disease risk and reverse Cardiovascular disease
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My Vegan Story :
I became vegan back in the day due to the health benefits, but along the way I also found my true soul in the love for all animals!
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My Vegan Story :
I tried veganuary and carried on from there. I love animals, I wanted to get healthy and that turned into environmental impacts and becoming a more sustainable consumer.
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My Vegan Story :
I had been teaching nutrition to nursing students for years and thought I knew what was the most healthy diet until a friend gave me "The China Study". It changed my whole food and teaching philosophy.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I became vegan 35 years ago after I found out what happened to dairy cows. I also lost my heart disease, my cancer, my obesity, and my pre diabetes by eating a whole food plant exclusive diet. Now I teach Food for Life Nutrition and Cooking Classes under Dr. Neal Barnard. I mostly teach Cancer Survival and Prevention and Reversing Diabetes. I have a 30 Day Vegan Health Watch Program under my business, VeganMentor. I founded Sacramento Vegan Society with over 5,000 members.I am an avid animal rights activist and I created Sacramento Animal Rights Group and Sacramento Animal Save. I work with PETA and DXE.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I became a vegetarian in 1972 because I didn't want animals to be hurt. I didn't know how much dairy and egg industry hurt animals until about 6 years ago, in 2013. it still took me another year to go vegan. At the Comicon in San Diego, I was offered a dollar to watch a video which ended up being about how animals, including chickens and cows who produce eggs and milk, suffered so much. I went vegan on the spot. about 3 years ago, I decided I wanted to get involved in the animal rights movement, and now I am working with Vegan World 2026 to create a vegan world by 2026!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I was off & on vegetarian most of my adult life but it wasn't until I discovered the dairy industry that I become vegan overnight. I am a mother so Veganism was a simple choice for me. I am vegan for love.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
My wife and I tiurned 67 in 2021. We both suffered from chronic joint pain and arthritis. I have high blood pressure controlled by meds. My wife has high cholestrol. We were both about overweight. We began researching whole food plant based eating and went fully whole food plant based diet on 14 Feb 2021. The change has been dramatic and many of the chronic physical problems we were experiencing have totally corrected or dramatically improved. We are getting better at the WFPB diet everuy day and will never go back to the western diet that was destroyoing our bodies.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Heavenly Organics Skin Care founder, Mary-Anne created the business after she embraced an organic, vegan lifestyle and desperately struggled to find skincare that met both her ethical & skin’s requirements. Finding that so many products were laden with unnecessary and unpronounceable chemicals, Mary-Anne decided to make her own, just using a few, simple organic and natural ingredients. Friends began to use her skincare and the feedback was so overwhelmingly positive that a new enterprise began. Fast forward to 2019 and still true to its founding beliefs, there are now over 100 products.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Raised veggie, now vegan
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My Vegan Story :
I was all set to retire when I tasted the Uncle Harry's Vegan Grill Natraburger. It was so amazing I bought the business.
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My Vegan Story :
I am for 5 years vegan. In live in the Netherlands
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My Vegan Story :
I had come across a group named 'vegans united' on facebook. There are came to know about Horrors of Dairy Industry. I started doing my own research and found out that being a vegan is a moral baseline. That's how I became a vegan
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My Vegan Story :
nothing to share right now
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My Vegan Story :
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I needed a lifestyle change to combat chronic illness
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My Vegan Story :
I became whole food plant based for my health.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I originally became vegan to decrease animal cruelty. However, I've since learned of the incredible health benefits from a vegan lifestyle along with the substantial decrease in one's carbon footprint.
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My Vegan Story :
I feel like I have been constantly fought by my body over the years. . I can’t lose weight. I tried and failed a few times in 2020 to go WFPB, being increasingly convinced it is the best way to health. I have parents who have had heart disease and cancer, so I am very motivated to follow this lifestyle.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I'd been vegetarian since 1999, but when I realized that the dairy and egg industries are just as cruel (perhaps even more cruel) as the meat industry I went vegan. I've been involved in animal rights and climate activism since the end of 2018 and urge every vegan to become an activist making activists too!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Vegan food is great!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I'm not vegan but I enjoy learning new ways to cook.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
After watching a report on racehorse slaughter, I realized that the slaughter of any animal is wrong so I became vegan on the spot.
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My Vegan Story :
I watched animals suffering and realised how wrong it was to not oppose such cruelty
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My Vegan Story :
For many years I went back and forth between two lifestyles: vegetarian and vegan. In 2010, I Became 100% With no desire to ever eat animal or animal by products.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
For many years, I went back and forth between vegetarianism and vegan lifestyle. In 2010, I became a strict vegan.
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My Vegan Story :
i became vegan for the health benifits and became passionate after learning about the horrors of animal curelty
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My Vegan Story :
Vegetarian for 4 years, transitioning to vegan. Feeling better every day
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I've been a vegetarian since age 16 + a vegan since age 18. Choosing not to eat animals has been a decision that has shaped my life + is one for which I am most proud. In my financial planning practice I work almost exclusively with vegetarians.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I was a vegetarian for 7+ years before I found out about the horrors of dairy, eggs, and honey.

Once I found out about these industries, I became vegan and an activist.
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My Vegan Story :
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
My vegan story is long and drawnout and ups and downs. Jeff made a great video about it.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Everyone could be vegan
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I have been a vegan, vegetarian, raw.
So I am just coming back
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My Vegan Story :
Became a vegan when I realized the leading cause of environmental destruction is animal agriculture.
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My Vegan Story :
I decided to go vegan due to my acne. I thought taking out animal products from my diet would heal my skin, and it did! But as I got more involved with the vegan community, I realized I only cared about the animals. I would never not be vegan because I want to save every animal from the fate of the plate.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
A friend recommended it and I tried it
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
After being diagnosed with Lyme disease, I sought out a low-inflammation diet to support my gut health. I watched “Forks Over Knives” and “What The Health” and went vegan overnight. It’s almost as if something clicked for me because now I cannot fathom living any other way. I wish I had truly known about veganism sooner.
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My Vegan Story :
My last hospital bill was over half a million dollars. I watched "What the Health" on Netflix, went vegan and my only regret is not doing it sooner.
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My Vegan Story :
I'm a professional vegan chef 30yrs and motivational coach/speaker. I created the 1st plantbased meals service call Veg-In-Out in 1992 and the 1st plantbased craft services call Healthy Hollywood 2013. I currently promote positivity with love Strong USA. We spread love and unity by posting motivational signs all across American ❤️.
Let's all work together to create a compassionate world with unity, equality and love.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Really want to reduce weight
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My Vegan Story :
I became vegan for health reasons
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My Vegan Story :
Hello, For me I just want to get healthier and happier. To have a positive impact in my life, the plant and those around me. To put an end to diseases which have ended the lives of my loved ones. People are like stained glass you can only see thier beauty in the darkness of there's alight within! Keeping my fire burning as I finish the fifties and head into retirement age.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Owner of ethicalWARES, a UK-based online vegan retailer.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I just could not ignore what my choices were doing to the planet and my health. I am a Registered Nutritionist who was ready for massive change ... and I want to help others do the same.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I am the Executive Director of the oldest faith-based vegan org in the U.S.,, founded in 1998 by the Mary T and Frank L Hoffman Family Foundation. My ethical vegan journey began in 2008 after watching Earthlings. It has been a remarkable journey where I've met so many other like-minded souls and veganism just keeps growing every year! So glad to be vegan.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Knowing that you’re buying a new Nissan that’s safe, reliable, fun to drive, and comes at a great price… that’s a good feeling. Getting a true Lifetime Warranty to fully protect your new vehicle… now, that’s even better!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I am a new vegan and I realize how important it is to get support from the community.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
My vegan story started in 2007 when I watched a screening of Earthlings. During the Q&A someone from the Vancouver Humane Society said that the best thing we can do to help the animals we'd just seen onscreen was to take meat out of our diets. I didn't do it 'cold turkey' but over the course of a few years I slowly focused on seafood and plant-based foods. I was able to let go of seafood in 2017 and when I found out I was sensitive to dairy (after taking a sensitivity test to get at the root of my digestive pains) in 2018, that was it.
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My Vegan Story :
This is the easiest way to share my story as it's been quite a journey!
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My Vegan Story :
Just seeing the need to fight off disease and lengthen my life.
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My Vegan Story :
I had several health conditions due to an unhealthy diet. I decided to go vegan health is improving.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I became vegan to lose weight and never looked back
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
As am an artist and painter of animals. My journey to veganism was slow but based in both the experience of painting the animals and bonding with them to their cause of wanting a happy free life, and learning more and more what happens to them. I couldn't close my eyes anymore and realized it was psychically damaging to me to take the energy to rationalize and try to ignore the plight of these animals I loved so much. My last thing was eggs, having replaced all other foods with plant based options. I was thinking what could possibly be wrong with a free range egg, but of course learned that term was misleading at best, and then learned the plight of male chicks, slaughtered as they are after hatching. so I dropped eggs, completing the idea that no suffering should happen for a moments pleasure. Now there are so many substitutes that there isn't EVEN the excuse of being denied a moments pleasure.
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Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Cured myself from Crohns disease through a whole foods plant based diet.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Went vegan in the summer of 2018. "What the health" documentary was the final push for me. Once I saw that my diet was not hurting just myself ( that, I could live with) , but poorly kept and inhumanely slaughtered animals ( I had told myself before I saw contrary evidence that there was no way the authorities would allow inhumane conditions), and also the planet....everything just clicked into place and made perfect sense to me. All in one instant. It was instantaneous. I became vegan overnight. Rid myself of rheumatoid arthritis symptoms along the way too.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I went vegan after learning the horrors of how animals are treated on factory farms and slaughterhouses.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Six years vegan!
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My Vegan Story :
Always loved veges and fruits-but loved cream and milk!!!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I used to be eat meat and animal products until 3 years ago when I took part at a book study. The book was A Plea for The Animals, by Matthieu Ricard. Since reading that book I became a vegan instantly and inspired my wife, parents and sister to to the same. Now I am an activist with different animal welfare organizations and own a services and media business focused on growing the vegan and cruelty-free market in Brazil.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Whole food plant based and toxic chemical free. Our family is healthier and happier than we have ever been! Want to help others do the same. 🙂
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I used to eat a lot of meat as I come from a very carnivorous country. I met my partner, who has been a vegetarian for most of her life. Cooking at home for both of us, I was tired of cooking two different meals. I stopped eating meat at home, I decided to eat only once or twice a week in a restaurant. One day she told me that she wanted to stop eating animal-based dairy products, I was getting more complicated in the kitchen since I had little experience in veganism. When I started to cook vegan, I found it very interesting how to substitute dairy products. One day I decided to eat vegan, at least try it, it has not cost me anything. I realized that I am passionate about vegan cooking, I hope to learn and practice as fast as possible to be able/try to work in a restaurant. Since I am a chef.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
After watching What the Health and Forks Over Knives, it was all just too much to ignore! Lost 40 pounds in 6 months without making myself crazy with calories and intensive gym workouts. It was a shockingly easy transition that I would never have imagined without first trying.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I am still working on becoming fully vegan but have been a vegetaran for many years
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I turned vegan because I finally watched a documentary called “Cowspiracy”. I had avoided this documentary and all the rest, because I was afraid of the truth. I pledge to be vegan as well as raise my two children vegan proudly, and I wish that soon the rest of my family will too.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Seeing my dog die made me realize the hypocrisy of the "foods" I was eating. Over the course of a year I was slowly phasing out animal products, learning about slaughterhouses and their absolute torturous practices with open eyes and ears. It finally got through to me for real this time and I was done for good. I wish I was born vegan, WFPB if I could've chosen 🙂
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I would like to loose weight, and be more healthy
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
After getting educated about the effects of animal food in our health, one day I decided to stop eating it. It has been 30 years already, I own a holistic healing center in Miami and I educate my clients and staff of the importance of not eating animals and they by-products.
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My Vegan Story :
My mother was diagnosed with Parkinson's 12 years ago. Her diagnosis led our family on a journey that has led us to the knowledge of what is really in our foods. I am currently transitioning my Husband and children.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
just trying to do what's feels right
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
5 years ago my physician said my cholesterol was too high and I must start taking Lipitor. I'm not a fan of taking medicine, especially on a permanent basis, but it was the side-affects that really scared me (get your liver checked every six months?????) I asked her if there was anything else I can do and the answer was "Change your parents." I did not like this answer and I did some research and found the suggestion that changing to a vegan diet would help. The biggest driver for me was the "China Study." I'm an engineer with a math minor, numbers speak to me and I know how you can lie with numbers. The staggering amount of participants in the study, the length, and the goals removed all my doubts.

I looked at other materials like "Forks over Knives" and such. As so, I got my blood work done, spent 3 weeks getting to a Vegan diet, was on a full Vegan diet for 2 weeks more, then got my blood work done.

Not surprising to anyone probably reading this, my bad cholesterol alone when from 186 to 90. Other numbers were very very good also. My physician was very pleased. It was at this point I asked her "Why didn't you suggest this?" and the answer "Noone will change there diet this drastically for health."

I was extremely happy with the results and made a life change to eating Vegan. I was also very upset about the fact my Physician didn't feel it was something I should know that a Vegan diet would help because I would want to eat my self to the grave.

Over the years I found another health route of problems... You cand still eat CRAP and be a Vegan. Just recently my health has started to slip, Colersteral is still good, but sugar is high, blood pressure is up, etc. Using information from Dr. Greger, and reading his two books, I've gone 100% Plat based (as much as possible) and implemented his programs. My last visit... excellent! Making huge strides in the issue areas.

This information needs to be pushed out to EVERYONE. We are killing ourselves one dollar at a time to Big Food/Drink/Meat/Dairy. This alone should be enough for us to wake up. The other benefits like saving our environment, the cruel treatment of animals, etc are huge too, however, most people may resonate with the "what's in it for me right now"
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I went vegetarian in 2009/10 in high school after being exposed to PETA's Meet Your Meat campaign, and then became vegan three years after to fully extend my circle of compassion.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Vegan since 1986
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My Vegan Story :
I was in a downward spiral of weight and depression when my first son was born. It wasn’t until my body stopped producing milk and I was unable to feed my son that I woke up and searched for how to make sure formula wouldn’t ruin my child. I knew if I wanted him to have optimal health, I needed to lead the way. I had no idea about animal cruelty or the planet until I started down this path and I have never looked back. Everyday I wake up and feel a sense of purpose to show my family a better world through a vegan lifestyle. I am 100 pounds lighter and my kids (two now) are always remarked at for their health. I am a happy mama!
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My Vegan Story :
As my interest for the environment grew, so did my desire to help in any way I could. This is also where the ethical side of veganism and my love of nature and especially animals came together and it just seemed hypocritical of me to claim loving animals when I knew how the meat on my plate had gotten there, with all the pain and suffering it entailed. It was time to stop. I was a strict vegan (no starches by the way) just raw and lightly cooked vegetables, nuts, seeds, some tofu and tempeh for 6 years. Then, for some reason, I felt I needed to be more grounded so started adding back in organic eggs and sometimes some animal flesh: for 18 months or so I would have a couple of eggs a week and perhaps 100 gr of chicken or fish and sometimes yogurt and cheese - always very small amounts and only on weekends. I ate a vegan diet during the week but could not claim to be a vegan anymore. And then it hit me again: how could I be eating animals and their byproducts again? I also came across some very good new documentaries and Podcasts about the whole food plant based way of eating and life and so the only choice for me was to revert back to complete veganism and am there to stay. I feel at peace with my food values once again and feel fantastic physically.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I abused drugs in my early twenties and nearly died from a drug overdose while I was suffering with suicidal depression. On March 15th, 1985, I quit smoking, quit drinking alcohol, quit doing drugs and quit eating all animal products in one day after someone helped me breakthrough my depression. I have been 100% Drug Free and Vegan for over 37yrs.
I created my company and called it Clean Machine to encourage others to keep their Machine (body) Clean (Drug Free & Vegan).

I created the first Natural (Drug Tested) Vegan Bodybuilding Competition in the world - The World Vegan Bodybuilding Championship.
I am proud to be a Natural Bodybuilding and Natural Physique Masters Champion.
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My Vegan Story :
We offer beautiful, high-quality vegan leather bags that make your life easier.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
After surviving bone cancer in 2009, I started making major changes to my lifestyle. One of the first things I did was drop beef from my diet. A little while later let go of pork. Then I gave up chicken and turkey, and finally fish. I was a vegetarian for a few years and loved it. But then I watched Cowspiracy and What the Health? and went vegan. I never forced my kids to go to vegan but it wasn't long before both of them stopped eating meat. My eldest has been vegan for 6 months. My younger one is a vegetarian but mostly eats what I do--a fully vegan and gluten-free diet. I feel great (and, yes, I'm still cancer-free)! I do my best to bring veganism into mainstream situations and conversations, at work and elsewhere.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I am a perfect example of fighting for some animals(animal activist) all my life and not knowing about my food until I was 47 and awakened. I became an animal activist after seeing a canned hunting event on tv when I was 20 and lost my mind at what I saw. This is before the internet so I found a group called CHARC and learned about many abuse's , but not the farming or our food(they are still going strong here in Chicago). It has been such a long journey and I have been an everyday activist since learning the truth, along with my 3 vegan daughters and wife. Happy to share my story that has struggles. I help open eyes everyday when I see an opening. Turned both my now 78 year old parents vegan as well. I used to help rescue Tibetans , but now only animals. I go to Slaughter houses (they are customers) and witness what they don't want us to see. I will not stop speaking up and fighting for the voiceless until my last breath. The guilt of not knowing sooner I feel doesn't leave. We must never give up!!! I have too much to discuss that would be a novel.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Being raised vegetarian and then choosing to remain vegetarian for ethical reasons was the foundation of my transition to veganism. I watched a few documentaries have always been very much clued up about environmental concerns and it was inevitable. I am also recently diagnosed with RA. Which means I need to adopt a more healthy vegan plant based diet. I am still in transition.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
I became Vegan because I believe in the ethical treatment of animals. I do not support using animals for food, clothing, or any other purpose, considering it a form of exploitation and cruelty. I then switched my career to work on similar values and ethos which gave birth to our plant-based vegan leather.
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My Vegan Story :
Started for health reason and preference.
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My Vegan Story :
Vegan for 7 years following new year's resolution.
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My Vegan Story :
My quest started as a young thirteen-year-old girl at boarding school. I came across a documentary which played with my emotional heartstrings. Earthlings. I’d seen enough.. I knew I had to make change - so I started with myself.

Fast forward to almost two decades later having adventured to over forty countries living, studying, volunteering and working in over five continents. I found the single most challenging element had been sourcing plant-based food. No more sacrificing food for travel with side portions and mediocre salads it was time for change. I had to recreate the joy of travel for my fellow vegans and vegetarians. With several years in the travel industry, I set about with my goal in mind and founded VOGO.

Now in 2020 VOGO is an eco-tour powerhouse with a roster of ethical, authentic travel experiences for vegans and vegetarians with a conscience delivering rustic experiences like plant-based Peruvian super foods cooked by a vegan chef within the depths of the Amazonian jungles to bush hikes and safaris in the plains of Ethiopia whilst feasting on veggies on the barbie. Meanwhile we ensure local people profit, avoid chain hotels and instead carefully select rustic homestays, boutique accommodation and eco-lodges all whilst we work on sustainable goals set by the United Nations.
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My Vegan Story :
Call me! 818-203-4736, email me
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My Vegan Story :
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
An elevated PSA and tumor on an MRI showed probable prostate cancer -- with family history and work exposure making it 99.9% sure. Later, rising blood pressure, Chest Pain and ischemia (cardiac blockage) added to the problem.

A Whole Foods Plant based diet, without oils, salts , or sugar, along with exercise and key supplements reduced the tumor size in half and the PSA returned to normal -- make it clinically insignificant. Additionally, my blood pressure imrpoved to a better than textbook figure, and my chest pain disappeared within four months. All other signs and symptoms went back to excellent status, and I can exercise vigorously for hours without feeling winded or uncomfortable in any way. In fact, I have since climbed difficult hills here in Colombia, and other symptoms associateted with a blocked prostate totally vanished -- returning to my 19 year-old self. Amazing!!! Total body blockage and inflammation have dissappeared over the course of three years.

I did not take any medications provided by one of America's top hospitals, and declined biopsies, surgeries and catherizations with possible stints, instead opting for a WFPBD with supplements and intermittent fasting. I am being monitored, and will re-do all the cardiac tests in one year for complete cardiac health validation.

I told the doctors that if my path did not work, I would follow standard of care. My WFPBD worked miraculously, and there's no need for a conventional medical path for chronic conditions. In fact, with what I experienced, I consider conventional medicine medieval for most chronic conditions -- It's all in what you eat. I asked my cardiologist at one of America's top hospitals what I should eat, and he didn't respond. With that, I asked him what he eats at home, and responded with the DASH diet, or the standard American diet in moderation. I declined the pathway to moderate heart disease, moderate cancer or moderate diabetes, and instead went with the WFPBD and am glad I did. No wonder the majority of cardiologists die of heart disease, and most doctors have a life span of 65 years.

Why don't the doctors follow a WFPBD? I am astounded with what I've uncovered over the past three years.
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Became vegan over night after binge watching documentaries and love every bit of being vegan!
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
Went vegan after watching Earthlings
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My Vegan Story :
Long term vegan, passionate about animal protection
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My Vegan Story :
For the animals
Vegan Since :
My Vegan Story :
After starting my education as an herbalist/natural healer I realize I needed to become vegan for my health.